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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. The quote from Allardyce reeks of bitterness, and has undertones of his typical British vs foreign managers craic.


    Moyes did good things at Everton, but in another ten years he would never have got what Martinez is getting out of the team.



  2. Sam Allardyce on Martinez  :lol:


    What Moyes has sown, Martinez reaps


    I’m not the only one who has come in for a bit of flak recently. Manchester United’s David Moyes has also been questioned and criticised while his former club, Everton, have been doing particularly well.


    All I would say on that issue is that Roberto Martinez is not only reaping the rewards of a decade of good work by David Moyes, he has had the added bonus of picking  up two loan players of the highest quality, Romelu Lukaku from Chelsea and Gareth Barry from Manchester City.

  3. It shows how rubbish Moyes is.


    Liverpool still going to win the league?  :hunter:


    I said they would compete for the league, and definitely finish top 4. I still stand by that.


    I said Moyes would bomb and would definitely not finish top 4, and I would be surprised if he manages Europe period. I still stand by that too.


    As far as I can see, Liverpool are second in the league and Man U are sitting in 9th and are 5pts off a European spot. I'm still in with a shout on both points.


    The jokes on you buddy. Guffaw.



  4. Rubbish, is harsh, but definitely limited.


    Basically, I wouldn't have Moyes manage a team of largely attack minded players.


    He's going to have to change the squad a fair bit to have any success.

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