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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Geremi at right back and Beye at left back next game?




    So Carr doesn't have to play.


    Geremi, Faye, Cacapa and Beye vs Man Utd. is our best chance of doing any defending in that game.



    Is Enrique injured? He might be, i've only just got in - i haven't read anything today...


    I thought he was still injured.

  2. Where the hell is Xabi Alonso???!!!


    We need to be having a serious snoop around Alonso's situation this summer.


    If we show enough ambition with other signings etc. we might be able to get him in.




    I can't remember him playing in a while now.


    Has he been injured recently also? Since he came back from the metatarsal injury?

  3. Pompey are winning. Yay.


    Diarra. Nay.


    Diarra is an Arsenal reject man! Couldn't get into their first team! Only played mickey Mouse Carling Cup games for Arsenal! Not good enough for us!




    Sometimes we get exactly what we deserve.



    how many people where saying that?


    Diarra is a good player, the fans & Wenger didn't want him to leave but he insisted.. similar to Bentley...



    Im very sceptic about this. If Wenger deciedes to let him go Im not sure he is the kind of player we want. If both Chelsea and Arsenal decides to let him go in 1 year, it really doesnt look good.




    Another reject.  :rant: Not good enough for Chelsea & Arsenal. Not good enough for us.


    The great TT doesn't think we needed him either!


    He's a classy little player, but i just don't think we need him, we need more flair.


    Its a great signing if we go out and get some attacking players as well.




    And I'll end with another quote from the mongtastic Terry2nil ...


    Another reject.  :rant: Not good enough for Chelsea & Arsenal. Not good enough for us.

    We aren't even close to been in the same league as Chelsea and Arsenal mate, he's a very good player, end of.


    We never will be signing crap like him.

  4. Pompey are winning. Yay.


    Diarra. Nay.


    Diarra is an Arsenal reject man! Couldn't get into their first team! Only played mickey Mouse Carling Cup games for Arsenal! Not good enough for us!




    Sometimes we get exactly what we deserve.


  5. Great thread. Wanted to start one along these lines but too depressed.


    This is the most worrying thing about Keegan to me. I think he is giving our current players way too much credit if he thinks they simply need their confidence back in order to perform.


    Quite frankly these players are not good enough.


    His faith in the likes of Carr, Smith and Butt frightens me.


    I'm sure he sees Butt as being one of our few leaders, but what is the excuse for playing the likes of Carr, Smith and even Taylor today?

  6. First team to beat Ipswich at home this season, soon.


    How has Shittu been for you guys this season?


    Thought he was a beast for Nigeria in the ACN.


    Surprised no one in the premiership went for him in the summer. He is certainly better than quite a few prem defenders I would have thought.

  7. Villa are deadly at set pieces with Carew and Laursen ... still baffled by the decision not to play Faye.


    Our defenders were actually visibly scared of Carew and Harewood. Embarrassing.


    Ooooooh look at that big scary strong stud of a black man!!! Could someone else please pick him up?!!!


    Faye would have taken responsibility and is the only defender we have who would have relished the challenge.



  8. I thought the ref was very inconsistent today as well. Could have dished out a few yellows to them but instead gave one to Smith (I think).


    The penalty was also rubbish because we had a similar appeal earlier on. No consistency at all.


    Having seen the bench, I have to say Keegan f***** this one up. Faye should have been in there for Cacapa, who just couldn't keep up with Carew. And Carr, jesus christ, I have no idea why he was playing today.


    That statement kills me because although Cacapa was having a tough time, he still made a lot of tackles and interceptions. He was present. He was involved. He stood up to be counted.


    Where was Taylor? I honestly can't remember a single thing he did today. He was in hiding of course, letting Cacapa take all the heat.


    He gets away with it time and time again.

  9. I can absolve Keegan to some degree as he's new here, but what I can't understand is why the staff that have remained have clearly not been screaming at him what we all know; namely Faye being better than anyone else at the club at the back, and very assured in midfield.


    Probably why Pearson left ...


    Pearson probably took one look at Kev's team sheet for today and thought fuck this!

  10. As soon as I saw Harewood coming on I immediately though to myself ... we'd better start warming up Faye.


    We dealt with Carew alrightish in the first half, but the addittion of Harewood was always going to have our pampers soft defenders all over the place.


    We are such a soft team it's embarrassing. No authority at the back. Faye has to be at centre back for us with Cacapa. Taylor just exists on the pitch without really doing much in most games. One goaline clearance every five games does not a defender make.

  11. A typial 07-08 NUFC performance. Decent first half, absolutely woeful second, but the team selection was all over the place. The bench read like a list of our best players. Four of the five should have started and even Harper was a nice change from Given's recent performances.


    Butt, Carr, Smith and Duff shouldn't play for us again. Get the other lads in and get them all out ASAP.


    Wow ... someone else also feels Duff has been crap.


    The amount of times he dwells on the ball when he should pass it

    quickly or cross it first time is terrible. He has ruined a lot of our better attacking moves due to this and also put us under unnecessary pressure.  Why he tries to dribble out of tight prerssure is beyond me, especially as he is weak as piss and will only fall over under the slightest bit of pressure.





    in fairness to Duff he's got what to aim for exactly, Smith?


    and lets not forget his fat irish prick of a partner on the left flank


    Get it into a dangerous area and anything could happen.


    Surely better than continuously losing the ball right?

  12. A typial 07-08 NUFC performance. Decent first half, absolutely woeful second, but the team selection was all over the place. The bench read like a list of our best players. Four of the five should have started and even Harper was a nice change from Given's recent performances.


    Butt, Carr, Smith and Duff shouldn't play for us again. Get the other lads in and get them all out ASAP.


    Wow ... someone else also feels Duff has been crap.


    The amount of times he dwells on the ball when he should pass it

    quickly or cross it first time is terrible. He has ruined a lot of our better attacking moves due to this and also put us under unnecessary pressure.  Why he tries to dribble out of tight prerssure is beyond me, especially as he is weak as piss and will only fall over under the slightest bit of pressure.




  13. Brum equalise.


    Who scored?


    McFadden pen.




    I hate to say this but when I watch all these other teams play, except perhaps Derby, I honestly feel like we are worse than them all.


    It's frightening.

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