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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. No way this guy is starting after he gave away th eball for the third goal.


    Noticed Pardew mentioned the team giving away the ball for that goa in his post match interview.


    He'll definitely hold it against him for sure.

  2. Who is Brown Ideye and is he any good? Never heard of him  ???


    My fellow countryman. Good player.


    Tore it up in France before foolishly moving to Ukraine, which annoyed me.


    Anyway I could well believe we're interested after missing out on Remy.


    Similar in style to Remy and Aubameyang, in that he has pace and athleticism and can play upront or on the right in a similar way. Like O said also had success in France previously.


    Might be an alternative option if Aubameyang doesn't come to fruition.



  3. Actually I don't think we are in trouble, but that's down to me look at Wigans fixture and thinking where the f*** they will get another 5 points from? But then again it's Wigan and the end of the season.


    I can't see where we are getting another single point from myself ... think we're toast if Pardew stays.

  4. It's beyond belief they haven't sacked Pardew yet.


    Particularly seeing the positive impact Sunderland's decision to sack their incompetent manager has made.


    This has to happen tomorrow right?!

  5. He doesn't seem to realise that if we keep the ball that makes defending easier.


    The guy is a moron.


    Started 2 defensive mids today, but clearly didn't ask either of them to actually defend!

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