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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Why is there a continued mixing up of Euros and Pounds with all of these papers. It's quite incredible.


    Anyway, pretty sure we'll sign this guy now, which is pretty cool. Still need to get an out and out striker soon. Bit worrying that since Lassoga, we haven't been linked with anyone else. Don't really see Lacazette as a lone front man with De jong playing off him.

  2. The Spectator's View ‏@thespectoview 3 mins


    Transfers: Sources in France have indicated that Montpelier have accepted an offer from Newcastle United for @RemyCabella10


    No doubt bollocks but we are about to get the Debuchy money...



  3. This c*** needs hell from day one this season. The only thing we can achieve as a club is to get rid of him.


    If we have a poor showing even in just the first game, I really think people will flip.


    we will have a poor showing considering who we're playing lets face it, but he'll get a pass imo for probably 3-5 home games and then it'll turn if there's a bad defeat again


    I reckon he'll get if from game one - carrying on where we left off v. Cardiff.


    I agree. Everyone is fed up, and they are more likely to continue where they left off if we start off a brand new season looking as horrendous as we did last time around.

  4. SSN: Wet Spam bid £12m for Konoplyanka. Sovereign State of porn.


    Is he the one that Liverpool almost bought in January?


    Mental that Fat Sam is actually taking on board what the owners told him.


    Fat Sam trying to get a few new technical players to play passing football in and amongst the meathead brutes.


    I'm hoping it's car crash TV.






  5. Italian press saying we've bid for Mauricio Isla?


    I'd love that. We need a Chilean ASAP.


    killed me what flip said after brazil played them about facing a load of chilean miners with tattoo's up their necks :lol:


    agree, chileans please




    I love the way they play man. I'd be over the moon.


    Get the Chilean manager in as well and then we'd really be talking..


    God, if only ...

  6. Can we please get linked to a striker now? What is going on?!


    To be fair its pretty obvious who we want, Lacazette from Lyon. Will probably spend till August 30th monitoring him and then be linked to garbage for a day or so.


    About as close to a Remy replacement I can think of - given he can economically play in more than position such is our want these days so we can have a smaller squad.




    Yeah, he's pretty similar. Do you know who would be even better though? Aubameyang.


    Really hope the reports of him being made available this summer are true. And I pray to God we are doing everything to sign him.




  7. Italian press saying we've bid for Mauricio Isla?


    I'd love that. We need a Chilean ASAP.


    killed me what flip said after brazil played them about facing a load of chilean miners with tattoo's up their necks :lol:


    agree, chileans please




    I love the way they play man. I'd be over the moon.

  8. This c*** needs hell from day one this season. The only thing we can achieve as a club is to get rid of him.


    If we have a poor showing even in just the first game, I really think people will flip.

  9. Pah! Could have got McCormack with that money instead  :)


    Fat Sam is definitely going to be the first to get fired tis season.


    He will never get the best out of the likes of this guy and Zarate.


    Should be quite comical.

  10. Can we please get linked to a striker now? What is going on?!


    World cup still on, we cant sign any forwards until this has completed.


    And then the commonwealth games of course, need to wait until that's done




    If Pardew uses that one. I'll break his head myself.

  11. Does it matter? We shop in different windows and Fulham willing to pay the on-going rate while we keep to 1994 fees doesn't mean they are crazy.


    I don't see the correlation between how we shop and the fee for McCormack. £11m for a championship striker is nuts.


    Remy's original fee was £8m was it not, and hence why he wanted to be able to leave for the same amount if QPR got relegated.


    I'm guessing you would have been horrified if we spent £11m on McCormack, and rightly so. When we were linked people were talking about £5m at the most, or they'd be pissed!


    Liverpool have just spent £10 million on a 19 year old with a ton of potential, who was already scoring goals at the top level in France. The Lassoga guy who was already scoring goals in the top level in Germany, at 22, has gone for £8m.


    Something is wrong somewhere.



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