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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. What an amazing tactic playing completely for the 0-0 in the first leg was. Masterful, nobody else could have done that. Brilliant result. Worked out great. :thup: :thup: :thup:




    Really didn't understand all the praise for that result. Left them vulnerable to getting done by away goals, especially as Atletico are good going forward.


    Especially as they are brilliant at protecting any type of lead. The second they went ahead they shut the game down.


    True. They've defended brilliantly.

  2. Why exactly did Chelsea ditch Ancelotti again?


    Because he won them their only PL/FA Cup double in their history in his first season and finished 2nd the season after. FIRED.


    That's mad. Genuinely couldn't remember him struggling at any point.

  3. What an amazing tactic playing completely for the 0-0 in the first leg was. Masterful, nobody else could have done that. Brilliant result. Worked out great. :thup: :thup: :thup:




    Really didn't understand all the praise for that result. Left them vulnerable to getting done by away goals, especially as Atletico are good going forward.

  4. I really like the younger English Managers in the lower leagues. Their knowledge of players from outside of England is what would be the main worry, but then if it's just left to Carr to get the talent in, then it could well work for sure.

  5. Cristiano Ronaldo:


    ''Ancelotti deserves all the credit. He has changed everything. He has changed the mentality of the players.''




    As if the manager has anything to do with it. They've got Ronaldo and Bale. End of.


    Disagree he has changed a few things, one of the biggest changes is Di Maria in the middle which has been a godsend for them.


    Bale for all his numbers until the Barca cup final hadn't really impacted a big game to any meaningful level, its a bit short sighted to say " they have Ronaldo and Bale".






    Mole give me some credit! I know!


    I was mocking the whole manager is blameless movement we're seeing from a lot of Newcastle fans on Twitter etc.


    Interesting that even the best player in the world feels the manager makes a difference.


    Thanks for thinking so little of me Mole. Very flattering.

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