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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Yeh I like him a lot. In Haidara and Bigirimama we have two youngsters that do not look out o,f place in the first team. Then in Sammy, Fergie, Streete, Campbell and Good there are potential first teamers. These guys just need games.


    Agree completely.


    Haidara and Bigi are used to featuring regularly in the first teams of their previous clubs, and that is the big difference.

  2. Few blokes who sit behind me at the match hate this bloke like, constantly going on saying he's s**** and was just a panic buy. Quite staggering to be honest. They were overjoyed when he was taken off yesterday.


    These are people who are actually watchign the games live too. I just can't believe this sort of thing when I read it.


    This guy has made such a huge difference to the team.


    No offence to your friends, but I can only conclude they are mentally deranged.


    Some people are just simpletons and will judge anyone who is labelled a striker in some sense, by how many goals they score, and I can only assume that's what this is about.


    Panic buy my arse ... I mean my God, the guy cost about a million pounds for goodness sake!

  3. Ridiculously good.


    Seriously, are other clubs scouts just really crap?  :lol:


    Or, alongside the scouting we have a very efficient system in place with Pardew, Carr, Lambias and Charnley doing a decent job getting good players at the right price. Sometimes we miss out, other times we get players like we have done.


    Give some credit to the club rather than say the other clubs are all s***, surely?


    I give the club huge credit. Love what'c happening on the recruitment side. It's unreal.


    I'm just amazed at how little competition we've had to fight off for most of these guys we got, who are really quality and very reasonably priced. It's astonishing to me.

  4. Moyes is awful. Just awful.


    It's 2013 and he's selecting Phil Neville in central midfield? Against a team that moves the ball so well nonetheless.


    How is that possible.


    Awful enough to have his team consistantly challenging the top 6/7 of the premier league on a limited budget, playing a pretty good brand of football. Ludicrous statement!


    No matter what players he has at his disposal, this is all he'd ever manage.


    Give him the Barcelona team and he'd still finish 6th or 7th.

  5. Don't think there has been any rift between Rooney and Ferguson.


    Rooney will have a few clubs after him who will be willing to swap things around to accommodate him. Huge talent.


    Huge in the rotund sense, yes.

  6. any links to cisse's interview?


    Haven't been able to find any myself. I would love to see it again too. Had me in stitches.


    It was so goofy and funny man, in a good way though. The bit where he says "thank you God" in some kind of sing song fashion was quality.

  7. The cost of improving the overall team if Tottenham sells Bale is a lot bigger than the profit from selling Bale. First they need to replace him, and other than getting in a striker you have to go really high up in the level of quality to improve on what they already have.


    They should keep Bale at all costs, even if they miss out on CL - and in addition to that try and get a quality striker in the doors.


    Michu to Spurs this summer? I could see it.


    Someone like Belhanda or Willian also.


    Will probably now finally land Moutinho too.


    I honestly think Spurs will be a better overall team next season even if they lose Bale.


    Could very easily see it happening.



  8. "Most seasons we've tended to finish sixth, seventh or eighth and if you ask the people who know football they would say that´s about as good as Everton can do."


    "We've probably been playing at our maximum for a long time at Everton - foot hard to the pedal - and I'm hoping we can go a wee bit further this season and maybe do better in the FA Cup."


    If this is the mentality at the club, we're screwed.


    Kaka, we were playing good, attacking football earlier this season. Our style of play has without doubt improved gradually over recent years.


    Then for some reason it's just stopped. It's really hard to fathom what he tells the players at times. We're conceding goals regardless, I haven't got a massive problem with that if we're consistently creating chances but now that's dried up. Snookered.


    I know! I agree completely about the fact you were playing attacking football earlier thsis season, in fact you still do, but in fits and spurts.


    It's not consistently done, and it just seems the team isn't really being given full license or freedom to play this way.


    I was really enjoying your games at the start of the season for sure. The team looked amazing at times.

  9. John Carew to Inter as a stopgap for the injured Diego Milito  :lol: :lol: :facepalm:


    European clubs can still make transfers outside of UEFA, no? If that's the case, why don't they go get someone on loan from South America? Almost anybody'd be a better shout than Carew.


    Don't think Carew was employed.


    There was some ridiculous article in some red top paper the other day, with him starrign in some low budget Norwegian horror flick ( no I'm not joking!), and how he was looking to start acting.



  10. Yeah, Moyes isn't doing a goo denough job with that team. I mean. I really like the attacking potential of your team. You really should be goign at teams more, scorign more goals, and wrappign games up much earlier. The potential for your team to do that is definitely there.


    Moyes, just strikes me as an overly cautious guy, who is always going to be more concerend about players working hard, tracking back and keeping things tight.


    It honestly makes me laugh to see him as a suggested manager for clubs like Arsenal and Chelsea. It's crazy to me.

  11. A lot of folks looking forward to Bale leaving Spurs need to remember they will likely be getting at least £50 million for him.


    In my opinion, they wil likely use some of that to build an even better overall team next year.



    I think he'll stay if we're in the CL. If not, then maybe, although I wonder who we'd actually be able to get in, despite all that money. I'd rather he stayed, but if you could guarantee me two or three specific players to replace him (someone like Willian, a proper centre-forward (Leandro Damiao?), a classy midfielder (Moutinho)) then great. They'd cost more than 50M though.


    Either way you're in really great shape.


    Levy is great in the transfer market. No doubt he'll pull something spectacular out of the hat without wasting the money unnecessarily.



  12. A lot of folks looking forward to Bale leaving Spurs need to remember they will likely be getting at least £50 million for him.


    In my opinion, they wil likely use some of that to build an even better overall team next year.


  13. Man, sounds just as excited as the fans, about the new arrivals and how well it's all come together.


    He's realising we could challenge anyone with the lot we've added now.


    Bet he's impressed by how well the team have played without him even in there, and can't wait to join the party.


    These signings have been so huge in so many ways.

  14. Great idea!


    Mowbray plays good attacking football too, so he'll be able to get ont he ball in good areas, and express himself.


    As others have said, he'd be in the area still too, and so could easily be monitored for progress.

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