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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Am sure that circled player is Gini. Think Dave posted it when talking about how far he ran to get on the end of the cross.

    The circled guy is Wijnaldum, the black guy furthest forward in the middle is Sissoko and the black guy with the ball is Cisse


    Na, that is Sadio with the ball.


    Berahino? We haven't even signed him yet ffs.

  2. I know there's a lot of push for Aaron out left, but assuming no other winger comes in, I think I'd like to see Cabella given a run in that position first. Think he deserves it after having to put up with the nonsense of Pardew all of last year.


    We just need to make sure Aarons still get's a good number of minutes on the pitch coming on every game for at least 20 - 25 mins without fail for either Cabella or Sissoko.

  3. having seen how we played on Sunday, I 'm actually eager to see Cabella involved now. Imagine him getting the ball, and having as much possession as Obertan did in the last game. He'll actually get a chance to find some rhythm and express himself.


    Looking forward to it now.

  4. People can't look past Luuk and are trying to put that s*** on Siem man. My goodness.


    He is not too slow to play in that position, and Sunday is no reference for his game, as the team was absolute garbage once he came on.


    Can't believe the junk being talked about the guy man. So fickle.




    Luuk de Jong is doing pretty well at PSV at the moment. One would almost think our coaching setup didn't have a clue at the time on how to use him or give him confidence. I realise he didn't set the league on fire in Germany either, but he's certainly a better striker than he showed at NUFC, and I wouldn't be surprised if he still managed to prove himself in a better league in the future.


    As for his brother Siem, I've said he was a better version of Kevin Nolan straight from the start. He can certainly be a very useful player for us and I think he's plenty good and strong enough for the Premier League personally (he put two past Man City in the CL). Writing him off after only a few appearances like some on here are doing is incredibly harsh.


    Funny thing is I have no doubt that Luuk's poor showings were down to the buffoons in charge.


    I would have had no issue with him staying actually. He had been injured, and I doubt the preparation for him to get back into the groove was good enough.


    My post above was more referring to people's disappointment in Luuk at the time, and now transferring that onto Siem. I had no issue with Luuk whatsoever. I think it's a shame he never really got a chance to get into his groove here.

  5. People can't look past Luuk and are trying to put that shit on Siem man. My goodness.


    He is not too slow to play in that position, and Sunday is no reference for his game, as the team was absolute garbage once he came on.


    Can't believe the junk being talked about the guy man. So fickle.



  6. Took Wilson out for that Igalho or whatever he's called, not realising he was a sub on Saturday. :(


    Benched for Kaboul in the hope the Mackems can at least stop Norwich scoring at home.


    Don't worry Ighalo is a force of nature that can't be contained. He will start games going forward. He's a Super Eagle after all. I mean, come on.

  7. Stoke still looked so garbage against Liverpool.


    How can they still be playing that Whelan in midfield man, and even Charlie Adam is painful to watch a lot of the time.


    It's like Hughes can't quite commit to a proper revamp.

  8. Sounds like he could play anywhere on the left. However at 1.70 m he won't be helping out our vertically challenged defenders much. Anyhow we already have Aaron's to play LW don't we?


    I have a feeling he's the option if Aaron's can't get tied down to a contract. Not sure why we haven't sorted that still.



  9. I agree completely.


    We will ultimately get into better positions and create more opportunities due to better hold up play.


    Mitrovic showed some great presence even in his brief appearance on Sunday. Chesting the ball down and holding players off. Once he even then turned and started bullying his way past them.


    Think he's going to be very good. Once he starts his first game, and is out there with our better players from the outset, no one will want Cisse back in there.

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