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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Jokes aside, he was good yesterday, I agree. He's a bit dozy, and so will do silly things, that's his nature more than anything. It was good to see him trying and being far more aggressive, even if it didn't always come off.


    It's when he isn't even having a go that I am most frustrated by him tbh.

  2. I wish we'd just play a midfield 3 with one holding midfielder and the other two with freedom to get forward, but also drop and help defend when the opposition has the ball. I would like to see De Jong and Wijnaldum as the two to play this role, with Anita sitting.

  3. The pictures of Sagna when he's on holiday with his missus man, that s*** is pure charcoal midnight.


    Wew ... that guy's missus is mighty fine. Geez.


    Too right. It's crazy though, despite how fit she is you're drawn to look at Sagna because you just can't believe how dark he is! Everyone on the beach is probably like "oh f*** it's midnight... Or hang on... it's just Bacary! Back to 'bathin!"


    I wasn't drawn to look anywhere else at all. Believe me. Yum.

  4. People are upset he watches the game from the stands? Why?  :lol:


    His right hand man is on the ground, and seemed very involved, so they have two perspectives.


    I actually loved where he was sitting. I would do the same! Everytime Obertan messed up, I hope he swore loudly enough for Mike to hear!

  5. Hugely encouraged that Wijnaldum was taking set pieces yesterday as well.


    Makes this man's position less bullet proof. Was worried when it seemed he was solely responsible for them in pre-season.


    Wijnaldum's set-pieces were quite poor though in the main.


    (black - check)

    (forrin - check)

    (criticism - check)



    Don't care. No worse than Colback's.


    Just don't want any excuses for keeping Colback in the team.

  6. He actually had one of the best games I've seen him play yesterday, can't remember any outlandish mistakes apart from his positioning before the situation where he had to pull someone back.


    He reminds me of Nicky Butt plays it safe all game and does a couple of blocks and is seen as a MOTM.


    Every time he gets the ball he does about 3 ball rolls maybe changes direction 3/4 times then passes it 10 yard sideways. He needs to be 2 steps further a head and know where to pass as he receives the ball.


    This post is as damning of the man as any. This form a supporter of his.

  7. Still waiting for an example of one forward pass from Colback.


    Even McClaren was urging him to switch play late in the game when he kept passing it to the left side after it had become congested.


    The guy doesn't use the ball with any intelligence at all. He's not thinking about what he's doing at all.


    What a stupid comment. If he wasn't thinking about what he's doing, he'd gave the ball away all the time!




    There's no way I am responding to this. You're ridiculous.  :lol:

  8. Still waiting for an example of one forward pass from Colback.


    Even McClaren was urging him to switch play late in the game when he kept passing it to the left side after it had become congested.


    The guy doesn't use the ball with any intelligence at all. He's not thinking about what he's doing at all.

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