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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Remember when we were in the midst of Pardew, and people were so desperate they would have had Pulis? Thank God it never ever came to that.


    Brunt left back, Gardner right midfield, Chester right back ... just so much awfulness.


    It's an improvement on the 4 centre back, 5 defensive midfielder routine he had last season.


    Yeah, I guess so  :lol:


    His teams are just the worst. They give me a headache.


    If Man city manage to get Navas or Sterling one on one with either of those "fullbacks" they will be abused so badly.

  2. Wijnaldum was dispossessed a couple of times when he came deeper, giving Southampton good counter attack chances. It would be madness to put him in Colback's role yet.




    A couple of times, huh? How dare he. Never mind not putting him in midfield then. JUst keep him on the bench where he'll never be able to lose the ball a couple of times.


    Are you crazy?


    There's a difference between getting dispossessed when you are playing as a #10 on the edge of their area compared to getting dispossessed when you come deep and have no cover behind you.


    Hmmm ... so you have deciphered that because he lost the ball two times in that position yesterday, he will therefore always lose the ball if played deeper.


    Sorry, who is the crazy one again?


    By the way, did you see Holland use him in a deeper role in the World Cup? Have you seen him play more centrally for PSV?


    Please be very careful how you address me my friend. Nonsense.

  3. Wijnaldum was dispossessed a couple of times when he came deeper, giving Southampton good counter attack chances. It would be madness to put him in Colback's role yet.




    A couple of times, huh? How dare he. Never mind not putting him in midfield then. JUst keep him on the bench where he'll never be able to lose the ball a couple of times.

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