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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. They were ripping into San Marino on BBC radio, but it's since turned to disgust with England, as they've failed to score up to now.


    Think it's Waddle on BBC radio. My God this guy can moan  :lol:

  2. Varane, signed for €10 m

    Mathieu, signed for €20 m

    Mangala, signed for £32 m

    Koscielny, signed for £10 m

    Sakho, signed for £18 m






    Yanga-Mbiwa, available at a discounted price of £4 m. :lol:


    Don't worry he will move from Roma for a more comparable price. Rest assured.

  3. I love players like Zidane because the guy's footballing brain was just urgh! When you watch these types, they just run things, and make the right decisions with the ball. The team on the whole just functions a 100 times better because of their play.


    I don't really see that with someone like the current Ronaldo. The guy is very single minded, and accumulates some gaudy stats due to this. He is an immense talent for sure, but it's a different approach to the game I think.


    Not really the mindset of players like Zidane I don't think. I will always prefer the likes of Zidane though for sure.

  4. It's funny because I listen to an ESPN podcast for my NFL and NBA fix, and one of the journos was on there actually saying that one of the head coaches should be fired because he never wins playoff games. He was actually stating the guy should be flat out fired. No sugar coating.


    I mean it's not a big thing over there. There is a clear demarcation between journalists and managers/coaches. No one is going to suck up to you just to keep you onside. No chance.


    It's really depressing the way things work over here in that regard.



  5. We don't even buy mainly younger players. I mean why is he lying like this? It's disgusting.


    He's he claiming the likes of Anita, Cabaye, Cabella, Santon, Mapou, Sissoko etc are young players?! These guys were all internationals already.


    What's wrong with him?!

  6. I actually think something is wrong with Pardew. Some sort of personality disorder.


    Can't think of any younger players he has had to deal with or who have been massively successful. It's an outrageous claim really.

  7. http://www.themag.co.uk/the-mag-articles/alan-pardew-claims-massive-success-turning-youth-fantastic-players/


    “Our policy here has always been the same since I have been at the club, we’ve bought players who we think have good market value and that means mainly the younger players.


    “I have had to deal with younger players and some have been massively successful and some haven’t. At the moment we are not having as much success as we’ve had.


    “We have produced some fantastic players for this club and we need to start producing a few more.


    “I didn’t think we were strong enough in the last part of the season and that has been held against me that I have been making excuses, I just felt though that we needed more and we didn’t have it after the loss of Cabaye.”


  8. I watch the team, and can't believe we will ever win another game. Even the draws that supposedly have the team on a high, were flukes. These are games we got dominated in. I am genuinely shocked everytime we score a goal we look that bad as a team.


    Swansea and Hull should be absolutely humiliated that they couldn't beat us. It's ridiculous. They are both pretty placid teams though. Any team with a bit of fire does us in completely. Think Leicester will beat us.

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