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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. £11m for McCormack who is only proven in the Championship


    Remy is available for £8m this summer.


    We've just signed the captain of Ajax for just over half of that £11m fee.


    That is really disturbing.

  2. Mapou handed in a request, and is left rotting in the reserves. -__-


    Haven't even been back a day and players are already being made to train with the reserves  :lol:


    Nice to see we're starting off on the right foot. I really hope this is a sick joke.


    Pretty sure he was in the pictures from training with all the others.


    Tbh the pictures all look like reserves, although I suspect that's our squad now.


    Um ... Yeah  :lol:


    That's our team as things stand!

  3. Mapou handed in a request, and is left rotting in the reserves. -__-


    Haven't even been back a day and players are already being made to train with the reserves  :lol:


    Nice to see we're starting off on the right foot. I really hope this is a sick joke.


    Pretty sure he was in the pictures from training with all the others.

  4. Riviere from Monaco linked in the Mail.


    Man, this guy has potential. Have only seen him a few times, but my God he is an explosive player. Quick, strong and athletic.


    What price is he supposed to be available at ?


    No idea, think I read 5 - 7 million earlier in the summer. It's Monaco though, and they don't really need the money. They're just clearing space for more big names.


    We could really do with more speed and athleticism upfront, as we really lack it badly right now.

  5. I don't even know what position he plays. Is he a winger? left or right?


    Transfermarket says AM first, winger secondary



    For the most part that website is spot on


    Another 3 in 1 player like De Jong then. Craftily economic :thup:


    EDIT: Just seen on that website comparable players: Siem De Jong :lol:







    Well now we know who our scout is. It's Transfermrkt!


    Interesting that Grenier features on the list of comparable players too!

  6. Remember that long, frustrating summer spent tracking Debuchy’s movements? Mike Ashley had needed to be convinced by Graham Carr and Derek Llambias of the sell-on value of a 26-year-old who would be given a five-year contract. Eventually he relented.




    Interesting, explains why it took so long to get him, and we wouldn't pay a penny more. Also explains why we are so quick to sell. Big Mike has to be the tightest person walking this Earth. My goodness.

  7. zero makes a fair point which will not be lost on our overlord, doesn't seem as if anyone else seems keen to take the lad at the stage so guaranteed we'll sit on this one hoping their president breaks near the end of the window


    usually works well for us, good times


    Oh stop complaining! There's always January, and then the summer after that too.

  8. Liverpool are going a bit mental with the cashbook, but tbh I think Suarez's worth to them is more valuable than all their signings/proposed signings. They really needed someone like Sanchez to make this worthwhile IMO.


    Yeah, really strange that they felt they could splurge £9 million on a player they will be loaning back to Lille also!


    If they had landed Sanchez as part of the deal, I would have had them as winning that deal.


    They're going to need a stud striker to replace Suarez for sure.

  9. Man, seems like the club couldn't wait to jump on this.


    Move a 29 year old Debuchy for a profit, and replace with a younger rb whose contract is up in a year, and can therefore be had for cheap.


    They must have been ecstatic.


    Well it seems he's a decent player so can't complain. He's also pretty tall, which will hopefully help our woeful set pieces.


    Another to add to the Dutch contingent too, and I do like a Dutch player.

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