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Everything posted by merlin

  1. I wish we had directors like that! If we did Shepherd and Hall would have gone AGES ago :roll: Maybe White will come back on to the Board after 'a suitable interval' when the fuss has died down , then take over as Chairman and proceed to buy up Liverpool shares...that sort of sounds familiar.. Oh yes, I know who did that...!!
  2. Agree totally - all this plus the fact that he was easily-manipulated by the Chairman..
  3. merlin

    Is this season

    Exactly - Shearer's replacement should have been sorted out 2 years ago. Owen is NOT the same type of player, and a srong target-man striker like Ashton should have been signed. As for Martins, he isn't fit to lace Ashton's boots as a PREMIERSHIP striker. Any manager who was worth salt would have attended to this ages ago , but then , the managers don't have full control when it comes to signings, do they....!!??
  4. I don't know why you take ANY notice of what this juvenile idiot says - only person worth listening to on that station is Gaunt - at least he says what we all think about politicians. Durham is a total clown - doesn't he support Peterboro or something ? That WELL qualifies him to talk about Newcastle United & its fans, don't you think...!?
  5. You HAVE to be joking.......!!??
  6. Totally agree - he may be 'wanted' - but NOT by me....
  7. Shearer , or someone like him.. Owen is like him, he scores lots of goals and gets injured. Owen nothing like Shearer - not able to play target man role, and with the best will in the world, does not have the same committment to the cause(like many of the current side...).
  8. merlin

    MON the saviour

    You are really setting yourself up here, Invicta - if you think Roeder would have achieved the unbeaten run with Villa that MON has, esp after very little transfer activity and just arriving at the club a few weeks prior to the season, you've got to be dreaming. You are entitled to your opinion, but I am willing to bet that you will have to eat your words within 2 years.... O'Neill - gained relative success with ALL his clubs ; Roeder - relegated most of his.. It a No-brainer.
  9. It would be a disaster - Football has changed immeasurably since we last went down on 89 . Unless you are in the top echelon of clubs , players don't want to know - just because we have a big following doesn't matter a stuff anymore. It was a unique combination of circumstances that brought us up last time , and set the club on a roll just as the Premiership was taking off. It would be very hard to replicate that again - look at the Mackems & Leeds... The club is in a very dangerous position now ; it is between ownership to all intents & purposes, managed by a man who clearly is not fitted for a job of this size, and in grave danger of being dragged into a fierce relegation scrap for which the players are especially unsuited. Events between now & Christmas will determine the club's future for many years...
  10. Agreed - it would be better to have someone short-term who can sort out the problems as best possible in order to stay up until a takeover happens(Venables, Graham - yes, I know! - spring to mind), and appoint a full-time replacement in summer. IF Roeder is sacked(and its still a BIG if) it will give us a clue which way the club is going - a temp guy means a takeover is in the offing, whereas someone like Curbishley would mean Shepherd is going to try & hang on ; an interesting few weeks lie ahead...
  11. If Sheff Utd win next week, you'd better believe it...!!
  12. Shearer , or someone like him..
  13. 'You can fool some of the people ALL of the time , ALL of the people SOME of the time...' etc. etc. The Danny Kaye song about the 'Emperor's new clothes' comes to mind....
  14. Not acceptable but how can a manager be judged on 6 games. Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't David Moyes's Everton bottom around this time last year, he managed to turn things round when given the chance. If we are still aorund the bottom 3 in mid-Feburary then that is the time to hit the panic button. How many teams have escaped relegation after being in the bottom 3 at Christmas....??
  15. You've had your answer......!!!!
  16. Couldn't agree more - only at NUFC.....
  17. If you don't like the way football is going(and who could blame you?), you have the perfect reason for boycotting it - esp SJP, to make your point ; nothing will change if you just keep handing the money over..
  18. Contracts are not worth the paper they are written on - all this does is enable the club to get a decent fee for him without being pressured into selling cheaply in case he comes close to walking out on a Bosman.. Unless there are huge changes at the club by Christmas, I think it highly likely that the lad will go to Arsenal in Jan.
  19. Yes, this is the ONE benefit of our current situation - send him to Chelsea when they fire Mourinho...PLEASE!!!!
  20. Not much makes me laugh more than your ill thought out posts...... Souness is the only predictable duff manager appointed by Fred. Given that enough people are crying in their Ready Brek that we didn't get O'Neill, I'd like you to tell me how appointing 3 managers in a row with CV's ranging from fantastic to good, all better than O'Neills incidentally, can possibly be justification for your tripe I've quoted. I suppose if Fred appointed YOUR first choice it would still be down to Fred if that manager was backed but failed? Nowt to do with the manager himself getting it wrong, which if the man has a superb track record can't be predicted. You should stick to the ID Card thread. Although you don't understand that subject you seem to understand even less about football. Thanks Not true, Souness previous record far superior to Roeder, so he was not the only duff appointment. If the man in charge appoints a succession of what turn out to be unsuccessful Managers then the buck stops with him. Your dislike of O'Neil is a joke. He has taken more or less the poor squad that he was left, without any transfer activity to speak of and they are unbeaten. If MON is over-rated then what is 16th place Roeder. Roeder and Shepherd had the whole of the summer to form a strong squad and address our defensive frailties, they failed miserably, knowing full well that a busy campaign was ahead. Instead we had last minute purchases,one of whom has not figured at all, Bernard, and one on loan that he is only now about to play. Roeder is now complaining that his squad is stretched. Whose fault is that. Try as you may to absolve them from blame, we are in the curent situation due to Shepherd and Roeder who inherited the squad from Souness and then had the whole summer to strengthen and failed. Says it all, Fox, says it all.....
  21. I agree - you have to remember, though, that Kiwis put up with being piddled about ; their Govt is a disaster, and to show how effective they are, ask him how many Kiwis leave for Australia !!?? They have more job opportunities and pay less Tax. After their Budget speech last year(which gave them NO Tax relief), the Oppostion Treasurer stood up & said 'The PM & Treasurer think there's a place for Tax cuts - its called Australia..!!' Priceless, and even more of their youngsters are either heading here to Oz or to the UK. So don't be surprised that he puts up with the Shepherd regime at NUFC`- its just like home....!!
  22. Agree totally - Shepherd must go before ANY major decisions are taken about the future Coaching/Management of the club ; it is a waste of time & money to bring people in now unless the current regime are NOT going to sell - in that case, they are going to have an unhappy set of fans, and a battle of attrition .......
  23. 55,000+ posts and an IQ of a measly 5, this woeful inadequacy making him post more and more as a kind of antidote for it! Sad b***ard! The whole site is a joke - juveniles by the sound of them ; not worth a light...
  24. merlin

    John Hall's Opinion

    I am no hypocrite(as I once said in a dfferent thread on this board..!!), so whilst I admire what Sir John did for the club(AND count him as a not close, but personal friend), I must disagree with his views about Shepherd - if indeed this is what he DID say. Whatever friendship I had for someone would not make me defend them in an issue like this if I could see they were clearly wrong ; Shepherd's rewards for running the club are unquestionably excessive when balanced against his decision-making as Chairman, and that is above all the reason why the club is in its current position. The sums of money spent on sub-standard players is the fault of both bad management and , we are led to believe, other connections with the club - some of which may appear questionable - all of these matters are the responsibility of the Chairman , either in the appointment of the manager, or on control of the club's affairs as 'Chief Executive' ; the Buck stops at the Chairman's office...
  25. Roeder resign ? Not a chance ; would YOU if there was a big fat compo cheque at stake...?
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