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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Ban for life is a bit of a joke, i don't think he meant to do anything like that, it just happened, clumsy but i doubt malicious.


    I bet he feels like s*** right now.




    Someone talking sense.


    The thing is thouhg, players have to understand that everytime you go in like that this is what could happen.


    I really don't give a f*** if he feels s*** tbh.


    You are potentially ending someone's career and livelihood. f****** respect your fellow professionals.


    That tackle is inexcusable. Steaming in with two feet up and studs first.


    I played enough football to know you cannot do that accidentally. It is not a standard tackle.


    You think he set out for the outcome which he got?


    Set out? Outcome?


    It was a terrible tackle that was a straight red no matter what.


    Now, considering what it has actually done to the player, in my opinion he should be banned for a significant amount of time. I actually like the idea of him being banned for as long as Eduardo is out.


    I'm sick of this idea of big, thick, lack of ability having shit centre halves being told to go out there and kick people or bully them. This is what the result is.

  2. Ban for life is a bit of a joke, i don't think he meant to do anything like that, it just happened, clumsy but i doubt malicious.


    I bet he feels like s*** right now.




    Someone talking sense.


    The thing is thouhg, players have to understand that everytime you go in like that this is what could happen.


    I really don't give a fuck if he feels shit tbh.


    You are potentially ending someone's career and livelihood. Fucking respect your fellow professionals.


    That tackle is inexcusable. Steaming in with two feet up and studs first.


    I played enough football to know you cannot do that accidentally. It is not a standard tackle.

  3. McLeish was in the local media this week saying he wanted the repulsive, knuckle dragging oxygen thieves to "bully Arsenal".




    I hate this kind of talk I really do. How about just playing some football?


    This crap encourages terrible situations like today's.


    People should be held accountable for this stuff, it's just not on.

  4. I've just seen a pic of this (don't ask, I can't) and trust me, it is a career ender


    Worse than Busst.


    I hate it when stuff like this happens  :weep:


    Where is the break though? Middle of the leg? around the ankle? Or around the knee?


    Really hope he's okay.


    And now of course the bastards are winning to rub salt in the wound, and of course make things even scarier for us.


    The break is just above the ankle.


    It will turn up on the web soon enough, but f****** norah, they're not exaggerating.


    That is not good, but you never know. Hopefully it looks worse than what it is.


    Having severe damage around the joints is generally not great though.


    I hate the way no oname shit players can just fuck up a good players career like this, with one wreckless challenge. Just a lack of respect for fellow pros. Harsher penalties certainly need to be dished out for crap like this.

  5. I've just seen a pic of this (don't ask, I can't) and trust me, it is a career ender


    Worse than Busst.


    I hate it when stuff like this happens  :weep:


    Where is the break though? Middle of the leg? around the ankle? Or around the knee?


    Really hope he's okay.


    And now of course the bastards are winning to rub salt in the wound, and of course make things even scarier for us.

  6. Its because its you KD, don't rise to it.


    KD tries to have these slight little digs all the time and it irritates me that's all.


    If we had signed Woodgate he would have been first on here to say he would never stay fit, but now he's here every second claiming he is immense.


    Immediately Hughton comes in KD can't wait to tell us how he is seen to be a clipboard holder. What does that really mean though? KD himself has just claimed he doesn't know much about the guy so why tell us such a thing, when it really isn't very meaningful?


    Jol actually knew a bit about the guy and so shared it with us.


    I'm not picking on KD at all. Just letting him know I'm onto him  :knuppel2:


    You ain't fooling me pal.

  7. First I heard of this was a message from my Spurs fan mate which I'll type verbatim


    "Asapently the toon have signed chris hughton to the coaching staff. f****** idiots, he's a s*** coach. Get used to the clipboard of doom."


    He's actually pretty humble for a spurs fan and usually happy to see the toon doing well as long as it's not at the expense of spuds.


    Hopefully that internet stalker Kaka will read this.


    Hopefully you read what Jol said, which was a lot more coherent and was based on more than his holding of a clipboard.


    Get real pal.

  8. Know nowt about him. Any of the resident Spuds want to give us the lowdown?


    From page 1......................


    Some spurs fans used to refer to him as 'Clipboard Chris'.



    Make no mistake about it, CH is a top quality coach.   In the days when the Pro badge wasn't a necessity, there were only 3 pro badge holders in the premiership and Chris was one.  If he'd been no good at what he did, he wouldn't have been kept on by successive managers.  FWIW, Arnesen rated him as good as any coach he'd known, but I think he'd gone stale at the end, it was the right time for him to go when he did. 


    On the Spurs forums he's still got pretty well near unanimous best wishes for the future, which is remarkable bearing in mind he's moved to Newcastle.  BTW, I've just had a fiver on Martin Jol being the Newcastle manager for the first match of next season.  Probably a fiver down the drain but if things don't go well this season I wouldn't rule it out, there was a huge amount of respect between MJ and CH.




    Ah, thanks. Skimmed through and didn't spot owt. Seems a good coach, but I wonder how much Keegan knows about him?


    Dunno, but I can say for certain that Kemsley had no say in this appointment as was suggested by someone early on in the thread.  Kemsley hates Jol's guts and Hughton comes a close second.  I think it's impossible for someone to be a first team coach for as long as Chris has and his strong points and weaknesses not to widely known.  Maybe he's a bit conservative in his outlook but I don't think you'll ever see Hughton slumped in his chair having given up as Pearson did at a match last season.  You can't win every match but Hughton won't give up trying.


    Kingdawson take note.


    This fella here has a much more tempered irritation to him.


    MJ will only speak for the most part when he actually has something to say (though most of the time no one's interested  :snod:)


    KD you just say stuff off the top of your head. One minute he's clipboard Chris, the next minute he's a nice guy but a soft touch, then the next minute Keegan is a soft touch!??? What?!


    Have you found that cliff yet?  :razz:






    So according to your slow self,  if he's refered to as 'Clipboard Chris' he cant be a soft touch, which then according to you means Keegan cant also be a soft touch :rolleyes: :rolleyes:.


    I noticed you try and have a go at most of my posts so keep it up saddo :thup:



  9. Know nowt about him. Any of the resident Spuds want to give us the lowdown?


    From page 1......................


    Some spurs fans used to refer to him as 'Clipboard Chris'.



    Make no mistake about it, CH is a top quality coach.   In the days when the Pro badge wasn't a necessity, there were only 3 pro badge holders in the premiership and Chris was one.  If he'd been no good at what he did, he wouldn't have been kept on by successive managers.  FWIW, Arnesen rated him as good as any coach he'd known, but I think he'd gone stale at the end, it was the right time for him to go when he did. 


    On the Spurs forums he's still got pretty well near unanimous best wishes for the future, which is remarkable bearing in mind he's moved to Newcastle.  BTW, I've just had a fiver on Martin Jol being the Newcastle manager for the first match of next season.  Probably a fiver down the drain but if things don't go well this season I wouldn't rule it out, there was a huge amount of respect between MJ and CH.




    Ah, thanks. Skimmed through and didn't spot owt. Seems a good coach, but I wonder how much Keegan knows about him?


    Dunno, but I can say for certain that Kemsley had no say in this appointment as was suggested by someone early on in the thread.  Kemsley hates Jol's guts and Hughton comes a close second.  I think it's impossible for someone to be a first team coach for as long as Chris has and his strong points and weaknesses not to widely known.  Maybe he's a bit conservative in his outlook but I don't think you'll ever see Hughton slumped in his chair having given up as Pearson did at a match last season.  You can't win every match but Hughton won't give up trying.


    Kingdawson take note.


    This fella here has a much more tempered irritation to him.


    MJ will only speak for the most part when he actually has something to say (though most of the time no one's interested  :snod:)


    KD you just say stuff off the top of your head. One minute he's clipboard Chris, the next minute he's a nice guy but a soft touch, then the next minute Keegan is a soft touch!??? What?!


    Have you found that cliff yet?  :razz:

  10. I'm not looking for perfection from Taylor, not at all, so all of this talk about his partners making him look poor is pointless. No defender is perfect, and most make mistakes every now and then, never mind young ones. This isn't about being error prone or looking bad.


    The thing is that I don't see any impressive attributes when I look at Taylor. He looks the part but it doesn't translate onto the pitch.


    He's no slouch, but isn't really that fast either, which is made worse by the fact that he doesn't take up the best positions to begin with and so is easily caught out.


    He's tall and has a good build, but he doesn't play strong because his balance is so poor. He plays too upright and so it is easy to body him off the ball.


    He's good in the air if the ball comes straight to him and he isn't really contested. If he has to jostle for position though, his lack of strength/balance lets him down.


    He does look like he has a good tackle but again, he isn't usually in a good enough position to utilize it effectively.


    Taylor also has this weird habit of having his hands too high up when he is trying to stay in front of his defender, which is very odd and quite dangerous, particularly in and around the penalty area.


    This is the Steven Taylor i see whenever I watch him, and therefore I don't think he is good enough, neither am I confident that he will ever be. When I watch the likes of Onuoha, Curtis Davies, Wheater and even Gary Cahill I certainly don't see a finished product or a perfect player by any means, but I see a hell of a lot more promise and genuine abilities.


    Sorry if this offends anyone but that is hoenstly how I feel.


    Everytime this comes up, his supporters say he is only young and he has never had a decent partner etc How about telling us about what it is you see him do on the pitch that excites you? I just don't see any outstanding qualities he posesses.

  11. King dawson has to be one of the most irritating people ever.


    What makes you think Keegan is a soft touch?


    Your whole team is a soft touch that is a certainty. Now find a high cliff and take a running jump will you please.

  12. Emre is such a pathetic individual. He is the biggst tease ever.


    Hope he's the first person we get rid off this summer. We've been waiting for him to come through all season. He is blatantly taking the piss.


    Butt and Barton midfield tomorrow then. Fantastic.

    faye and n'zogbia would be my choice


    Unfortunately I don't think Butt is going to be left out, and Zoggy for me has looked a bit dopey at CM. Faye may also be more important for us at CB. Taylor and Cacapa just won't get it done against Rooney and Tevez.



  13. If the locals don't want "the others" supportin gtheir precious team then write to the FA and tell them to stop showing the matches all over the world and selling their merchandise all over the world too, which incidentally makes these clubs a hell of a lot of money.


    No more Sky or nada. Play the games in the stadiums and let that be it. That way only the thoroughbred fans can watch the games right? Sell off all the international players cuz you won't be able to afford them anymore and play real hardcore Geordies in the team only right? Why stop at just the supporters?


    Anyone who invests their time and money has the right to support who the hell they want quite frankly. End of.

    no-one is saying it should be stopped or whatever.


    does it not sit uneasy with you when you are talking to someone born and bred in brighton,no ties to manchester at all but tells you they are a man utd fan..do you not think "palstic fucker" or "glory hunter"


    I was coming from the angle of the international supporters which is more what this thread addresses.


    I can't for the life of me see why people would be surprised that their clubs have international supporters.


    These people want their clubs to be amon the richest in the world and are all too happy to have the money that comes from supporters abroad and also want their clubs to sign players from these countries, but they don't think the fans have a right to support the team?!





  14. If you enjoy watching a particular league and you do so consistently you will end up supporting a team, for whatever reason.


    Gloryhunting, one of your countries players moving to that team, one of your favourite players going there, a certain manager etc.


    Why people are trying to make this any more complicated is beyond me. Just trying too hard to be clever that's all.


    The mere fact people on here have actually gone to the trouble to find a message board to regularly talk about issues regarding the team is a good indicator of their dedication, not that this even has to be proven.

  15. If the locals don't want "the others" supportin gtheir precious team then write to the FA and tell them to stop showing the matches all over the world and selling their merchandise all over the world too, which incidentally makes these clubs a hell of a lot of money.


    No more Sky or nada. Play the games in the stadiums and let that be it. That way only the thoroughbred fans can watch the games right? Sell off all the international players cuz you won't be able to afford them anymore and play real hardcore Geordies in the team only right? Why stop at just the supporters?


    Anyone who invests their time and money has the right to support who the hell they want quite frankly. End of.

  16. Toon's Taylor you are way to emotionally invested in Steven Taylor. Your little tantrum just then is disturbing evidence of your unrequited love for him.


    Change your username and move on.


    The lad will only break your heart.


    He is not good enough. End of.



  17. So we have Enrique, Geremi, Carr and Beye all fit.


    There is absolutely no excuse for having Zoggy at left-back any more. Especially against the likes of Ronaldo and all.


    But no manager has shown the creativity to fit in Zoggy, Duff and Milner with Zoggy staying wide left and so I am not holding my breath.


    It's all so depressing really.



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