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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Nigerias ministry of sport?  :lol:


    Crap infrastructure with no real commitment to really achieving anything in sport in general, which is just not taken that seriously.


    They will never put any money into sports when it can go into their pockets. It's the last thing they will support.


    Players are completely disillusioned and only really show up for the national team because if they don't they won't be able to show their faces in their country anymore.


    A huge shame really because the talent is there in abundance.


    If we spent a tenth of the money England did we would likely have won the world cup by now. Easily.

  2. No point playing him against the Arsenal's and Man U's as their left backs are very quick.


    Would be very useful and handy against the likes of Hull though ... oh wait that's right he got dropped for that game didn't he.


    Hughton you're a freakin' idiot.

  3. Owen has been missing chances much easier than the ones we have had today and when he isn't missing them he is invisible.


    Why all the clamour for Owen? No thanks. Not till about 10 mins left maybe.


    The two upfront have run Arsenal's defence ragged today let's give them more than a half to build on it please.


    At least we look threatening today.


    Had we played this pairing against Hull I doubt we would have looked so impotent.


    Martins taking the penalty has been the only big mistake. He clearly lacked the confidence to do so. Should have been Nolan.

  4. Goodbye Owen, you've been a failure although you couldn't have been a success either. Either way failure, cheers.


    Actually, he's been a success when he's played. He's just not played anywhere near enough. But hey, his fault, he got those injuries on purpose so he could go and tend to his horses.


    Can someone please tell me who out there gets injuries on purpose? No one does.


    Dyer didn't but was labelled a crock.


    Owen has been a major crock and has cost us a ton more money than Dyer ever did.


    Even Owen has himself admitted that he didn't help himself by rushing off to play for England when he wasn't 100%.


    He is more at fault than most actually.


    It's been a disaster.

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