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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Clint Hill in my fantasy team wasn't the greatest move....


    I want you to read that sentence aloud and realise how preposterous it sounds. You get to craft a fantasy team, and you choose include Clint Hill in said team.


    His post floored me as well  :lol:



  2. So Simpson is back in the team ... this is just incredible.


    I could really slaughter that McManaman guy right now. Huge implications to that stupid tackle.


    Danny friggin Simpson. Unreal.

  3. Players in the England squad will f***ing hate him I'd bet :lol:


    Probably get took out in training.


    We know how he is as Geordie all action hero, imagine him as International all action hero :lol:




    Seen a bit of it for the under 21s already.


    The one footed penalty in the shootout against Holland was it?


    After which he leapt up in celebration only to land on the damaged foot  :lol:


    Dude is a clown man. So silly.


    Looking for a video of that, found this instead. Steven Taylor best backpass ever vs Spurs on Youtube. Forgot all about that :lol:


    That the one where he literally goes on all fours to head it back to the goalie? Think I remember something like that. Funny guy man  :lol:

  4. To think he was signed ahead of Nicolas Anelka, who was the striker Souness initially wanted. I remember being not as thrilled about it too, especially with all those intial claims he only wanted to join on loan.


    Thought Anelka would have been a far better signing. He of course went on to be brilliant for Bolton instead.


    Imagine if we had signed Anelka and Boa Morte who Souness had initially targetted, but instead got Owen and Luque. Urgh.


    Again, hindsight is 20/20, but Luque was brilliant at the time too.


    That whole Luque period was such a depressing time.


    Exploded his hamstring early on, and that was pretty much it for the guy.

  5. Players in the England squad will f***ing hate him I'd bet :lol:


    Probably get took out in training.


    We know how he is as Geordie all action hero, imagine him as International all action hero :lol:




    Seen a bit of it for the under 21s already.


    The one footed penalty in the shootout against Holland was it?


    After which he leapt up in celebration only to land on the damaged foot  :lol:


    Dude is a clown man. So silly.

  6. To think he was signed ahead of Nicolas Anelka, who was the striker Souness initially wanted. I remember being not as thrilled about it too, especially with all those intial claims he only wanted to join on loan.


    Thought Anelka would have been a far better signing. He of course went on to be brilliant for Bolton instead.


    Imagine if we had signed Anelka and Boa Morte who Souness had initially targetted, but instead got Owen and Luque. Urgh.

  7. This guy is an embarrassment, really is.


    Copuld have dropped down to the championship and joined a Brighton or Cardiff, and probably done really well in that type of team. Maybe even Wigan in the prem.


    Instead for some incomprehensible reason joins Stoke, where everyone knew he'd never get a game, because Pulis literally doesn't know what to do with players under 6 foot 2.


    What an absolute farce.


    This is just laughable, honestly is ...  :lol:


    This Whelan guy is actually senile.


    How a grown man can be so fucking stupid is just beyond me.


    To read those articles, and then consider the fact he is claiming McManaman's challenge was a fair one, in which he got the ball, is just beyond human comprehension.


    I'm completely dumbfounded.


    I've completely lost all respect for Whelan. What a cretin.

  9. Isn't it clear by now that Pardew thinks very little of Anita?


    Doesn't start him with Cabaye out, but opts for Jonas in the centre instead, and then when Jonas moves to full back, he's brought on Perch.


    This is bordering on a complete hatred of the guy.

  10. Few blokes who sit behind me at the match hate this bloke like, constantly going on saying he's s**** and was just a panic buy. Quite staggering to be honest. They were overjoyed when he was taken off yesterday.


    Tell them that I said that they're idiots.




    Just reading Magpie's post again. It's so ludicrous it's untrue.


    So it's not even that they don't rate him. They actually hate the guy.


    There are people out there who can actually go to watch a Newcastle game, and see the performances Gouffran has had, and come away hating him as a player.


    What a world we live in.

  11. Few blokes who sit behind me at the match hate this bloke like, constantly going on saying he's s**** and was just a panic buy. Quite staggering to be honest. They were overjoyed when he was taken off yesterday.


    These are people who are actually watchign the games live too. I just can't believe this sort of thing when I read it.


    This guy has made such a huge difference to the team.


    No offence to your friends, but I can only conclude they are mentally deranged.


    Some people are just simpletons and will judge anyone who is labelled a striker in some sense, by how many goals they score, and I can only assume that's what this is about.


    Panic buy my arse ... I mean my God, the guy cost about a million pounds for goodness sake!


    They're certainly not my friends but like I say their banter's usually spot on (slate Ameobi/Pardew etc) however they all (4 or 5 of them) seem to hate Gouffran.


    Mind you Tiote also felt their wrath yesterday however that was probably more deserved.


    I'm a fan of Tiote, but he honestly deserved all the flak in the world for that tackle yesterday.


    It was so ridiculous I actually erupted into laughter when it happened. Lost for words on that one. Just mental.


    But yeah, slating Gouffran just doesn't make sense on any level whatsoever. Maybe they just can't get past his slight physical resemblance to Obertan.

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