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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I feel sorry for him now.


    Pardew? Why?


    1.  Victim of his own success.

    2.  I seriously don't think he know's what to do to turn it around.

    3.  The players up to now have got off lightly for what has happened.


    - He hasn't had any success.


    - He doesn't know what he is doing period.


    - The players should stop listening to him and do their own thing so we can actually get some results.

  2. Did Di Canio do the same to them? On TV it looked like he only celebrated towards the players and their fans, was he as confrontational with Pardew when they scored? Would explain that picutre, because out of context it looks quite embarrassing in my opinion.


    Hmmm ... wonder whether this is why Di Canio ratcheted things up on the celebrations for the 2nd and 3rd goals. Urgh.

  3. The Cisse on the wing thing was the end of this fraud for me.


    Drove me absolutely mental it did. By now Cisse would have been purring, and would have scored far more goals to get us more results, moreso than he has done recently!


    That crap at the start of the season totally disrupted his game, and even up till now he's a bit too eager still. Snatching at stuff a lot more than he did last season.


    Pardew is just awful, and is still well capable of relegating the club. Hope MA and DL know what kind of fire they're playing with.

  4. Ultimately the manager is so hopeless that until he's upgraded the buck will always lie with him in my mind anyway.


    The guy doesn't have a clue what he's doing out there, and his excuses are cringeworthy.


    Di Canio spent all week giving it large in the media and g-ing up his players, to get them wound up, and up for a fight.


    Pardew on the other hand kept telling everyone, including his players, how tired they were.


    What a surprise! They played with no energy!



  5. The prem clubs rumoured to be looking at Aubameyang, are probably more likely to go for Remy now, as he is performing very well in the prem already.


    Think we should therefore just focus on tying up a deal for Aubameyang tbh. Particularly as Remy has already kicked us to the curb once.



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