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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Not that surprised about Wheater. The kind of defender an Italian would appreciate. Big, dirty and uncompromising if not pretty on the eye. England doesn't really have many defenderrs like this, other than Terry perhaps.


    And to think everyone was anticipating Taylor being in the team  :lol:


    I doubt Taylor would ever make into a Capello team. Other than the fact he can't actually defend, he is also surprisingly weak for someone his size and doesn't really put himself about.

  2. Alright, alright I'll give it a rest ... for now.


    Owen versus Blackburn though  :lol:


    Here's hoping we just keep getting better as a team and we stay up so that we can really look forward to next season.

  3. :lol:


    You can't pick someone from the same game you daft lad!




    In the last 5 months as in prior to this game maybe?!


    The sad fact is that no individual has produced anywhere near as good a performance, no matter how good or bad peple thought Martins was.


    It's a sad fact  :weep: hence the overexcitement.

  4. In comparison to the rest of the team and what they have done all season can you really blame them?!!!


    Come on man! Do you realise it was probably the best performance we have seen since Martins himself left for the ACN.


    Name one perfformance that has come even close in the last 5 months then. Then I won't say another word about Martins.

  5. Do you really think that all he did was "hit a shot that Owen scored from and have a shot that was tipped wide"?


    If so then you clearly weren't watching the game.


    Therefore why comment on his performance?



  6. What did he actually do that was so great? Hit a shot that Owen scored the rebound from, had another shot that was tipped wide? Nothing else stands out really. I don't think anyone was that great quality wise, they just showed a bit more effort and passion than usual.



  7. Enrique isn't a full international and had only played a handful of games for Villareal, so I doubt he is demanding a first team place already.


    As long as he is a part of the squad and gets a decent amount of games as second choice I really doubt he would have a problem with that in the short term. He's only 21 and although a decent player who I rate, is by no means a world beater yet.

    And Riise is? I agree we need cover but how long does Enrique need to bed in exactly? If he's still here next season I either expect him to be starting the majority of games or by understudy to someone significantly better. I'm not sure that Riise is that and we've all seen what happens when we buy the cast-offs of the 'big 4' - i.e. we pay demotivated players a fortune to go through the motions.


    Fair enough. I'm not necessarily saying Enrique ought to be understudy to Riise, but I do feel he should be understudy to someone in the short term. Would be ideal if we could get in a more experienced left back better than Riise for sure.

  8. Unfortunately, it look slike barton is one of those players who cannot be effective unless he is playing angry and a bit on the edge. Now he cannot afford to play this way due to his latest troubles, I feel we have essentially been lumbered with a player who is a shadow of what he was.


    Roy Keane wouldn't have been the same without that psychotic streak in him and even Rooney is a tad mental too. However for the most part these two keep it together and more importantly they are calm off the pitch.


    Not sure we'll ever see a half decent Joey Barton.


    As I said in the match thread I would seriously consider stopping his therapy in the couple of days leading up to each game, and having people antogonise him the day and night before the game. We could probably pay someone to do this, someone who doesn't mind being bashed around obviously and who won't go running to the press. Joey caan then be rushed straight back into treatment immediately after each game.

  9. Enrique isn't a full international and had only played a handful of games for Villareal, so I doubt he is demanding a first team place already.


    As long as he is a part of the squad and gets a decent amount of games as second choice I really doubt he would have a problem with that in the short term. He's only 21 and although a decent player who I rate, is by no means a world beater yet.

  10. EEEither of them have yet to prove they could be even half the player Ronnie can be, and I rate Diego..


    Well they are still young enough to go on and do so aren't they? Besides they have shown they are quality young players that could add creativity to any side.


    If everyone only ever signed experienced players who had proven themselves as world class players then how would any young talent ever come through? There is always an element of risk, but it is generally a smarter move to get in younger talent rather than pay loads of money for players who are on their way down.


    If we signed Ronaldinho in the summer while the likes of Spurs, Aston Villa and Man City were all signing the likes of Diego, Nasri, Van der Vaart etc I would be very uncomfortable indeed.





  11. I preffer it if we stuck/worked with Enrique. If Enrique goes then maybe go for Riise.


    So you are happy with only one left back in our entire squad then?


    Why do you only want one of them?


    What a silly idea.

    He didn't say that, did he? As though Riise going to leave a side like Liverpool to sit on the bench here. Him coming here would mean him getting first team football more than likely and probably see Enrique leaving sooner rather than later.


    Enrique is inexperienced and young enough to play more of a back up role for another season or two though, so I don't see why it would mean Enrique leaving.



  12. Ronaldinho already struggles to stay motivated to perform for Barcelona so God knows what would happen if he came here.


    Thank God for our new setup. A big part of their job would be to prevent us from being ripped off by overspending on these type of players when they are on their way down.


    If we are going to spend silly money it should at least be on players who have long term futures and who are still to reach their prime.


    No more Kluiverts and Vidukas thanks. How about some fresh blood please!


    So not only would you turn down Ronaldinho, you're putting him in the same bracket as Viduka?


    I hope no other clubs forums get a hold of posts like this!


    Why the hell would I want Ronaldinho when we could instead go after the  likes of Nasri or Diego???


    They would likely cost less or round about the same amount but would bw with us for the next 10 years. Even if we chose to sell them later on we would get a hell of a lot of money for them too.


    Your the one who hasn't got a clue pal. Your eally haven't.

  13. Ronaldinho already struggles to stay motivated to perform for Barcelona so God knows what would happen if he came here.


    Thank God for our new setup. A big part of their job would be to prevent us from being ripped off by overspending on these type of players when they are on their way down.


    If we are going to spend silly money it should at least be on players who have long term futures and who are still to reach their prime.


    No more Kluiverts and Vidukas thanks. How about some fresh blood please!

  14. Rodhaminho has got the right idea.


    I repeat if we sign Henry or Ronaldinho this summer I will indeed be depressed.


    I would prefer to see us bringing in the likes of Nasri, Ben Arfa, Diego, Huntelaar, Benzema etc. You know the next generation who will give us years of great service.


    Henry and Ronaldinho? To hell with that shite.


    Would be embarrassing and would end in tears.


    How much would their wages be? And for what exactly but bouts of injuries and overweightness because they have no motivation to play for a team trying to re-establish itself.



  15. I preffer it if we stuck/worked with Enrique. If Enrique goes then maybe go for Riise.


    So you are happy with only one left back in our entire squad then?


    Why do you only want one of them?


    What a silly idea.

  16. I wonder how highly rated Deschamps is in Italy right now? I don't think Juventus were too sad to see him go.



    Deschamps got them promoted but then left beause the guys upstairs wanted to sign players he didn't want.

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