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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I've lost all passion for this whole thing. Just looking forward to the guy continuing to tank, and the cretins that are all backing him beginning to panic when it's too late. I will actually derive a sick, twisted joy from seeing the whole thing erupt.


    We will lose to Leicester at home, and that will be the beginning. Their manager is no nonsense and he will have his team right up for that game.

  2. Cabaye man  :lol:


    What an absolute joke this is. These guys act surprised when they never play games at these silly clubs. If you aren't a major star don't go there.


    Wonder where he'll end up now.

  3. 5 minute flashes? Gouffran hasn't managed 5 minutes in 10 months.


    If we want to be challenging for the top 6-8 positions, which is where a club of our size should be, not scrapping with the likes of QPR and Burnley down at the bottom, neither Marveaux or Gouffran should be anywhere near our first XI.


    Not as supporting left backs, no.

  4. I mean the likes of Howe are the ones that should be getting a shot at better clubs, rather than these relics like Pardew, Warnock and Allardyce. It's absolutely ridiculous.

    I despise Warnock but he seems to be doing alright.


    West Ham have been excellent this season so far as well.


    Pardew was sacked by a League One club. I'll agree in that instance. However he did manage to get yourselves to 5th. Luck?


    These guys are all so uninspiring though, and you know what you will get from them for the most part. It's all very functional, and very much based on survival. All steeped in doing things the old way too. These guys are very averse to change or trying anything new, and will tell you it's all rubbish. Sad thing is they would likely benefit if they expanded their horizons some.


    Look at Allardyce! it took being threatened with the sack if he did not improve to finally getting him to do things a bit differently, and he's reaping the benefits now isn't he.

  5. Linked as Toure's replacement in Jan in the Daily Mail.


    I think they are in for a surprise if City intend to replace Toure with Tiote. Although I suspect it's just lazy journal(rac)ism: "scary black midfielder to replace another scary black midfielder".


    "scary black midfielder"  :lol:


    VI chill!

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