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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Don't think Taylor starting is as silly as some are making out. Mapou has been here a week.


    Taylor and Colo know each others game inside out, they can communicate and will know who will sit deep, who will go forward, who will mark which player etc.. Obviously MYM will be first choice soon enough but centre back is by far the most important area where communication and understanding is essential.


    I do hope MYM starts in all honesty and if he is named on the team sheet I will need to get a bucket of ice for my cock but if Taylor does start I certainly don't think It's a stupid decision or any sort of a risk.


    I could understand the anger if it was Williamson but Taylor is miles ahead in terms of ability.


    This is a very sensible post.


    However, when Agbonlahor starts running at Taylor from the half way line, and he backs off all the way back onto the goal line, allowing for Agbonlahor to square it to Benteke for a tap in, we'll all be raging.





  2. MYM is around the same height as Colo isn't he.  Makes me think Pards will go with Taylor for extra height.  Would be a little disappointing not to see the new fella, but anyone is an upgrade on Williamson!


    Might as well start Williamson over Mbiwa too then.


    I'll take the better all round defender everytime. Height means nothing. Besides, he probably jumps higher than either of them!

  3. I'll be f***ing livid if he doesn't start Yanga-Mbiwa.


    f***ing tragic tbh. The lad has already come in raring to go. Was hoping we wouldn't deflate his eagerness from the off. Having said that, if he does come in and make a mistake it could also work against him. We'll see I suppose. Main thing is that he turns out to be a bigger character than we think and accepts that Taylor's experience in the league over his could turn out to be vital in this particular fixture.

    It just wouldn't make any sense in starting Taylor over him, it's a far bigger risk considering he's not match fit and his injury record is horrible. Yanga-Mbiwa has had a week to train with the lads now as well, should definitely be enough.

    At least Sissoko will start, really looking forward to watching him play.


    This is the thing. It's not as though Taylor has been a fixture in the team, and is in form.


    The guy is coming back from injury, and hasn't played at all yet in months.


    No way you put Taylor in ahead of Mbiwa, who has been playing all season, and is at 100% fitness.



  4. I dont mind who starts out of Taylor and MYM but he needs to pick the right one of Anita, Perch and Gutierrez.


    We're better than them.


    Villa are very mobile and quick upfront.


    Could definitely see Taylor falling over as Agbonlahor or Benteke race past him.


    Not having it. This is no time for messing about. Play Mbiwa, we need some athleticism back there desperately.

  5. Raving about this lad on the Guardian podcast, saying a top CL team should have come in for him.


    Sigh ... you just watch Pardew not put this guy straight into the team.


    I'll be so annoyed.


    Frightened to death of the lineup for tonight.


    Pardew is capable of the most incomprehensible things ...

  6. Really, really worried about the starting lineup.


    Not surprised to see Anita out of the team in these lineup predictions.


    Once we got Sissoko, I felt he was the one most likely to be in trouble, as he is not the biggest. I can definitely see Pardew feeling this is a problem, and not appreciating any of his brilliant attributes. Once Tiote is back, Anita will be marked down to sub purple by the nitwit.


    Now ... secondly, if this moron starts Steven Taylor ahead of Yanga-Mbiwa, honestly, I'll be sick. The sooner we can get Col and Mbiwa building a partnership the better, when better than against a team that is clearly struggling?




    He's moaning about wheeling and dealing after the s*** stirring he's caused in the past, jesus christ


    His cheek knows no bounds.


    That's why it's usually hanging outside the frame of his face.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Nice one.

  8. Really enjoyed the interviews with the newbies this past week. They all seem so sound in the head, aconfident, and really hungry to excel.


    Has to be said this is a huge benefit of getting them all from lower profile clubs in France.


    No surprise that the only one we couldn't get over the line, was one coming from a more high profile club. Diva tendencies!

  9. Yeah, the ball just didn't go in for Cisse, but he was right there getting on the end of things, as I feel he always will.


    Honestly think we'll get goals from all over, with the improved full back play, and a bit better posession now we have Mbiwa playing out from the back with Colo, as well as Sissoko, who will allow us to keep more posession in midfield, as well as drive forward at times.


    I expect Cabaye in particular to get into even better scoring positions, and score more goals from open play for sure.


    Going to be pretty exciting.

  10. Pogatetz and Warnock, sometimes I feel like Big Sam just takes the p*ss :lol:


    Imagine if your transfer window had been Joe Cole, Chamack, Pogatetz and Warnock. Building for the future :lol:


    My God ... that's so bad.



  11. Well according to youtube he is a f***ing tank who would give Bolt a race, Ben Arfa a dribbling contest and Martins a how hard can you fit them competition.


    Doesn't look too bad iyam.

    Well according to youtube he is a f***ing tank who would give Bolt a race, Ben Arfa a dribbling contest and Martins a how hard can you fit them competition.


    Doesn't look too bad iyam.


    Got the low centre of gravity to go with his strong build too.


    Looks like some kind of Tevez/Martins hybrid.


    Jaysus ...




    We're both in the wrong thread aren't we?


    Or is it just me?


    I was talking about Bony anyway.

  12. Well according to youtube he is a f***ing tank who would give Bolt a race, Ben Arfa a dribbling contest and Martins a how hard can you fit them competition.


    Doesn't look too bad iyam.


    Got the low centre of gravity to go with his strong build too.


    Looks like some kind of Tevez/Martins hybrid.


    Jaysus ...

  13. Ths is turning into a bit of a cliff Yanga, but Debuchy of the situation is that it's been confirmed by Toulouse and so it should push on now all Sissoko.


    After the recent recruitment drive Ashley clearly isn't Gouffran around. You want to bet against him? Well go ahead Haidara!



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