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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. s****. Liverpool are going for it aren't they.


    They were always going to once they made the Champions League, and even if they hadn't they probably would have still spent big. That new owner has been backing them heavily.

  2. Definitely, the guy's reputation has been destroyed, and I'm sick of people saying he can't play in this league. It's bollocks. I want to see him do well in the prem.


    It will be a case of what could have been for us, but we'll just have to get over it. We're never going to keep him anyway, so either way we've completely messed up the whole situation. hopefully we manage to get some more talent in that will make up for it somehow.

  3. It's an incredible amount of money, but the kid is only 18, and has looked extremely good. It's ultimately a lot more sensible than the £18 million they were going to spend on a 29 year old Leighton Baines last summer. You also have to take into the account that he is Southampton middle class don't forget.


    Ultimately, the real shame is that the price of English talent continues to spiral so crazily out of control. In reality, this is the real hindrance to more English players being given chances at the top level. For example, the kid at Derby, looks a fantastic prospect, but how much would you be quoted getting him from the championship? At least £10 million I would imagine! It's a mess.

  4. Roy is doing the right thing taking the young bucks, and if he's going to take any older heads Gerrard and Lampard are the most professional of the lot, so good move there too.



  5. Lee Ryder ‏@lee_ryder  31s

    Also asked him if he was "grateful" to Mike Ashley for sticking with him, walked out room! #nufc #lfc


    Rattled marra. He's gone.


    walked out of the room.  :lol: :lol:


    No balls man, what a great leader he must be.

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