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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I think De Jong could dovetail well because he holds onto the ball in tight areas and would allow people to run off him.


    I think it's such a shame the slow start he's had here. That guy is quality. Not as quick and mobile, but as you say he's strong and will hold up the ball and allow the deeper players to come into play, and link with them. Fantastic in the air too, and we really could do with more of that both offensively and defensively.

  2. Man ... the guy scores one goal playing in the umber 10 position and everyone is worried about him playing a bit deeper.


    How many goals did Cabaye score playing a bit deeper? Quite a few right?


    Besides people are seriously writing off De Jong because he's been out. That guy is just as big a goal threat in that position just off the striker, if not more so.


    I'd rather have them both in the team.

  3. Hopefully after Sunday and then after watching the pace, power and sheer size of some of the MC players on view, we are going to buy a big motherfucker centre half and somebody like Alex Song to protect our porous midget sized defence.


    Yeah that Silva is a real Goliath.


    Hey Tony get back to your team they're getting hammered.




    Don't tell me you think that Colback and Anita match up with Toure, or that we wouldn't concede headers to Bony, Toure, Kompany, Mangala etc. We either buy a big CB or Krul is told that anything in the box in the air is his. We lack a physical presence all over the pitch apart from Sissoko.


    Was just messing. Guess we'll have to see what happens. Set pieces will be an issue this year. Even Yoshida was having a go, which was a real liberty I thought.

  4. Hopefully after Sunday and then after watching the pace, power and sheer size of some of the MC players on view, we are going to buy a big motherfucker centre half and somebody like Alex Song to protect our porous midget sized defence.


    Yeah that Silva is a real Goliath.


    Hey Tony get back to your team they're getting hammered.



  5. Martin Tyler just said 'that's what £49m buys you' - the pace Sterling showed to get into that position.


    Obertan would have got there quicker, and for considerably less money.


    Yeah, he would have missed too, but in the most ungraceful and offensive manner.  :lol:

  6. mangala loses the ball loads man.


    He plays some terrific balls into the midfielders too. He's certainly a risk taker though.

    Was it him who pinged a delicious 30 yarder cross field?


    Not sure I saw that one, but he's been getting the ball into the midfielders feet very well a lot today. Really long passes forward from the back.

  7. The West Brom team is too big and clumsy. Being given the run around by the City midfielders man, damn.


    Rondon in the crowd like ...




    Hardly something that will be exclusive to West Brom mind :lol:


    Yeah, but to this extent at home. He's picked an awful side man. They're all so slow and cumbersome.

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