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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Anyway ... it's looking as though Emenike will join Chelsea, so yet another top Nigerian player for Mourinho to castrate. Great.


    woah!  is he any good?  surely not at chelsea's level anyway


    They'll no doubt have him as a bench scrub. He'll do better than Torres and Eto'o did last year though. I can see why Mourinho would like him because he's very competitive and physical. So he'll suit the more direct Chelsea approach.


    wonder what he doesn't see in ba, ba has the same attributes and imo looks 10x the finisher this nigerian lad seems


    It'll probably be Costa, Ba and Emenike. I imagine he wants three options for that central striker role. Torres and Eto'o are done.


  2. Allow the Southampton pity please. They have appointed a manager that is at least 10 times better than ours, and are getting disgusting amounts of money for these players they are selling. They will invest a lot of it, and so will have the opportunity to do as well as last season, and even better.



  3. Anyway ... it's looking as though Emenike will join Chelsea, so yet another top Nigerian player for Mourinho to castrate. Great.


    woah!  is he any good?  surely not at chelsea's level anyway


    They'll no doubt have him as a bench scrub. He'll do better than Torres and Eto'o did last year though. I can see why Mourinho would like him because he's very competitive and physical. So he'll suit the more direct Chelsea approach.

  4. Nah, Lallana comes across really well. Cool dude. Should have played more at the World Cup IMO. Got a great temperament.


    Liverpool having all the fun in the window. Sickening.


    Anyway ... it's looking as though Emenike will join Chelsea, so yet another top Nigerian player for Mourinho to castrate. Great.


  5. United and Hamburg have been in a two-way tussle for the signature of Germany under-21 striker Lassoga all summer, with Newcastle having met Lassoga’s mother Kerstin earlier in the summer.






    This our new strategy then? Get player's mums to brow beat them into joining?


    When will this disgrace end.

  6. It's one thing to sell Debuchy, okay, but quite another to get Jenkinson in on loan as the replacement. I like Jenkinson, but not as a replacement to start every week. That would be just criminal.

  7. http://www.101greatgoals.com/blog/scamming-godfather-predicted-cameroon-0-croatia-4-and-cameroon-sending-off-alex-song-saw-red-der-spiegel/


    Many observers of Alex Song’s preposterous red card for elbowing Mario Mandzukic during Cameroon’s 0-4 defeat to Croatia labeled it as the weirdest, and most unnecessary foul they’d ever seen.


    And there may have been more to it that met the eye.


    Convicted Singaporean Match-fixing ‘Godfather’, Wilson Raj Perumal, has told German paper Der Spiegel online that the game in question was fixed – and he’d called the outcome before kick-off.


    According to Der Spiegel, a few hours before the game began, Perumal wrote in a Facebook message that Cameroon would lose the game 0-4, and that in the first half, one of their players would get sent off.


    Alex Song was sent off for an elbow to Mandzukic in the 40th minute.


    Perumal- who’s served several prison sentences for match-fixing, and has even written memoirs on his scamming days – told Der Spiegel that there are ‘seven ‘bad apples’ in the Cameroon team, who conspired to fix all three of Cameroon’s games.


    Words fail me. Hope they ban them from the World Cup in future if this is found to be true.

  8. We've got a bunch of players we cannot shift, who our so called manager is completely incapable of making any use of, and so I just cannot see us signing players on top of these ones, due to the wage structure. Bodes very well for next season. Can't wait.

  9. Every other group of players gets paid on time, but the Nigerians simply ask for what they agreed to (and what every other team promptly receives) from an FA that has been proven to be corrupt on multiple occasions and they are MERCENARIES! Keshi went several months without pay, ffs, while the leaders of the FA become fat rich men. Don't fool yourself.


    Every single team in the tournament is paying it's players. It is a wild coincidence that the only teams having problems with this agreement are the ones that ALWAYS have problems with this agreement.



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