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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Been thinking it's all gone quiet about Aubameyang and then I saw this today.


    I don’t know if it will be the Champions or Europa League, but for sure, at this point in my career, I need to play in Europe.


    Alan Pardew


    Thank god we're not in the Europa League


    Think we can kiss goodbye to this one happening.


    Ha! So much for the Europa League being pointless.


    Really annoys me when people say that stuff.

  2. This guy is going to get himself sacked during the review in the next 48hrs. He's just too stupid. He'll say something foolish, like keep demanding experienced players.


    No way Ashley is going to sway from that blueprint of younger, higher re-sale value players though. Certainly not for this baboon of a manager. I think he'll get booted out. He's a moron.

  3. If Arsenal come in and tonk us something filthy like 8-0, no way that guarantee Pardew stays holds up.


    I don't care what they had for lunch when Ashley flew over.

  4. Another 8 yrs on top of his current contract, if Pardew gets rid of Shola.


    This move alone will make Pardew twice the manager immediately, as he will never be able to bring him off the bench again.

  5. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2013/may/17/newcastle-united-alan-pardew-staying

    Alan Pardew has been reassured that his job as Newcastle United's manager is secure after a meeting with Mike Ashley on Friday. The club's owner arrived at the training ground in his helicopter before spending time chatting to players and enjoying a convivial lunch with Pardew.


    "There is no uncertainty in my mind," said Pardew, whose side secured their Premier League status only by winning at Queens Park Rangers on Sunday. "I expect to be manager here next season 100%."


    After finishing fifth last year this campaign has been a disappointment and Newcastle's manager is keen to reinforce his young squad with a little more experience. "We have some fantastic young players and they will all have gained from this year's extra pressure," said Pardew.


    "It will make them stronger but we need to bring in experience, it's what this team needs. We've got a lot of young players with potential who need guidance around them."


    Part of the Ashley blueprint which has transformed Newcastle into one of the Premier League's most financially healthy clubs has been to avoid signing players over the age of 25. "That's just a guideline," said Pardew. "I don't think we've ever said we'd never buy an over-25.


    "In my initial discussions with Mike and Derek [Llambias, Newcastle's managing director] I have been highlighting the experience issue but I don't think there's ever been a really set rule about transfers. I don't think the experience we need necessarily has to be Premier League experience but players who can guide some of the younger ones."


    Although Pardew has a more detailed planning meeting with Ashley scheduled for next week he does not expect transfer activity to begin until July. By then, Fabricio Coloccini, who currently offers Newcastle considerable leadership and experience, will have decided whether he still wants to return to Argentina or is ready to remain on Tyneside. If, as expected, he heads for South America then Pardew must fill a considerable void.


    Potential replacements will be shortlisted during the chat with Ashley next week. "We'll be discussing pre-season plans and recruitment," Pardew said. "And mistakes made this year."


    Strange contradiction of words.


    Nope, the guys grammar and speaking is just crap.

  6. It's possible he believes Tiote is a good player and will improve given a run of games. And also there is a lack of good alternatives if you believe a dedicated DM is needed.


    Tiote is inherently a mad man, he is prone to getting super hyper, and this has to be channeled in the right way. He should be instructed to stay calm, and not go rampaging around the pitch so much. Instead he tends to press way too far up the pitch lately, and is quite undisciplined in this.


    The way Pardew is always going on about wanting ball winners/tacklers, I can't help but feel this sort of approach is down to his instructions for them to go after the ball. I think this ultimately has a lot to do with Tiote's awful play. He doesn't really sit deep and offer protection to the defence, and look to intercept and force bad passes, like he did so well originally, and it's a pretty big problem. Perch essentially has the same issue.


    I believe this more disciplined approach to the DM position, is actually a strength of Anita's, but he has been shunted aside because he isn't a "ball winner".


    Just another example of Pardew not really given the players the right instructions, and getting the most out of them. It's a real problem.

  7. So ... any news on this potential coaching hire?


    This could actually be a good way to improve things if Pardew manages to hold on to the job.


    Just get a really good attack minded coach, who can deal more with that side of things.



  8. Have a feeling Pardew is going to flop in his end of season interview, and end up getting the boot.


    He'll whinge too much about the owner needing to do better, or needing more English players with prem expeerience who cost too much, and they'll ask him to clear his desk.



  9. Still not convinced Neymar is going to kick on and be the amazing player he is said to become. Think Ronaldo(original) was saying a year or two ago that he really needs to move to europe to reach a higher level.


    The next Denilson of Real Betis fame!



  10. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion and I would hope that nobody on Newcastle-Online feels like they can’t give theirs but if you’re going to say that you’re “happy” for him to stay then you’ve got to be able to back that up to be taken seriously.


    Do you think he coaches the team to attack dangerously?

    Is he able to maintain a well drilled defensive structure?

    Is he able to do both of the above at the same time?

    Do you think he keeps the players fit enough?

    Do you think he sends the players out positively, and with confidence?

    Do you like his ability to change a game?

    Do you think he sets the team up well from the start?

    Do you like the style of football he employs?

    Does he get the best out of his players?

    Do you think players have improved significantly under his coaching? If so, which ones?

    Do you think his tactics are sensible?

    Does he get the best out of his squad i.e. do you think he’s able to work well when players are injured or suspended?

    Given that he doesn't have a massive say in who we sign, do you think his football is the right football for the type of players we purchase?

    Are you excited by the prospect of an NUFC led by Pardew into next season?


    Personally, I’ve given my opinion on all of these things and more. “He deserves a chance” is not a reason to keep somebody employed in the most important job at a Premier League football club, any more than it is a reason to give me the job, nor is “we might have less injuries”. I want to hear reasons why he is the absolute best available man for the job, and better than any single one of the alternatives, not hear how somebody else might be worse or hear more about how hard done to he is. If I wanted to hear that, I could just listen the man himself.


    Shit just got real ...



  11. Alex Ferguson's retirement was really ill timed.


    All the harping on about how much time he was given after a tough start, and then the Moyes 6 year deal, and all the talk of him being shown that he will be given time to settle into the job, has been so inconvenient for us.


    You just know it's had an effect on MA's thinking, if only because I have no doubt Pardew himself would have used it as a means to beg for more time, the sneaky rodent that he is.


    So annoying.

  12. We definitely need a striker with more about him than Cisse, purely down to the diabolical manager we have in charge, as he has no clue about how to play in order to consistently create the kind of opportunities Cisse would thrive on.


    We essentially need a Benteke, Kone, Lukaku or Carroll type, just to give some examples of the sort already in the prem.


    Would still like to have cisse in the fold, but I honestly don't know if it's worth it. We aren't maximising his abilities. It sucks.

  13. If we're sticking with this guy, then they seriously need to re-shape the team and get the players to suite his style.


    Too annoying watching technically gifted players just look so clueless out on the pitch.

  14. Urgh ... what a bunch of baloney.


    Oh well, it's going to be an interesting summer.


    They better get the man a beanpole he can luanch the ball at upfront.

  15. Another side to this whole thing is the players being a bit deflated to start off with, with Fergie gone.


    Moyes isn't as loved by his players as a Fergie or Mourinho typically are.

  16. Pardew doesn't even know what he's doing, so how can he learn from it?


    Genuinely think he just puts the players out there and hopes they pull something out of the bag.


    If we're struggling to string stuff together he then orders the long direct ball.


    He's an absolute chump.

  17. Man United fans are disgustingly arrogant. Like, unbelievably so.


    They will be spewing when the guy struggles.


    They've imagined the likes of Mourinho or Guardiola eventually taking over from Fergie.


    They will get David Moyes ... David William Moyes.


    He of Gary Neville and Darren Gibson in midfield folklore.


    Next season is going to be immensely entertaining on so many fronts.

  18. He will melt under the bright lights. The guy is toast.


    He's way too tetchy and uptight. He'll turn into a rambling madman when things don't go well.


    On top of that there is nothing special about his football philosophy at all.





  19. People will be stunned at how badly Moyes will do.


    Such a dour miserable sort. The pressure and desperation to do well will break him.


    Man ... I'd be so mad if I was Van Persie. At least he got one good year.


    Moyes ... yikes. Can't wait to see who he signs. Will be fascinating.


    Next season is going to be amazing.

  20. It's going to be Laudrup. I'm calling it right now.


    Moyes woul be a disaster. Not an attack minded manager at all. They'll hate him.


    Moyes managing Van Persie? Yuck!

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