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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Martins would have definitely been man of the match if he was played upfront more.


    The guy gets his shots off swiftly, with power and on target everytime.


    He is our most dangerous goal threat. He was pissed off at how things went in the first half that he rebelled and refused to stay out wide and he promptly took over the game and allowed us the chance to score.


    However, I can't help this was the reason Keegan took him off, as he wasn't happy with him neglecting his responsibilities on the wing.

  2. I'm not bashing Owen just stating the fact that his left foot has probably cost us around 10 goals this season.


    Anyway, Owen is absoilutely worthless unless Martins is on the pitch, as he will unsettle defences and allow Owen to get in.


    You can only imagine what we would have been like with Martins and Viduka upfront and Zoggy on the left, which is infact our best three options in these positions.


    However, Keegan has sold his soul by making Owen captain and deeming him undroppable and that pisses me off because it is costing us points.

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