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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. If it was so good then why did Keegan finish last season, played pre season and the four games before he f***ed off playing a standard 4-4-2?


    Since when was Keegan infallible btw?


    I didn't claim he was, my point is that in his last 6 or so competitive games he didn't use the formation, he didn't even use it in pre season when it would have been the perfect opportunity to get other players used to playing in it and finding out who is capable of filling in certain positions when the usual suspects are out injured.


    That tells me that he didn't have any intention of going with it long term, but I'm happy to discuss it if anyone thinks I'm wrong on the subject.


    Nobody asked what Keegan's preferred side was, the question was asked of us lot. Anything to get in a dig about Keegan f***ing off like.


    FWIW in pre-season you agreed with me: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,54679.msg1419094.html#msg1419094


    It's not a dig at Keegan f***ing off at all, I've simply pointed out that it was a system that he didn't show any signs of sticking with over the long term.


    I didn't say I didn't like the formation either so I'm not sure what you hoped to achieve from posting that link, perhaps you didn't think that bit through properly, if you can be bothered to look I'm sure there's more posts from me saying that I'd like to see the formation used with Barton and Jonas in midfield rather than Geremi as I think both have a great workrate needed for that position although I think Viduka is finished as a top level striker so he wouldn't be much use to us now.


    Owen had the mumps amongst other ailments and secret operations he was hiding from us all and Viduka was the size of a whale, and so I think Keegan didn't feel there was any point playing that formation with the likes of Shola and Smith who are too slow brained to comprehend it.

  2. Imagine how some of our players would perform if they knew for sure that Kinnear was out in the summer.


    We can't allow for even a hint of complacency considering the club's current position.


    It makes a lot of sense to go with the Joe for the long haul angle tbh.


    A new low for you?  :nope:


    What I'm saying is that in the meantime it does no harm saying he's here for the long haul, an example being that it keeps the players on their toes.


    I think he'll be gone in the summer personally. There isn't really a major positive for them stating this now though is there?


    Well ... other than to keep from bothering Parky's poor head.



  3. But saying that, there was clearly no intention to hurt Anichebe.




    Why, because he's said so?


    One of the worst tackles I've ever seen to be quite honest, Anichebe could easily have gotten an Eduardo-esque injury from it and considering he got him with both feet I'm surprised he didn't.


    Rotten, cowardly challenge. He's left the ground with both feet and drove them together in a stomping motion, it just doesn't get more dangerous than that. I'm sure he was trying to get the ball and all that but that doesn't excuse it, it was a horrific lunge and he should really get a lot more than the 3 game ban for it.


    Obviously it benefits us if he doesn't get a longer ban, he's a decent player who gives us a goal threat from midfield afterall. But if he does I'll have no complaints, because he'll deserve it and more tbh.


    Just out of interest, what makes it a cowardly challenge?


    FWIW I don't think it was cowardly, just slow and clumsy, the sort of tackle players like Nolan are likely to make once in a while.


    Definitel a cowardly challenge.


    It's always the person who doesn't have the balls to go into a 50-50 tackle legitimately that goes in like that.


    Basically Nolan bottled it. Thinking more about the collision than just going in for the ball and therefore goes in not to get hurt and therefore hurting the other person.

  4. Bassong is so f***ing good, MOTM again today IMO. He's our lynchpin; you'd not guess Coloccini was the one who cost £10m. Steven Taylor did quite well, and Ryan Taylor's deliveries looked good again. Good to see Oba back, and I was impressed with Hughton's changes.


    The pity is that Everton really weren't that good at all, and with Nolan we could well have got all three points.


    He`s closing in on player of the year imo.


    Has already wrapped it up tbh.

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