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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Assuming Enrique starts tomorrow, what do you think Keegan will do in midfield with Zoggy?


    I hope he doesn't just put him alongside Butt at centre midfield because Zoggy has shown he doesn't do much in this position. I would even prefer to see Duff alongside Butt in the middle, but Duff is just so pathetically weak it isn't even funny. Lots of people have been hoping to see Milner in this position but I'm not sure this is even a possibility as it has never happened before.


    All I know is that if Enrique is playing, then the first name in our midfield has to be Zoggy on the left wing. Keegan can then do whatever he wants with the rest of the midfield as far as I'm concerned, as it will no doubt be pants anyway. We just have to ensure we make use of Zoggy's best attributes from now on.

  2. KK backs Taylor to bounce back

    Feb 29 2008 by Alan Oliver, Evening Chronicle


    KEVIN KEEGAN is backing his central defender Steven Taylor to shake off the blues Newcastle United suffered at the hands of the Reds last Saturday.


    The England Under-21 skipper has been United’s best defender this season, but even he had no answer to the off-the-ball running of Manchester United trio Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney and Carlos Tevez in the 5-1 mauling at St James’s Park.


    Keegan has admitted the club’s dip in form has taken its toll on all his players, not least the 22-year-old Taylor.


    But the United boss is convinced Taylor’s do-or-die attitude whenever he pulls on the black-and-white shirt will see him emerge an even better player.


    Keegan said today: “Steven Taylor is a young player, and he’s totally committed, but again he’s feeling the effects of not winning football matches.”


    Taylor put his contract talks on the back burner while the club hopes to avoid being involved in a relegation battle, and Keegan knows that he will get 100% from his centre-half against Blackburn tomorrow.


    And Taylor goes into tomorrow’s game knowing that he has had mixed luck against Blackburn in the past.


    He was sent off at Ewood Park after tangling with Craig Bellamy on the day Michael Owen scored his first goal for the club in 2005-06, but last season he scored the second goal in United’s Oba Martins-inspired 3-0 victory.







  3. Well, if we do sell him then I hope it's not too another decent prem club like Man City, Arsenal, Villa or West Ham because we will regret it.


    The young guy has only played one year of football as a first teamer and peole think he will always remain the same player and never improve.


    I continue to hope for the best. Always remembering the ludicrous things that were said about Adebayor just a year ago, although many deny it now. I also refuse to forget Martins best game for us at home versus AZ where he was sensational for the whole 90 mins. If we ever get that kind of performance out of him consistently ... bingo.



  4. I know we're short in numbers and quality but I don't think this is the answer.  From 04-08 he's played 67 games.  That's a grand total of 7 more than Woodgate has.  So he's either been forced out of action from injury or not being good enough.  I wouldn't be happy taking on a player under either of those circumstances. 



    Like I said, if this is true, then hopefully it is because we (Newcastle) saw him for ourselves stand out at the African Nations Cup, and not based on recommendations or video tapes etc.

  5. I'd like to think Martins and Owen would be peddled in the long run.


    Why though?


    Look ... if we can build a class midfield with ability on the ball and good passing and movement, and then bring in a quality target man with a good touch and goalscoring ability i.e. a Berbatov type, then Martins lesser points wouldn't be as glaring, and his strengths would shine even more.


    Martins is unpredictable and that can be a very valuable commodity! He can and does produce things out of nothing. That goal against Tottenham was the reason we won that game. The manner of the goal totally knocked the air out of Tottenham and their fans and inspired our team, especially as Tottenham had started so strongly against us.


    We absolutely have to keep Martins especially now we have an attack minded manager who will surround him with good attacking players and also help him develop.

  6. Martins is only 22 (allegedly) so is still pretty young and considering he has been stuck out in Italy and has only been here for just over a season, I don't know why people are so surprised he doesn't know too much about Keegan. I mean it's not like Keegan actually won us any trophies (no disrespect intended!), so give Martins a break.


    If this talk of a new contract is true then surely it means Owen's time is up? I wouldn't want two shorties playing upfront if it can be avoided and so better to let Mickey go tbh.


    Get a goalscoring target man type, who Martins can play off without the pressure to get all the goals, allowing him to be his random best! Keegan as a former striker should certainly get more out of him too, with a bit of work on the the training pitch.

  7. This lad might just be what we need, freeing up Faye to play DM.


    Ideally, yes. However, Taylor's recent performances probably means it will be both Faye and this fella at Centre back.


    Hopefully, we noticed him because he stood out at the African Nations Cup.


    Seems like an alright move to me.

  8. Moyes has done a good job at Everton, but there is no way he would be a good appointment for Newcastle. He wouldn't get the time and support he would need. He is someone who builds teams over a period of time and needs the leeway to make a few mistakes here and there.


    Beattie & Kroldrup? Newcastle fans would be calling for his head! Also, I'm sure people would of course turn their noses up at the likes of Carsley, Phil Neville, Jagielka and Hibbert in the team. Moyes, no matter how much money he has, will always have a few of these types in his teams and it would be a stick most would beat him with.


    Moyes today, O'Neill tomorrow, Curbishley the day after and then Mark Hughes the next. All very predictable, lets hope we stay up, and then we'll see what happens next season, which is the real judgement time for Keegan.


    How simple minded are some people for goodness sake. Obviously getting addicted to the changing of managers. It really is pathetic, honestly.

  9. Duff + Carr + Given for McGeady and I would be a very happy man quite frankly.




    You're right. Maybe a bit of a silly offer.


    We'll throw Owen in as well.


    That should just about clinch it  :thup:

  10. Reported in today's Scottish Daily Mail that newcastle are interested in Steven Fletcher of Hibernian. Apparently KK has been sending scouts to watch him. He is a young striker with a lot of potential but far from the finished article at the moment. Can hold up a ball and is pacy.Also technically good and has scored 13 goals so far this season. I hope this is to give more cover for the future and we will be also looking for a proven goal scorer this summer. (Putting tin hat on and awaiting the usual torrent of abuse regarding Scottish players and Scottish football in general.)


    Out of interest, how tall is he?


    Think he's just over 6ft. Not 100% though, looks fairly tall.


    Cool. We really don't want anymore midget strikers at the club, so good to know he at least passes that test.

  11. Reported in today's Scottish Daily Mail that newcastle are interested in Steven Fletcher of Hibernian. Apparently KK has been sending scouts to watch him. He is a young striker with a lot of potential but far from the finished article at the moment. Can hold up a ball and is pacy.Also technically good and has scored 13 goals so far this season. I hope this is to give more cover for the future and we will be also looking for a proven goal scorer this summer. (Putting tin hat on and awaiting the usual torrent of abuse regarding Scottish players and Scottish football in general.)


    Out of interest, how tall is he?

  12. If we got rid and replaced him with Wes Brown on a free we would be better off defensively. Even bringin in his under 21 teammate Onuoha would make us better defensively.


    This is in reply to TT's question of who we replace him with. It's not that hard to replace Steven Taylor. I would even give Edgar a run of games as soon as we're safe to see what he's about too. I suspect he is a better player also.

  13. All this crap about putting him alongside a better defender...if I just saw him doing the basics right I could go along with it. Defenders who don't mark won't look good next to anyone. Taylor's forte is waving his arms around and then standing in front of the goal trying to block incoming shots with his body or hands whichever it takes. He's bigger than Cacapa so at least that's something he does better.



    Exactly! This is the thing for me too! Just show me something!


    It's like I said about Wheater, he's not the most amazing or talented prospect, but you know what he's about. He is strong and he bullies a good number of strikers. He is also quite dominant in the air.


    What does Taylor give our defensive unit? I can't think of one thing he consistently provides for us. Not one!

  14. Defence is poorly drilled right now and confidence is that shattered that individual defenders are less likely to know how to handle any given situation.  And thus will make stupid mistakes, esp. if trying to impress, ironically enough.


    Don't think Taylor's going backwards, he's just going through the ups and downs that many younger players go through.  Terry had world class players around him when he hit similar veins of form; Taylor doesn't have that.  I'd give the lad a break for this season unless you'd prefer he sodded off to Spurs or the like, and then moan about him strangely improving.


    If you think Spurs or the like are going to headhunt Taylor you must be off your rocker. Ramos bought Woodgate to mark players not run to the goal line to make last-ditch clearances, or clutch his gut to to try and con the ref he didn't handle on the line.


    Yeah, no other club has ever shown an interest in buying Steven Taylor.  Of course.


    Only Liverpool on several occasions, of course he's not good enough for this magnificent club.




    If Liverpool or Spurs buy him you can bump this post and tell us we were all wrong.



    This team/squad and club is rotten to the core, yet the stand out target is a lad who loves the club more than any other players currently in a B&W shirt, i love it i really do.


    He's not performing in a mess of a 1st team and because of that he's now not going to make it, doomed to fail.


    Possibly correct if he hangs around this shithole, its dragging him down, if i were him i'd hand in my transfer request and get as far away from this shambles as i possibly could.


    The club is letting him down more than he's letting the club down.







    I don't care if he loves the club. He isn't good enough to be playing in the team right now.


    Yet he is, due to this idea he is a young prospect and a local lad who loves the club and is committed to it nonsense.


    The guy isn't good enough, and the more he plays and the more it costs us, the angrier I get. Nothing personal, but the simple fact is that I know we can put out a better defensive unit that doesn't include him.






    Like the Brazilian Clown? Yeah lets whack him in the side, so much better.


    Fact is the whole squad isn't good enough for the club, Taylor due to his age shouldn't have to be doing all the work at the back, having to rely on him, but we are and he's failing, not his fault he's surrounded by amateurs.


    Doing all the work???


    Father, Lord in Heaven give me strength I plead of thee!


    Everytime Taylor and cacapa have played alongside each other I only see Cacapa "doing all the work". Cacapa is making interceptions, tackling and actually marking people as opposed to space, before becoming overwhelmed due to the lack of support from Taylor.


    Put Cacapa alongside Faye and I have no doubt we will be much better defensively. Faye will make up for Cacapa's lack of strength, and although we will be a bit slow in centreal defence, I honestly don't think Taylor adds any more pace anyway.


    How many times have Cacapa and Faye lined up together? How did we do in those games? Can someone please investigate this. A bit difficult for me to do right now.

  15. Defence is poorly drilled right now and confidence is that shattered that individual defenders are less likely to know how to handle any given situation.  And thus will make stupid mistakes, esp. if trying to impress, ironically enough.


    Don't think Taylor's going backwards, he's just going through the ups and downs that many younger players go through.  Terry had world class players around him when he hit similar veins of form; Taylor doesn't have that.  I'd give the lad a break for this season unless you'd prefer he sodded off to Spurs or the like, and then moan about him strangely improving.


    If you think Spurs or the like are going to headhunt Taylor you must be off your rocker. Ramos bought Woodgate to mark players not run to the goal line to make last-ditch clearances, or clutch his gut to to try and con the ref he didn't handle on the line.


    Yeah, no other club has ever shown an interest in buying Steven Taylor.  Of course.


    Only Liverpool on several occasions, of course he's not good enough for this magnificent club.



    Good. Hope they buy him.


    So do I for his sake.

    So do I. For NUFC's sake. He'd do better in a better side no doubt, initially anyway. But he'd get found out soon enough.


    NUFC have hampered his career. Sure they gave him his break, but after that they've stopped his development with poor coaching, no role models for him, poor on pitch performances and a host of managerial changes.


    Continuity breeds success everyone was shouting before SA was sacked, does that not count in this case, only when looking for a weak reason to defend a s*** managers poor efforts?


    Life isn't perfect! He should have raised his game or worked harder to make the most of an opportunity where he was forced into the first team. If he did work his hardest and this is the result then he isn't good enough.


    Yes you can say the club let him down and that is fair enough. If this is indeed the case and it has resulted in him being the player he is now then I apologize to you on behalf of the club. Just get him the hell out of the first team, as he's not helping our cause one bit and others will do better.

  16. Defence is poorly drilled right now and confidence is that shattered that individual defenders are less likely to know how to handle any given situation.  And thus will make stupid mistakes, esp. if trying to impress, ironically enough.


    Don't think Taylor's going backwards, he's just going through the ups and downs that many younger players go through.  Terry had world class players around him when he hit similar veins of form; Taylor doesn't have that.  I'd give the lad a break for this season unless you'd prefer he sodded off to Spurs or the like, and then moan about him strangely improving.


    If you think Spurs or the like are going to headhunt Taylor you must be off your rocker. Ramos bought Woodgate to mark players not run to the goal line to make last-ditch clearances, or clutch his gut to to try and con the ref he didn't handle on the line.


    Yeah, no other club has ever shown an interest in buying Steven Taylor.  Of course.


    Only Liverpool on several occasions, of course he's not good enough for this magnificent club.




    If Liverpool or Spurs buy him you can bump this post and tell us we were all wrong.



    This team/squad and club is rotten to the core, yet the stand out target is a lad who loves the club more than any other players currently in a B&W shirt, i love it i really do.


    He's not performing in a mess of a 1st team and because of that he's now not going to make it, doomed to fail.


    Possibly correct if he hangs around this shithole, its dragging him down, if i were him i'd hand in my transfer request and get as far away from this shambles as i possibly could.


    The club is letting him down more than he's letting the club down.







    I don't care if he loves the club. He isn't good enough to be playing in the team right now.


    Yet he is, due to this idea he is a young prospect and a local lad who loves the club and is committed to it nonsense.


    The guy isn't good enough, and the more he plays and the more it costs us, the angrier I get. Nothing personal, but the simple fact is that I know we can put out a better defensive unit that doesn't include him.





  17. Sell him in the summer and get a real young prospect like Onuoha in, who Keegan is familiar with.


    I thought it was disgusting how Taylor got all the plaudits at the under 21 tournament due to his I took a penalty with one foot action hero act. Onuoha was a beast and did all the work, while Taylor stuck out his chest and put on his I'm so committed face, largely doing nought.

  18. Definitely a possibility. Considering that the only reason he left Man U was because he felt he wasn't playing enough. He would have certainly made a big deal about playing as much as possible at his new club. It would certainly make a lot of sense. Why leave Man U's bench to sit on Newcastle's right?


    Allardyce is a freakin' twat.

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