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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. "We've struggled today, but that's to be expected, as the new players still need bedding in. I've probably thrown them into the fire a bit to quickly, and so I'll be looking at that. I think we could really do with the experience and premier league know how, of someone like Shola at the minute, who's been outstanding for me in training, and so he'll be starting every game and playing 90+ mins for the rest of the season now."

  2. I love Wenger like. I know a lot of people dislike him for his 'I didn't see it' nonsense and his love of a good whinge.


    I like how he's always a bit cheeky with it though and doesn't resort to the playground bullying tactics of someone like Ferguson.


    He plays the type of football I love to see and has the knack of buying cheap and realising potential. He often talks s***, but so do most managers at times. Not least ours.


    I'm the same. Really like and respect the guy.


    That's what makes his comments so dissapointing.



  3. Lets be honest he is crying because Everton have beaten a poorer NUFC than what he will face on the last day of the season. Poor Arsene feeling the heat in the battle to make top 4.


    Ah, of course! They've only played us once. I got that mixed up.


    What a heartless man he is. Wants oto beat us 7 - 3 every time we play huh?



  4. QPR getting QPR'd. The Korean international left back they agreed terms with and flew into London has been hijacked en route to his medical by Fulham. Player now claims that he never agreed to sign for them.


    Karma bitches :yao:


    Awwwww Yeeeeeeah!!! Love it!

  5. Wenger whinging like a bitch about us at his presser today:


    Arsene Wenger says January window is "unfair," adding "we're not after any French player, you can forget that. They go to Newcastle."


    Wenger has a bit of a moan, says limit clubs to signing 2 players max in January, not allow buying half a team like #NUFC.


    Wenger says unfair clubs like Newcastle can make wholesale changes. Unfair on clubs who have already played them twice



    Almost as if he didnt spend £40m in the summer while we spent about £1m......


    Fuck me!


    Lost a lot of respect for him for that, and I think highly of the guy.


    Dissapointing. Wonder if he was after anyone we got.


    Couldn't have been right? I mean surely they would have gone there.



  6. Harry Redknapp getting his just desserts now. Ha!


    Very surprised they've only managed to add Remy so far. Fantastic.


    Fat Sam about to lose Diame to Spurs too.


    The window just keeps getting better.

    I know they need to replace Sandro for the season but considering they have Sandro Parker Dembele and Huddlestone with Holtby coming in isn't that going overboard, wouldn't it be cheaper and simpler to just get in Holtby?


    I think Sandro and Dembele are the only two central midfielders they are looking to keep long term.


    Diame now for £3.5 million to cover Sandro, and if he doesn't really work out like they want, they could probably get at least that amount or more in the summer when they sell.


    Just delighted about the negative effect it will have on Fat Sam's team.

  7. Seen a few people mention that there's no way we'd go back in for him in the summer if QPR go down. If it's a free transfer, I really don't see why we wouldn't. Know this may be an unpopular view but I'd take him. :dontknow:


    I hear you, but I'd much rather Gouffran did amazing and we didn't need to.



  8. Looks like this hotel business has paid off.


    I was thinking that earlier. Think it gained some people's respect. No doubt.


    God ... after the way this all started with Remy, it's been a heck of a turn around.


    Time for Pardew to pull it all together.

  9. I'd be happy if he never spent another penny of his own money on the club as long as we're run well.


    As far as chanting his name goes, I think just a big "We're Sorry" banner would be enough.


    Time for some common sense / negativity.


    Timing - buying one player in the summer and then going mental in January is not a sensible coherent and considered approach. What would have happened if Arsenal had come in for MYM at the start of the month or Montpellier had demanded £12m? What would we have done if Gouffran had broke his leg during the festive season, or Haidara had preferred a move to Italy. None of these things happened but we are two points off a relegation spot and it would have taken very little for things to go badly wrong when you only have a month to do business. I'd call it a crazy gamble but that implies it had been our plan to buy tons of players in January, which it clearly wasn't.


    Premature Ejaculation - an awful lot of assumptions are being made about how ace our new French recruits are. MYM has done well in the French league, but so did Gervinho and playing in the PL turned him into clueless s***. How many NUFC supporters were remarking on what a good player Gouffran looked after we played Bordeux? I'm not saying they'll flop, only that it might be sensible to see how they do before unfurling the 'sorry mike' banners.


    French Revolution - having so many foreign players of one nationality at a club is largely uncharted territory. One or two clubs have flirted with the idea but no longer persist with it and I don't think Houllier and Malbranque's warnings can, or should be dismissed out of hand. It's not that long ago Pardew himself was claiming home grown players were the soul of a football club. Again, time will be the best judge.


    We needed players after a pathetic summer. We've bought some who will hopefully adapt well and quickly to the PL. We are two points off a relegation spot and playing badly. Forgive me if I don't join in the group wanking just yet.







    Let's see if your still wanking into your croissant at the end of the season.


    Yeah, wouldn't it be awesome if we got relegated, just so your post on Newcastle Online actually meant something.


    How satisfying for you!



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