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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Guys never, ever rely on Tottenham for anything. Biggest bunch of bottlers ever.


    The only player they have with any balls went off and I knew any chance of them winning this game was gone.


    Be lucky if they hold on for a draw. Silly team.

  2. Finally Ryan Taylor gets moved to right back where he belongs. I wonder if they'll line up 4-3-3?




    Was wondering about that also.


    Owen in behind Oba and Loven maybe?


    I agree it's a relief to see Ryan Taylor at right back and great to see Jonas, Loven, Oba and Owen on the pitch. Those four will definitely be a threat as a combination. Wasn't a fan of Owen playing at the expense of loven, but with all of them out there Owen is far more likely to get opportunities with Oba, Jonas and Loven creating openings with their running and pace.

  3. Wonder if Owen will be staying now ??


    What a boost.......for all the players.


    True leader.


    This is a worry tbh.


    I'm sure it will be a boost for him and he will do a lot better, but not so sure if he is worth keeping around even if this happens.


    His fitness is a huge worry at this point and that salary of his is massive.



  4. I only picked Carroll over Lovenkrands because of that system. Someone to hold the ball up.


    Yeah, it makes sense and I agree I don't think it would quite work with Owen behind Oba and Loven.


    Viduka is such a freakin' compost heap. If he was fit this formation would be a lot more likely.

  5. I think the system will remain but not Wise. It looks like Kinnear is going to assume the role of DOF and Shearer is going to come in till the end of the season to see if he is comfortable in the setup.


    Maybe so. It'd make more sense I guess; at least Kinnear has some experience in the game and can apparently pick a player (the Wenger stuff etc). :neutral:


    Hopefully Kinnear's role as DOF is restricted to hounding Wenger for info on players.





  6. I wonder if Shearer will be tempted to play the 'Keegan' system. Especially if Owen's nagging him about it.


    Martins Carroll


    Jonas Butt Nolan

    Enrique Bassong Taylor Beye



    That would look so great with Barton in there instead of Butt ...


    You raise a good point but I'm not sure if we can play this system with the likes of Carroll or Shola.

  7. Does anyone else agree with me that Shearer would be the right man for us if we go down anyway?


    Definitely. That's why I think it's a great move regardless of what happens.


    I was already thinking that if we went down under Kinnear et al. then Shearer should be brought in next season. Even better doing it now.


    It will soften the sting of relegation should it happen (hopefully not obviously!) as the club would still rally around Shearer.




  8. Anyone want to have a guess?




    The defence should pick itself really.


    Butt and Nolan centre mid I imagine and Duff and Jonas out wide.


    Oba and Owen up top. Really hoping he inspires Oba to raise his game as Oba is a fan of his.


    Owen's place in the team is essentially guaranteed now and let's hope this gets him going and puts a smile on that sombre face of his.


    Shearer needs to grab Duff and Jonas by the throat and demand that their number one priority the rest of the way should be to get crosses into the box.


    Captain? No idea.


  9. God forbid we get relegated, but if Shearer is still managing the club then it's a teeny weeny bit more bearable and would at least make next season interesting, as the club would have someone to really get behind.


    I feel very positive right now. regardless of what happens. I just pray he pulls it off and keeps us up as it would be monumental. the momentum would be immense going forward.

  10. The end for Butt, Duff and Shola I hope. Taylor gets a reprieve until the summer on account of his decent performances at RB


    A manager bigger than Ashley is just what we need to get rid of these overrated pieces of s***

    Why would one assume that Shearer would get rid of our aging British players?


    Hmmmm ... yeah, just as likely Shearer keeps the experienced Brits around tbh.


    However, the difference is that he will not put up with crap performances from them and will definitely let them know if they are not doing the job.



  11. Just spoken to a Newcastle player who's claimed that Ashley's only done this to get fans on his side.  Again.


    Wait so would we prefer someone vindictive who would want to make the fans miserable? Why shouldn't he want to make the fans happy?


    Whoever is spouting such negative bollocks is a c***  :kinnear:

  12. Shearer has an amazing end of season,  Kinnear gets moved 'upstairs'/out the back door and Wise gets shot and then Shearer takes it on perminantly in the summer.



    Someone make it happen.



    All things considered this would be a dream scenario at this point.


    No matter what you say about Kinnear I don't see him being difficult when it comes to working with someone in the DOF position and Shearer is strong enough and respected enough to make his voice heard.


    God do we need a boost right now.

  13. A desperate move by the club, if it turns out to be true. Just wonder why the hell Shearer would agree to come in - now of all times?


    Cos he knows he could potentially do something about us dropping out of the premiership??


    It's a month too late, if it happens. Could be setting himself up for a huge fall if we do go down. Ashley must really be desperate to win the fans back over.


    If it's true, I hope he can turn it around. I just don't have a good feeling about it at all.


    The thing is though, if we go down then it's a good time for him to take the reins anyway.

  14. Holy mother of ...


    It's actually looking like it would be Shearer!!!


    This would be awesome. We are so down and out it would be a great time for him to come in now. I was of the get more experience camp but at this point we might as well give him a go.


    Looks like he's willing to give the system a go till the end of the season. Good man. I suppose it's probably a lot more acceptable under Kinnear than Wise.



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