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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. The addition of the other 2 may well just be in case someone gazumps Moat at the last minute. It's probably pretty much a done deal with the paperwork being drawn up as we speak.


    One thing I've thought about though, although we'd be happy with Moat as owner, would we be equally as happy with him as Chairman. He has no experience of running a football club, and whilst he could hardly do any worse than the current lot, I'd like to see him install an experienced man at the top to ensure we are moving in the right direction.


    In addition, if Shearer does get the job, I hope he at least keeps Chris Hughton on as part of his backroom team. He's had to contend with a whole heap of shit, and should be allowed to at least see the season out

  2. We've heard all this from Llambiarse before. We had two £100m bids at the start of the summer apparently.


    I think there's a big difference between that comment and this one to be honest.


    Interesting they've chosen to specifically acknowledge they are in talks with Moat, but haven't named the other 2. Nailed on one will be Shepherd.

  3. Presumably, Moat would have to set a holding company up similar to the way in which Ashley did. This company would then have to apply for an overdraft facility in it's own right, given that the current OD relates to St James Holdings that Ashley owns. As we're not talking about a couple of quid here it's not like the manager of the Percy Street branch could simply approve it. There will be certain protocol that will need to be followed, and like anything this will take time.


    As the OD allows the club to run on a daily basis whilst revenues for the year are collected in, I don't think it's that the money isn't there to buy the club or fund any transfers, they just need to be sure the bank are going to give them a similar facility to that Mike Ashley has been given.


    Barry Moat might be a businessman, but he's also a fan. I don't believe he would go ahead with this unless he genuinely thinks he can take us forward. Similarly, for all Mike Ashley is a complete tosspot, I doubt he'd sell to someone who couldn't at least put right all the mistakes he's made over the last couple of years. The only way there will be any return on this investment is if we get back to the Premier League. To be honest, perhaps that is Barry Moat's gameplan, return us to the Premier League then sell on to someone able to take the club to the next level ala Man City, giving a decent return for the investors, similar to what happened with the Mackems


    Once we're back in the PL we'd be in a great position for any wealthy benefactor to look at. Big Stadium, Good Support and world class facilities and we are known worldwide. It's been well documented that the Citeh Arabs wanted to buy Newcastle but Ashley turned them down.



  4. Family member works at BBC and they are looking to get a replacement for Alan Shearer for MOTD as we speak. Apparantly Garth Crooks, Andy Townsend have been contacted. He has confirmed that he is to leave. BBC have kept his position open for whenever he wants to return.


    Thought he worked for ITV?

  5. BM Thinking: Wait till the Fat Cockney Bastard sees what's in store for him at the next match once he's signed the club over. The fuckin Sports Direct sign is gonna get burnt in the centre circle

  6. will moat have the money to buy players tho he seems to have struggled to get the money


    The loan talked about is more than likely the overdraft that will be required to run the club on a daily basis

  7. As far as I understood they're close friends, and it wouldn't surprise me if the negotiations failed but the fat c*** invited Moat to the game anyway. Moreover, I guess he likes to fool with us...


    They might be mates but if Ashley has been pissing him round, I doubt he'd sit next to him. He has his own box anyway. It's kind of the way Ashley does things though, I'd expect an announcement of some sort this week, plus Moat was wearing a club tie (Reading too much into it probably............)

  8. How much is ashley worth?



    I fail to see the relevence?


    Because i'm starting to think he just doesn't give a fuck and is willing to take the hit. All the close season moves so far seem to be directed at taking us further down than back up. If the rumours surrounding Taylor and Duff are true we are proper fucked, not because they're world class but we've got no fucking players left.




    And to think he's going to have the audacity to turn up on Saturday. I hope Barry Moat pokes him in the fucking eye

  9. JFK...


    How about Curbishley or Coppell?  Can't understand why he'd go back to JFK with the likes of those two on the scrapheap.





    Given the quotes attributed to Kinnear about "deluded" geordies etc, I would be astounded if he brings him back. We'd be royally screwed. It would also add more evidence to Ashley wanting to cause irrepairable damage to the short term future of this club.

  10. we wont sign anyone so leave it


    If Ashley is really looking to not sign anyone then obviously he isn't going to turn down this offer so its pointless to hope that'll happen.  I mean its a much more likely scenario for us to sell Duff and bring in a loan player to cover.


    Is there not a limit on the amount of loan players that can be signed though?

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