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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. In what way is Smith a good player to bring on? To do what, apart from probably get booked?


    Not having a go, just curious. I don't see what he offers.


    He'll harass the (already tired) opposition and keep the tempo of the game up.


    What a damning account of the man's ability.


    Nothing you have said actually involves a football.


    And here I was thinking he was a football player.

  2. Alan Smith is a decent player to bring on, whether you guys like it or not.


    Would he be happy to play that role for us though? Considering he left Man U for that exact reason?

  3. This would be a great time to sell Smith and Duff especially as their value will still be reasonably high.


    You just know Keane would be desperate to sign the two of them alone.


    Milner might still be worth persevering with if he could be developed as a central midfield player but with the money we now have, why bother? We could get a better CM for as little as £5 million probably! Giles Barnes for example. I never rated Milneras and it has been damning to see Geremi outplay him so much despite his lack of mobility.

  4. Just to infuriate Fergie ...


    Play Taylor and Ramage at CB.


    Carr at right back and Shola back from loan just in time for this game at left back.


    Alan Smith as a lone striker.


    Doesn't really matter what we do in midfield with that defence and striker we will get murdered!


    Would be class to see Fergies reaction.



  5. They'll be back in as soon as we are mathematically safe, in order to boost their transfer values for the summer.


    The money brought in will purchase us Henry, Ronaldinho and Deco.


    Very key roles indeed.

  6. Oba is so liked because of his great attitude.


    When you think of the mess we've been in even during the short time he has been here, and yet he has only ever had positive things to say, and he has remained so committed to the team, always giving 100%. It really has been refreshing. Hopefully he will be here to enjoy better times with us.


    I know some fans are irritated by the amount of support he seems to get over Owen, but unfortunately when Owen first joined he did lack committment and really only wanted to join on loan initially in order to prepare for the world cup. It did seem like it was all about England for a good while and I think a lot of people remember this, especially as got seriously injured with England.


    Owen is really coming around to being a part of the club only this season to be honest and I think the captaincy was a huge thing for him. Here's hoping Owen stays fit and continues to perform so well and he'll be a favourite before long too.



  7. I am happy to sit back and let KK get on with signing who he wants, i know for a fact we will see players coming in who will be comfortable with the ball, be able to make apass etc etc.


    I am looking forward to this summer, I hope we make an early start in the transfer window and show our intentions from the off.




    Unfortunately I don't think this will be the case, due to Euro 2008, which lots of good players will be involved in.


    We'll probably be watching players at the tournament too.

  8. So we've got a thread on this board saying that Deco's not good enough for us (well, two actually) and another saying that Henry's not good enough for us.


    I just hope nobody starts a 'Ronaldinho' thread. Mackems and Spurs fans probably already having a field day as it is.




    And we'd be a laughing stock again if we go out and spend mad money on a 30 year old who's not exactly setting the world on fire at the minute. Don't get me wrong if we signed him for realistic money and wages I'd be well happy but if we spend stupid money on him and he fails to produce were going to look like bigger fools.


    See Michael Owen


    exactly one year ago he was the consensus best striker in the world. And it's not as if he's suddenly turned into Ameobi at Barcelona: he's just struggling to adapt, not playing in his natural position, and being thrown off balance by all the internal turmoil in the club.


    Fifteen million and 70~80k a week wages and I'd gladly carry him from Barcelona and across the English channel on my two shoulders. Turning our noses up at Henry?


    He's two still two years younger and despite recent troubles has a fitness record a billion times better than that of Mark Viduka, and is at least ten times the player. Viduka is still a massive threat in the Premiership. Players do not suddenly turn completely useless just because they've hit the big three-oh.


    Of course, all of this is immaterial and rather silly, to be honest, because there's honestly no f****** way he'd come here.


    No one is turning their noses up at him and it's silly that some people keep saying that.


    People are just wondering if it is worth the risk, considering his questionable attitude, recent injury problems and the astronomical amount of money it would cost us.


    There are afterall other players out there.

  9. I'm black, so I'm not bothered in the slightest.  I make fun of spackers and jews, it's all in good fun.


    Edit: To an extent, I mean there is always a line, you know.


    I'm certainly not losing any sleep over it. It's just slightly irritating when the 'joke' is just forced and doesn't even make any sense.


    I'm really not one to comment on these things, as I said, each to his own.


    But the Martins likes KK more than KKK thing was just a phenomenally bad effort  :lol:

  10. Are there no black people in the north east or something???



    I know a couple. Do I win a prize?


    Some night vision goggles.


    At least this joke makes sense and is kinda funny.


    The clumsy KKK jokes on the other hand are just weird imo.


    However, to each his own I guess.

  11. Are there no black people in the north east or something???




    actually,  there are not many black people in the North east come to think of it (well, Newcastle anyway).I don`t see many about


    Aaaaaah I see. That would certainly explain a lot.





  12. Are there no black people in the north east or something???


    Why do people feel the need to bring up the KKK or some racial stereotype everytime there is a Martins thread.


    It's really embarrassing guys. How about just talking football eh?

  13. Same again please lads, picking the starting 11 is not a challenge anymore is it :lol:











    Looks like it might still be for you though Skirge, as you've made an absolute pigs ear of our formation there!


    Owen in behind Viduka and Martins is how we lineup.


    Get it sorted!



  14. £15m is really not too much for someone who is proven and will transform the side. He'll easily be the difference between us and other teams like Villa, Everton and Spurs because he's better than anything they've got. I've said it already but I'll say it again, he can start for any team in the Premiership right now. And 30 isn't that old for a player like him who'll still have 3-5 years left in him.


    And, you can never really overpay for quality. And he's absolute quality.


    But anyway, if we're looking at a new RW, I'd rather not overpay for Bentley (because he's English) and go for someone like Jesus Navas who's already up there in terms of effectiveness and actually has potential to become quite a bit better. I've heard about his homesickness and all that, but if you never shoot, you never score, right?




    Deflections off of your arse?

  15. Not too hot on this idea at all.


    Doesn't he have a serious back issue that limits the number of games he can play as well? Along with the already mentioned attitude and poor leadership skills, it would be a big risk.


    There are so many promising young players out there and I would love to see us really try and identify some top young strikers and pursue one of them instead.


    However, if Keegan decides to go for Henry, I'm sure he would make it work.


    If Keegan wants a striker with prem experience who is still young and has some great attributes that I have no doubt Keegan could get the most out of, then Djibril Cisse could be worth a punt. He would only cost about £5 - £7million and his wages would be so much less. He seems to be coming on of late at Marseille.



  16. I chuckled at it, not because it was funny but it was so random and obviously the creator thought it was funny in his own head, which is what I found funny. I quite like it when people can freely pander to their own sense of humour which we don't have to find funny or even see any reason for it. Indeed that's the best kind of humor. Some people can sell it, others can't. I say keep it and ask people to stop being so stuck up.


    Still hating on Oba I see.


    You'll learn to love him soon enough, despit your intelligence grading systems.



  17. Get you now! He seems to win his challenges and play a short 5 - 10 yard pass. it helps when The Gers have Ferguson or Hemdani dropping deep to receive it and drive on to put a more telling pass in, whereas we have........


    ha ha ha ha


    Say no more. I totally understand.


    I do love defenders that resist the temptation to hoof the long ball up the pitch, so the Butt man will have to get his act together and do a better job of dropping deep to get the ball.

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