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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Carroll as our targetman alongside either Owen or Martins.


    Edgar alongside Faye because Taylor is a mess and Cacapa might be too old to handle what is now a real relegation scrap.


    Kadar in at left back as apparently Enrique has escaped back to Spain and no more Zoggy there ever!


    Zoggy on the left and Duff or Milner on the bench.


    You know it's right Kev. Make it happen.  :angry:

  2. I'm not looking for perfection from Taylor, not at all, so all of this talk about his partners making him look poor is pointless. No defender is perfect, and most make mistakes every now and then, never mind young ones. This isn't about being error prone or looking bad.


    The thing is that I don't see any impressive attributes when I look at Taylor. He looks the part but it doesn't translate onto the pitch.


    He's no slouch, but isn't really that fast either, which is made worse by the fact that he doesn't take up the best positions to begin with and so is easily caught out.


    He's tall and has a good build, but he doesn't play strong because his balance is so poor. He plays too upright and so it is easy to body him off the ball.


    He's good in the air if the ball comes straight to him and he isn't really contested. If he has to jostle for position though, his lack of strength/balance lets him down.


    He does look like he has a good tackle but again, he isn't usually in a good enough position to utilize it effectively.


    Taylor also has this weird habit of having his hands too high up when he is trying to stay in front of his defender, which is very odd and quite dangerous, particularly in and around the penalty area.


    This is the Steven Taylor i see whenever I watch him, and therefore I don't think he is good enough, neither am I confident that he will ever be. When I watch the likes of Onuoha, Curtis Davies, Wheater and even Gary Cahill I certainly don't see a finished product or a perfect player by any means, but I see a hell of a lot more promise and genuine abilities.


    Sorry if this offends anyone but that is hoenstly how I feel.


    Everytime this comes up, his supporters say he is only young and he has never had a decent partner etc How about telling us about what it is you see him do on the pitch that excites you? I just don't see any outstanding qualities he posesses.

  3. In a weird way I'm encouraged by our performance because if we play like this against anyone outside the top 6 or so we will deck them. We've been competitive and actually caused their defence some discomfort and problems, but stupid mistakes at the back have cost us.


    The important games are the ones that come after we play Liverpool.


    Zoggy at left-back isn't funny anymore though and Taylor appears to be working on some kind of spinning breakdance move instead of tracking Ronaldo.


    Keegan ought to get a bit of credit for actually making this lot look like they can actually pass the ball a little bit. I really think we have looked good going at them.

  4. Apparently Taylor has said he didn't think he made much contact with Eduardo.


    Right ...  :rolleyes:




    That's what Alex McCleish said in his post match interview.


    Cheers.  That said he's not going to say much else (McLeish or Taylor for that matter).


    I know. However, I wonder why people say anything in such situations.


    Taylor was silly for saying it in the first place, but for McCleish to come out and mention it was just as silly.


    Makes Taylor look really stupid.

  5. No red card:




    I can't understand anybody defending that, pathetic.   :idiot2:


    The thick fucker isn't even sliding. He's launching himself onto the guy's leg! His whole body weight would have come down on his leg.


    Isn't even looking for the ball. This is all down to the bully them tactical speech, no doubt about it.


    Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.


    You can quite clearly see from that photo, Kaka, that Eduardo has pushed the ball past Taylor.  Taylor's reactions were just too slow.  Judging from the clip on YouTube, crappy as it may be, Taylor's challenge was clumsy but not malicious.


    Without seeing the clip from various angles, it is difficult to categorically state either way, but I would barter that Eduardo is as much as victim as his own skill as he is Taylor's tackle.  The problem nowadays is that players such as Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Eduardo et al are so quick on the ball that they leave defenders trailing in their wake. 


    Please do not misread this - I am NOT blaming Eduardo, as that would be daft.  Taylor's challenge warranted a red card but I suspect Eduardo's sleight of foot was just too quick for Taylor.  to be honest, I am surprised that more players of Eduardo's class have not suffered similar injuries, as defenders are constantly sprawling out after being 'owned.'


    I hope that Eduardo recovers and I also hope that people try not to throw the book at Taylor before viewing all the evidence.  We have one dodgy replay and few photos.  Let the FA do the deciding.




    There's nothing wrong with being late as it can happen, but look at the tackle!


    He is not sliding but launching himself onto Eduardo and his foot is ridiculously high.


    Do you play a lot of football? You just don't tackle like that, not even by accident, it isn't natural.


    The guy is a professional and so the tackle is even more inexcusable.

  6. You are always going to have the odd serious injury resulting from a mistimed tackle which is sad. But I don't see why everybody is getting their knickers in such a twist.


    Maybe the thought of a thick dirty b****** possibly ending the career of another player doesn't sit well with some people.

    Have you seen enough of this player to make this statement or is it just a knee jerk reaction to a badly timed tackle?


    He looks thick, he certainly looks like he hasn't had a wash and he must be a bastard to do something like that.


    Good enough for me.

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