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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I agree with the sentiment, but you don't remember Pardew ever discussing things with Carver or Stone during the game? Really?


    I genuinely don't. Just remember him prowling up and down the sideline acting like a tit.

  2. The hiring of Cathro tells you everything you need to know about McClaren. Even in that first game, you could see them interacting and him actively discussing things with him in the stands.


    Pardew would be threatened by anyone with any kind of ability, and would not have never hired anyone like that. I don't even think I ever remember seeing Pardew discussing anything with his staff during the game. Not that they would have had anything to add.


    Instead Pards was too busy on the touchline bellowing at the players, you know showing his "passion" and "desire". Con artist extraordinaire that guy.



  3. Eriksen has been alright, and has really been the only one to stick.


    It's incredible they have nothing else to show for that money.


    Even we had the likes of Cabaye, Ba, Remy, Ben Arfa, Debuchy come and go, and all of those would still get into their team!

  4. Long distance running, maybe. Which is ironic, as he looks knackered after 10 mins on a football pitch.


    Yeah, definitely. I was thinking more explosive sports.


    He needs to sort himself out man. Get on some sort of programme over the summer to work on it. He has everything available to him to do so nowadays.


    Instead he's always on silly lads holidays and posting things on Instagram. Aarons stays back over the summer and puts in work afterall.

  5. They have been going on about how he needs to add strength.


    Why is the brother so damned skinny. I mean he's no longer a teenager. The man is now 23. Still so rail thin, especially his lower body, which is not good at all for any kind of sport really.

  6. It's a small sample size but what i saw of that Youtube vid he can definitely play :lol: I was quite surprised by his general play going off that tbh.


    There was a video on Vimeo showing mostly general play. The guy looks so impressive in that one.

  7. These are the guys out there that are responsible for getting players for clubs ...


    Mitrovic can't play football, and can only head. That's just crazy. You will find no other scouting report out there in line with that "expert" analysis. Ridiculous.

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