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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. "Sylvain come off but we needed to make sure we got a tackle out on the pitch."


    That sentence sums up entirely what is wrong with him as a manager and ultimately why we are where we are.


    A complete and utter neanderthal statement.


    From the horrific grammar to the complete lack of intelect behind it.


    Honestly, just completely embarassing.

  2. “He could certainly be a match for some of my friends at Fifa. He chose Argentina and I chose Bayern Munich.”


    Urgh, international team vs. club team.


    So not the done thing.


    More evidence this Fernandes guy doesn't have a clue.

  3. UK Football Network @ukfnetwork

    Nigel Adkins saw that he was sacked on Sky Sports News before he was told by the club owner. Disgusting #uksportsnetwork #twitter92


    Because he'll be fine, this made me chuckle :lol: Obviously a rotten thing to happen, but can imagine him having a really funny reaction from behind his spectacles and saying 'aw s***' rather humourously while doing the dishes and hearing it in the background



    It' Adkins!


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  4. So can anyone tell me why we are excited? :lol:

    We've approached tons of players, that never meant we eventually got them  :hmm:


    Because when it was initially posted the first report led us to believe it was practically done :lol:


    So the fact that now that turned out to be untrue didn't change the mood of the board? :lol:


    The thread title is just going to keep getting further and further away from a deal.



  5. :lol:


    This window's been class, always some sort of bullshit to wake up to.


    What kind of hours do you sleep?  :lol:


    People's different time zones are befuddling in here.


    Living in Melbourne, it's 11AM on Saturday morning here.


    All the good s*** goes down while I'm asleep. :lol:


    Ah right!  :lol:


    At least you sleep well.


    I've gone to bed angry most nights this month.

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