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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I can't f****** believe we haven't signed a centre mid


    What a f****** joke


    Can this season end now? We're going to achieve f*** all with no midfield so we might as well just call it a day now


    When is Cahill back? Both Cahill and Neville are decent players. Carsley and Gravesen as backup. not that bad at all really.

  2. What a window. Remember when there were doubts about Ashley? I would have to say he definitely came through. Excellent job by Allardyce and the chairman and owner. Good times ahead for sure.


    I love the fact we have also bought responsibly while still getting top, experienced players. Very proud of the club.



  3. Seriously, how predictable is Gartside for goodness sake. Definitely Bolton taking the piss. Saw this one coming a mile off. Sam did say we had backups we could move for quickly. Let's hope this is the case.


    We should be alright as long as we get Beye though, as he can play both right back and centre back.

  4. Too lazy to read the thread. Is this just filled with conjecture, or are there believable rumors floating about?




    Baptista arriveth, sooneth ...


    Basket case.


    Radio has just announced that he's on his way to Sunderland on loan.


    They're just getting their North East clubs mixed up. They'll correct that soon enough.


    Baptista a basket case? He's quality man. Big Sam will get the best out of him. Don't be so negative Wulliemeister :thup:


    I think the basket case he was referring to was you mate!  :lol:


    Oh right ...

  5. Too lazy to read the thread. Is this just filled with conjecture, or are there believable rumors floating about?




    Baptista arriveth, sooneth ...


    Basket case.


    Radio has just announced that he's on his way to Sunderland on loan.


    They're just getting their North East clubs mixed up. They'll correct that soon enough.


    Baptista a basket case? He's quality man. Big Sam will get the best out of him. Don't be so negative Wulliemeister :thup:

  6. If I had to bet all my money on one person I would say Baptista. Very much an Allardyce sort of player, as he is big and strong, and would fit nicely as an attackign midfielder in a 4-3-3. Proved his ability as an attacking midfileder in the Copa America. I think it might also be liekly that we get him on loan with a view to a permanent.


    Don't forget kiddies ... we as a club have a cushy relationship with Real from Freddy's days here. Sam is also cushy with them too as he has done deals with them for Hierro and Campo.


    Baptista cometh ...

  7. Remember when they had thet 'accident' on their website, with someone supposedly aciidentally stating they were going to sign Riquelme. Looks like it was no accident ...


    Damn you Everton!


    We'll outdo you thoguh, rest assured, Deco or Juninho to the toon.


    GET TO WORK PARKY! :rant:



    It will start to crank up around 4pm Englaise time.


    Good work Parky boy :thup:



  8. Remember when they had thet 'accident' on their website, with someone supposedly aciidentally stating they were going to sign Riquelme. Looks like it was no accident ...


    Damn you Everton!


    We'll outdo you thoguh, rest assured, Deco or Juninho to the toon.


    GET TO WORK PARKY! :rant:

  9. talented player, saw him play a few youth games for the USA schoolboys a couple of years ago and was usually the best player on the pitch. scored a long range shot against england schoolboys in one game. deep lying defensive midfielder with a good range of passing from what i saw but i think he has played right-back since then.


    Another DM!  :laugh:

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