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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Please take note of how Hull have completely neutralized Swansea's play while going with two upfront!


    I would if that was true. It's been pretty even.


    Yeah, that's what I mean! We on the other hand switched out of our 4-4-2 because they were supposedly dominating us, and ironically it didn't make a bit of difference.

  2. Man Utd are a team built to play attacking football, and what do they do? They hire a dogged, dour, grind it out manager to lead them, without allowing him to bring in a bunch of workman like types, particularly in midfield. What the hell did they think was going to happen.


    Yes, it's not the strongest Man U side we've seen in a while, but I'm not buying this business of them being this poor all of a sudden. A lot of it is down to Moyes approach imo.


    They have been struggling to create and score goals all season. This is not a coincidence.



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