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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I liked the 3-5-2 last week. Thought it worked well and if we play that way again today it should be much better with Jonas and Carroll in the team this time.


    Is this on the telly?




    Stoke were only really a threat from set pieces imo. Other than that they really weren't able to do to much else against our 3 centre backs.


    Attacking wise we had enough of the ball but it ultimately ended with Butt having most of the posession and he kept hittin it long to Shola who is unable to head the ball or hold it up.


    Jonas will get on the ball more as he will demand it from Butt more than Guthrie did last week and if the ball does go long to Carroll he will definitely be more succesful than Shola was.


    Just my feeling on things.

  2. Surely, given that the V-Bomber and Owen average about a goal every 2 or 3 games, if they are fit they must start. The quality of those two when fit is unbelievably superior to anything else we have up front. Those two can score goals, but they also know how to retain posession and wait for our slow, slow midfield to get up to them.


    Keep Carrol on the bench if things go pear shaped. He did very well coming into the game late and I think he'll be more effective that way than throwing him in from kickoff.


    I'm not convinced Martins is the type of player you want in a relegation struggle, and he showed that last week with his no-show. Who is scared of Martins anyway? The fans behind the goal mouth?


    If Tottenham play well we'll only get one or two chances - Shearer will know that you need quality up front in that kind of game and I think he might start Owen and V-bomber as a result.


    I hate to single out anyone because everyone is allowed their opinion on here but this post is just too shocking for words.


    Start Viduka? Please please tell me you where intoxicated when you typed that? Are you friggin kiddin me? he shouldn't even be allowed anywhere near the club the fat waster. Carroll should be the first name on that team sheet thank you very much.


    As for Martins not being the type of player you want in a relegation battle? Say what? Please tell me you were smoking something illegal when you were silly enough to type such a thing. Martins has been in relegation battles since he joined the club and his performances have been vital for us.


    Your post is killing me right now. I'm so frustrated by it.



  3. Martins and Carroll would be a very impreesive partnership.


    Both are mobile, both are strong, Andy has the extra height and Oba the extra pace. Can both physically impose themselves on the opposition.


    I would love to see Martins have a chance to play alongside a decent target man for once.


    Slot Owen in behind them or let him rot on the bench.


    The Owen/Martins debate is moot now that Martins has most likely played his last game for us.


    Care to explain?

  4. Everyone is praising Carrol, but hey how about Jonas, when he got in the team changed completely. Nolan started to play better and even Duff was decent when Jonas came on.


    But yes Carrol needs to start next match, and hopefully with Martins upfront. Owen is offering nothing at the moment, should move him just behind these two. SHould go gung-ho style.


    Thanks for the point but we need to win our homegames and hopefully take a point at White Hart Lane!


    I agree about Jonas.


    His movement is first class as he is never static and continuously shows for the ball and demands it, and you know everytime he passes the ball it is going to be a forward pass and along the ground and so hey presto the whole team suddenly starts to look like they have a clue.


    I know some think he isn't good enough. Well I think they're nuts personally.


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