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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I'd be happy if he never spent another penny of his own money on the club as long as we're run well.


    As far as chanting his name goes, I think just a big "We're Sorry" banner would be enough.


    Time for some common sense / negativity.


    Timing - buying one player in the summer and then going mental in January is not a sensible coherent and considered approach. What would have happened if Arsenal had come in for MYM at the start of the month or Montpellier had demanded £12m? What would we have done if Gouffran had broke his leg during the festive season, or Haidara had preferred a move to Italy. None of these things happened but we are two points off a relegation spot and it would have taken very little for things to go badly wrong when you only have a month to do business. I'd call it a crazy gamble but that implies it had been our plan to buy tons of players in January, which it clearly wasn't.


    Premature Ejaculation - an awful lot of assumptions are being made about how ace our new French recruits are. MYM has done well in the French league, but so did Gervinho and playing in the PL turned him into clueless s***. How many NUFC supporters were remarking on what a good player Gouffran looked after we played Bordeux? I'm not saying they'll flop, only that it might be sensible to see how they do before unfurling the 'sorry mike' banners.


    French Revolution - having so many foreign players of one nationality at a club is largely uncharted territory. One or two clubs have flirted with the idea but no longer persist with it and I don't think Houllier and Malbranque's warnings can, or should be dismissed out of hand. It's not that long ago Pardew himself was claiming home grown players were the soul of a football club. Again, time will be the best judge.


    We needed players after a pathetic summer. We've bought some who will hopefully adapt well and quickly to the PL. We are two points off a relegation spot and playing badly. Forgive me if I don't join in the group wanking just yet.







  2. We're buying far to many players.


    Hope it's a case of quality and quantity as the later won't win us any points.


    Hope these players are like Cabaye or Ben Arfa who will care about the club and not be like Remy who just want to place themselves in a shop window for better clubs.


    Wow! Someone's annoyed we're buying too many players!


    Now I've truly seen it all.  :lol: :lol: :lol:




    Not annoyed, not one bit.


    Just wanted to point out that signing players does not mean we're suddenly out of the relegation battle.


    These lads have to show heart and desire to win here and have to have the right attitute. If they have that, perfect.


    Well of course they still have to come in and perform, but we had to get them in the first place right?


    Therefore, we've at least successfully managed the important bit, which was getting them in, and this is a huge relief.


    Personally, I love our chances.

  3. Another great thing about these new players is that they're used to playing together for France already, so should have some chemistry.


    Won't be a case of not knowing each others games at all yet.

  4. Pardew really has run out of excuses now.


    Good luck to him, i really mean it. With the players at his disposal now, f*** me he's a jammy fecker i'll give him that.


    Here's the other plus to all of this.


    Anymore mess ups and Pardew is out.


    No excuses for blowing it with this team.

  5. We're buying far to many players.


    Hope it's a case of quality and quantity as the later won't win us any points.


    Hope these players are like Cabaye or Ben Arfa who will care about the club and not be like Remy who just want to place themselves in a shop window for better clubs.


    Wow! Someone's annoyed we're buying too many players!


    Now I've truly seen it all.  :lol: :lol: :lol:



  6. This guy takes his time, and it is infuriating, but my God, what kind of players are we getting here? For these fees?


    I'm blown away by it all ...


    These are not just talented young players, but who are also experienced enough too! The type that should cost the most money.


    We're making Arsenal look incompetent in the market almost  :lol:


    One thing that can't be denied is that Mike Ashley and his guys are killers when it comes to negotiating deals.


    How does Remy feel right now? Seeing who is coming into the club? Man that guy must be perplexed!




    yeah just a shame they do that to us on the football pitch.





  7. I look at that team, and it's truly remarkable.


    It's taken a while, but you have to say the guys running the club, are certainly getting there.


    To gather the quality we have at the prices we did, is just unheard of in football today.


    Brilliant, brilliant stuff.


    Now let's stay up, and next season anything is possible with the team being put together.


    Nicely put :thup:




    Not wanting to p*ss on your chips, but out of all the players we've signed/signing this window, i've not really seen any of them play much and none have played in England before. I'm delighted we're finally making signings, but i'll reserve judgement on their quality until they've played 6 months together.


    The sad thing is, we don't have 6 months to bed them in. We need instant results. Fingers crossed.


    Well you're going to have a treat when you finally see them step on the pitch I assure you!


    They will settle in quickly, just by virtue of how athletic they are alone, as that goes such a long way in this league. Astonishingly enough, these guys also all have technical gifts too.


    We've signed some frighteningly good players. Enjoy!

  8. This guy takes his time, and it is infuriating, but my God, what kind of players are we getting here? For these fees?


    I'm blown away by it all ...


    These are not just talented young players, but who are also experienced enough too! The type that should cost the most money.


    We're making Arsenal look incompetent in the market almost  :lol:


    One thing that can't be denied is that Mike Ashley and his guys are killers when it comes to negotiating deals.


    How does Remy feel right now? Seeing who is coming into the club? Man that guy must be perplexed!



  9. I look at that team, and it's truly remarkable.


    It's taken a while, but you have to say the guys running the club, are certainly getting there.


    To gather the quality we have at the prices we did, is just unheard of in football today.


    Brilliant, brilliant stuff.


    Now let's stay up, and next season anything is possible with the team being put together.

  10. Can't believe the comments on here regarding the ball boy incident.


    As he was picking the ball up Hazard pushed or bumped into him sending him over, instead of picking him up he's over the top of him trying to get the ball off him (ALL THE WRONG THINGS TO DO). He then kicks the ball from under the boy that he was pressurizing and stopping from getting up. All within a few seconds. I can't see where the time wasting was in the first place as Hazard was on top of him before he could pick up the ball.


    No doubt the boy milked it for all its worth but at the end of the day HAZARD WAS TOTALLY IN THE WRONG, he should not have man handled the boy in the first place.


    Comments like he didn't touch him or didn't kick him ?????  what the hell are you lot hallucinating.



    People are just making stuff up because they don't like Chelsea. You've re-written the whole movie, everything.


    He pushed him and pressured him? No wonder the children are running wild everywhere, doing as they please.


    No consequences to their silly behaviour. Kick them more I say.


  11. That is disgraceful behaviour from that Swansea ballboy, btw. He has no right to actually prevent a player from getting the ball. Why is he even involved? Why is he fighting off a full grown man?


    Imagine such a thing happening at the ACON?


    The kids parents would have been summoned to flog him on the pitch.

  12. Stifler for crying out loud man  :lol: :lol: :lol:


    You're being ridiculous.


    The guy is trying to get on with the match, he clearly pauses for the kid to give him the ball, and he keeps lying on it!


    Kid was lucky he didn't get kicked upside the head.




    Give me that toy son, you've been naughty.


    Please don't kick me again Dada Kaka. Here it is.



    If the kid had received a good kicking every now and then, he wouldn't have done such a foolish thing. Better late than never.  O0

  13. Stifler for crying out loud man  :lol: :lol: :lol:


    You're being ridiculous.


    The guy is trying to get on with the match, he clearly pauses for the kid to give him the ball, and he keeps lying on it!


    Kid was lucky he didn't get kicked upside the head.


  14. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    He didn't kick him you clowns.


    The kid tried to be smart lying on the ball, and he kicked the ball from under him.


    f***ing horrific from that kid. Very annoying behaviour.


    Do your job and just give the ball back.






    Clearly kicked him in the ribs ya mong.


    My God ... words fail me.


    Are you that gullible?


    he tried to kick the ball from under him, the kid was deliberatly trying to keep the ball from him, ballboys wasting time, what the f*** next ?


    Thank you!

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