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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. Lovenkrands didn't play for us in August last year


    yeah i realised that after i posted, take 750k off the 22m total


    Wage bill also includes non playing staff, and there's been redundancies, and we've never had a permanent manager either


    100 Staff Laid off, lets say ave Salary 30k, thats another £3M

  2. I wish people would stop talking about Mike Ashley making a profit - how many times does it need to be said that he has put his own money into the club, taken nothing out and will end up with a significant loss (in all likelihood)?


    Because he's going to sell off everything and pocket all the money for himself (even though that is impossible and illegal)


    Someone selling 52000 grey plastic seats on ebay like, username c0ckneyW4nker  :facepalm:

  3. I think it'd be a good idea to sign pro-Ashley songs as the media would go mental.  Problem is alot of the fans around whoever started probably don't understand this type of humour and would probably deck said person.


    I think cheer the lads before and during the game, then start the chants at full time.  We should add some humour into our chants though to keep us entertained and show the world that whatever goes on we'll still be supporting the team.




    Chanting Sports Direct waving your trainers in the air, or we could twirl a pair of tracksuit bottoms instead of the free scarves...............................


    Some of the "unavailable" grey areas on the season ticket  map will will left empty anyway such as Leazes Level 7. That map gives you the impression that they have sold those areas out. I think the crowd will be more like 28,000 if Ashley has decided to stick around


    Level 7 wouldn't be available as thats where the away fans are allocated. The other seats in level 7 for home fans are likely to be cash turnstiles. I reckon there'll be about 35k there plus on saturday.

  5. There should be no protests on Saturday. They do f*** all. Just turn up watch the game and support the f***ing team.


    Good post.


    A token protest will suffice, such as some boos (I'm sure boo boo and his hanger-on mates are experts at this) when he takes his seats is good enough, after that it's time to support the team properly. There needs to be an atmosphere to lift the players, not one to send them into some kind of shell and had the initiative to Reading.

    if there is to be any chanting against him i just hope hope its after the final whistle after support has been given to the team. however should we go a goal down i doubt many would be able to contain themselves (it's been a sign of the last few years that the crowd trying to get the team going after conceding has all but disappeared).


    in a perverse way i'd like to hear the crowd in a raucous "theres only one mike ashley" type thing and get him with humour as even he'd realise we were taking the piss.



    ..............walking in trackie bottoms wonderland.


    We love you Lonsdale, we do..........................

  6. It would be quite amusing if we could co-ordinate to give everyone in the East Stand a piece of card. Just before the start when MA is taking his seat, everyone hold them up and it spelt "Fat Cockney Bastard"


    I honestly don't think he'll turn up, not this week anyway, unless it's accompanying the new owners.

  7. No deadlines and no changes in the last few weeks regarding the sale of the club. Put up £100 million and the club is yours. MA has gone to a lot of help to assist interested parties to tie up a deal, but to no avail. Two main parties interested, neither of who have been mentioned in the media.


    David Craig on SSN.


    Wonder what kind of help? Lining up JFK as manager to ease the process?


    Seriously though, what kind of reception does MA think he will get on Saturday. Sure enough we have to back the team but I think IF MA is to attend on Saturday, our feelings towards him must be made abundantly clear. This may act as the required catalyst to get him to put his arse in gear either way

  8. "Ashley’s PR people said today: "As it stands the process is still ongoing, although it’s a slow process. As far as Mike is concerned, he either sells it or he doesn’t. Then he will make plans accordingly."


    Jesus wept  :facepalm:


    Clueless twat.



    what fuckin PR people???/  ;D


    Must be the same firm Saddam Hussein used

  9. "Ashley’s PR people said today: "As it stands the process is still ongoing, although it’s a slow process. As far as Mike is concerned, he either sells it or he doesn’t. Then he will make plans accordingly."


    Jesus wept  :facepalm:


    Clueless twat.



    He'll probably have JFK as the "half time hero" doing the geordie jackpot draw!

  10. They're just silly ways to explain something that's pretty simple IMO.  Ashley's a horrible stubborn prick who understands nothing about Football.


    We got relegated, Ashley thought we could sell all the high earners and bring in shit and come back up with Shearer in charge.  Shearer told him we needed to keep a decent amount of them AND spend some of the money we got for the rest on some decent young players who could develop into Premiership players.  At which point Ashley says fuck it I'm out, someone take the club off my hands for £100m.  But people aren't offering £100m, they're offering £75m or £85m or whatever and he won't take it.  He managed to swallow making a £150m loss and now he's being asked to take a even higher one and his stubborn nature won't allow him the back down.  Meanwhile due to his massive lack of Footballing knowledge he's finally realising something he should have realised at least a month ago, that the club can't be allowed to drift on like it has.  That if people aren't willing to pay the £100m now they never will as the club will be in an even bigger mess if more players go and nobody is brought in before the transfer window.  So now he thinks he might gamble yet again on putting more money in to cover losses this season, bring in some shit players with a shit manager and hope we can go up.  At which point he'll hope to sell for more then twice what he's being offered now.


    In a nutshell, although I'm amazed Seymour Pierce are still trying to broker a deal for this man. Keith Harris is well placed to explain to Ashley the gamble this would be. If, let's say he puts in another £30M, this takes his outlay to £260M. We get promoted, he gets £200M, not as big of a loss. If on the other hand we don't go up, he's looking at around £40-50M tops I reckon, his loss has nearly doubled.


    On top of the financial hit, his reputation will have taken a huge blow. He sells now, walks away, becomes a recluse again. He keeps us, derisory songs are sung from the terraces week in week out, some even broadcast on TV. We go up, he wins a little credibility back, we stay where we are the abuse undoubtedly continues until he leaves. If things aen't going well on the pitch, whoever he gives the job to (other than Shearer) has the crowd on their back. If it's JFK from day one, he will not be accepted back by the fans, he's made crass comments about how deluded we all are.


    Every way I look at this, I just can't see Ashley staying. If he does and goes with one of his cronies to run the team , he's either intent on damaging us beyond any short term repair, or being advised by incredibly stupid people

  11. How long do we have to wait until we start being a normal club again. Can this cunt not fuck off. If he waits until next summer, that will be nearly 2 years of the club just muddling through with no plan. Total disaster.


    It's a joke, we're like a listed building on the verge of falling down without the neccesary repair work, with the owner wanting to hang on another year in case the price of bricks gets cheaper



    TROUBLED soccer boss Mike Ashley is being hauled before competition chiefs after failing to flog five of his shops.


    The Newcastle United owner's SPORTS WORLD chain has been slammed for missing a deadline to off-load just some of the 31 sites it has bought from close rival JJB SPORTS in the past two years.



    In May, the Office of Fair Trading ordered the billionaire to find buyers for five stores to ease competition concerns. Yesterday it said that Sports Direct had made "no significant progress in doing so".


    OFT senior director of merger Amelia Fletcher said: "After careful consideration, we rejected Sports Direct's request for additional time to try to achieve a sale."



    The Competition Commission will now probe the 31 deals and could force Sports Direct to give up the lot. The five shops are in Basildon, Llanelli, Newport, Isleworth and Harrogate.



    The move heaps yet more pressure on Mr Ashley as Newcastle fans turn on him over the plight of the club. A deal to sell the Championship outfit to Tyneside businessman Barry Moat could be sealed this weekend.



    Shares in Sports World dropped 2.25p to 88.75 yesterday






    Fuck me, he can't sell 5 shops, we're doomed :kinnear:

  13. nugent and beckford sounds good.....


    sol campbell still free atmo, but probably wont step down a league.


    If Shearer comes in, wouldn't be a bad shout. He knows him well, could get him to buy in to his vision, and his bride to be is a geordie and they've been checking properties out in Northumberland. Plus if no Premiership clubs come in for him, beggars can't be choosers

  14. Ashley's on his way IMO. His threats to take the club off the market are just a desperate bid to get a higher price but there's surely no going back now. Take the money and run you cockney twat. or take it and waddle...just do it quickly.




    I would love to know  if Seymour Pierce have advised Ashley as to how much the club might be worth in a years time if Newcastle dont go straight back up.


    He's probably not spoken to them since he put it up for sale, but I would imagine if he's meeting up this week with them it will be on the agenda.

  15. "Ashley is expected back from Hawaii this week"  :lol:

    He's working real hard to attract buyers as well, wonder if he managed to pursade Magnum P.I to put in a bid!


    Dog the Bounty Hunter looking for buyers as we speak

  16. Lets be honest if Ashley stays and brings in anyone like O'Leary then it's obvious he's still looking to sell so our situation is simply that we are still up in the air, nobody will sign because they know he will be looking to sell again, we'll be looking at yet another manager in a few months time and we'll follow the exact same route when he did that last season. He needs to decide if he's keeping it he keeps it which means a long term view with a long term manager which appears to be Shearer. If he sells it he simply accepts one of the bids he has in for the club now.


    If he does neither of these I fear for the club I really do.



    Pretty much why he will sell I think. The £100M asking price was clearly the money he loaned the club to pay off the debt. He's made a complete mess of this club, and he pretty much has to accept that he was out of his depth and walk away.


    At times I've even thought about these conspiracy theories that he's set out to ruin us, but I don't think even Ashley could be that spiteful, although I'd imagine he isn't liking the abuse he's receiving! He's just trying to stick it out for the best price possible, but I think he accepts a deal has to be done this week to ensure new owners have at least a little time to make improvements to the playing staff


    However if he does decide to stay another year, what does he achieve. Granted, if we get promoted he could up the asking price, but he is going to have to make a cash injection just to keep us going. If we don't get promoted, he'd be lucky to get half of his £100M back, plus he'd be further out of pocket.


    Suffice to say most people will be glad to see the back of Ashley(myself included), but the irony of the whole thing is if  the youth players brought in under Ashley's watch fulfil their potential, at least he can be remembered for one good thing.

  17. Does O'Leary have any experience in the lower divisions?


    None, he's only managed Aston Villa and Leeds. Got pedalled at Leeds before they got relegated.


    Although he'd be a slight upgrade on what we already have, I think it's a none starter. IF Ashley stays he has to make a decent fist of trying to get us promoted this season, otherwise the so-called derisory bids he's had for the club would look appealing. Problem is, he's burnt his bridges completely with the fans, and anything less than getting on bended knee to beg Shearer to come in would not curry him any favour at all.



  18. The way to look at it is there's no direct quotes discrediting this, there's no denial from the club, and the "no comment" from Llambarse means something is possibly afoot. I'd reckon there's every chance of some news early next week, good, bad or indifferent

  19. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/north-east-news/todays-evening-chronicle/2009/08/06/i-wanted-something-to-last-forever-a-tribute-i-can-take-to-the-grave-72703-24332832/


    The memorial service is expected to take place in the next couple of months at Durham Cathedral. I really hope they can make arrangements to beam this back to SJP so the ordinary folk like us get the opportunity to pay our respects. I reckon thousands would turn up to see this

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