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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. We want decent youngsters though. Zoggy is appreciated and he isn't even that great.


    Not our fault the likes of Taylor and Milner are so poor.


    Zoggy is from the Dider Domi & Oliver Bernard School Of How To Be French Arse. Decent player on his day though.


    It comes to something when England U21 captain & record caps holder are no longer classed as decent young players.


    I prefer to judge players on what they do on the pitch for Newcastle and not what kind of caps or appearance records they have for England.

  2. Speaking to a friend who is very will in at city, who i think i have given you info from before, he has told me that the job obviously is up for grabs, and that it has been offered to 3 candidates, or 3 have been approached and talked to, and the most interesting 1 is Jose Mourinho. He said that the deal which has been banded around the club is that he will be made the highest ever paid manager in the history of football, and that he will have 100mil to spend to achieve top 5.


    The second piece of info which he sprung on me is that talks are still ongoing between citys camp and ronaldinhos camp and that they want to bring him in with jose to put a marker of intent down


    When is Brown signing for Portsmouth again?

  3. I like how everyone else gets the blame off his fanboys for Taylor having yet another shitter. :lol:


    I am nobodys fan boy as I am not 10 years old, equally I dont player bash for the sake of it. This club has a recent history of a minority but vocally herd fans turning on young players; Jenas, Taylor, Milner, Viana in the recent past. Yet some on this board want us to sign young players :lol: why so they can have more bait to slate.



    We want decent youngsters though. Zoggy is appreciated and he isn't even that great.


    Not our fault the likes of Taylor and Milner are so poor.

  4. One of the worst crossers of the ball in the Premiership iyam. Ask any Liverpool fan and the first thing they mention is that his crossing is absolutely w***. If he was better at it, don't you think he would have been playing (and thus crossing) more for Crouch and Torres this season?


    He's just not good enough, and he's got a silly little party-animal rep as well. No thanks.




    Crossing is one of his best attributes and something he clearly excels at!


    Are you sure you aren't mistaking him for Kieron Dyer or something?

  5. It's the start of an exciting new the period with Keegan this summer and I honestly wouldn't be one bit bothered or concerned with who leaves the club.


    For once we have some direction and focus at the start of the summer and I am excited about that. We have a clear approach and we are sticking by it. I am very excited about seeing some of these young bright stars at Newcastle. I feel Keegans personality and style will get the best out of younger upcoming players I really do. He will giv ethem all the confidence in the world.


    I'm not at all surprised about the Owen situation. There is just no way he can expect us to pay him anything near what he has been on considering ow much he has cost us already with no real payback in return as far as production from him.


    Looking to an exciting bright future whatever happens. Onwards and upwards I say.


    Good news and bad news.


    If there's an ounce of truth in it, of course. Which I doubt.


    I feel like there is some truth to it. I think Keegan knew this is what he had to do from the outset and basically this is why he claimed we would be miles away from the top 4 and unable to challenge next year.


    I don't think he feels he can make as much rapid progress under these conditions i.e. building a younger squad.


    However, I am just as happy for us to make slower progress with a young talented squad and the idea of the likes of Veloso, Gomis, Nasri etc coming in excites me rather than the Crouches, Riises, Campbells etc.


    I think I'm with Ashley on this one. Yeah it might take a little longer but we'll get there eventually as long as we can get the right players in.It will be really refreshing to have some top young talent at the club for a change.

  7. Very talented boy who has had his fair share of problems.


    You don't make a first team appearance for Arsenal at 16 unless you've got something about you.


    Seems to have calmed down quite a bit off the pitch and hopefully is maturing.


    Wouldn't mind him at all.

  8. I agree on Alonso, would be a great signing and a good fit for our needs. I'm not sure he would fancy the move though, still if you don't buy a ticket you won't win the lottery.


    Souness is that you?



  9. Signing Portsmouth's cast offs would be pretty desperate.


    Dude has lost all of his mobility and is increasingly looking a bit more clumsy by the match.


    He is essentially morphing into Titus Bramble as he gets older and we really don't need that Kev. We really don't!

  10. I wonder how far in they are at the present time.  Have they started?  Is it all done and dusted?  Are they in the middle of a heated discussion about a certain player?  Are they having lunch?  Was lunch even on the agenda?


    Who knows....


    Lunch was lovely.


    Keegan is now letting Velosa know exactly how he plans to utilise him in his formation next season.



  11. IMO there isn't as much money on the table as people in this thread are assuming. I really don't believe Mort will want to spend more than 30-40m net. Now that is probably enough for gradual improvement and goint up a few league places, but I have a feeling KK is trying to force more dicussion on these matters with Mort and Co. and reappraise expectations allround.


    One thing he said in the interview that I noticed was the "...Even Liverpool are struggling to keep up"..or words to that effect. The good finish to the season has raised expectations and my feeling is that KK wants Ashley to realise that the road is much longer than he thinks and also KK imo wanted to get this across to the supporters.


    Unfortunately it was a gift to the media who have taken advantage, but that shouldn't concern us as they can have little affect on the club as long as the management stick together.


    I kinda agree. I think it will be around £50 million.


    Regarding Modric Keegan actually said we were set to pay £20 million over three years, at £6.7 million a year. So really Modric would have only cost us £6.7 million this year.


    Now, if we can achieve these kind of deals for all of our targets and they are of the calibre of a Modric then that £50 million will certainly go a long way.


    We shall see I suppose.

  12. I've got me ear pressed against the wall in the room next door and I am currently sending this message via my blackberry ...


    They sound happy! There has been a lot of laughter so far, I think they are looking through this mornings papers.


    Hang on ... just heard a foreignish sounding voice ... there's someone else in there. I think it's a player!


    Yup ... I can now confirm they've got a spanish or portuguese player in there, just heard the accent.


    Oh my gosh it's Veloso! Just heard hisname mentioned!


    This is an exclusive folks. Veloso is coming mark my words.


    Iron clad and nailed on!



    Honestly the worst attempt at being funny I've ever seen on here :lol:


    That's what makes it so funny though right  :pow:


    I'm a genius ...

  13. We talk about transfers on here ---> Martin Jol reads our posts ---> He tells his sister in law who works at WHL ---> She tells Daniel Levy ---> They sign our targets.


    nailed it in one  :pow:


    I propose Martin Jol's access be restricted  O0


    Wondered how long it would take before I got dragged into this! :lol:


    So Mr. ITK whats the latest on Darren Bent's situation.


    Is Newcastle really a possibility? We'll only have him for £6 million though ... maybe we'll throw in Steven Taylor as well if you ask nicely.

  14. Adebayor really is an ass if he's already asking for a massive salary hike!


    What the hell is wrong with these players anyway? He was on his way to being nothing at Monaco. One good season and this?!


    I bet he fades into obscurity if he leaves Arsenal.


    Wow ... that has really surprised me.

  15. Current home:





    Don't ask why?? Maybe it's because I'm gullable stupid pr!ck bu there ye have it. Get cained for it and rightly so.... :doh:


    Surely you are joking!!!




    That's hilarious! Do you actually still wear it then?


    No man unfortunaltey I'm not.  :weep: :blush:


    Do I f*ck wear it... I think me old tart is using it as a polish duster... not too sure though




    I'm sorry but that is just brilliant!


    Aaaah the heady days of the Allardyce romance eh? Where did it all go so wrong.


    You should hold onto that top it will be worth a lot of money one day.


    Thanks for sharing your a very brave man  :thup:

  16. I've got me ear pressed against the wall in the room next door and I am currently sending this message via my blackberry ...


    They sound happy! There has been a lot of laughter so far, I think they are looking through this mornings papers.


    Hang on ... just heard a foreignish sounding voice ... there's someone else in there. I think it's a player!


    Yup ... I can now confirm they've got a spanish or portuguese player in there, just heard the accent.


    Oh my gosh it's Veloso! Just heard hisname mentioned!


    This is an exclusive folks. Veloso is coming mark my words.


    Iron clad and nailed on!

  17. Current home:





    Don't ask why?? Maybe it's because I'm gullable stupid pr!ck bu there ye have it. Get cained for it and rightly so.... :doh:


    Surely you are joking!!!




    That's hilarious! Do you actually still wear it then?

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