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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. I honestly can't see the prosecution not pushing to make an example of a high profile tax evasion case like, considering how much we hear about austerity and the country being skint.


    Exactly. They could have quite easily taken the cash off him and swept it under the carpet, they have chosen not to. That tells me they are hellbent on making an example of him

  2. Redknapp says he turned down £200k pay-off from Pompey. "I said 'I don't want the money, give it to youth football'," the court heard


    Saint 'arry


    Never had a payslip in 10 years, not a clue how much money he has...... Darlo supporters need to get in to the fucker quick.......................

  3. Logically you're right, I just can't see him going down for some reason.


    I think its because of his cheeky chappie cockney wideboy persona, but I can see all his chickens coming home to roost planting him firmly in the shit if found guilty.

  4. The sad thing is though he won't go to prison for this, even if he is found guilty.


    I beg to differ. If he gets found guilty the amount of money involved falls in to the custody bracket. You could probably draw a parity with the kind of sentences MPs have been getting for fiddling their expenses. The ones who went to trial used a similar defence as well that they were ignorant to the ins and outs of what was required. Some of those MPs also claimed health issues and never got their sentences suspended.


    I also think this might just be the tip of the iceberg and other matters may come to the forefront on the back of this. It really seems a bit fishy that Peter Storrie was also charged in relation to this and yet there has been no mention of him. That usually indicates he may have pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing, so it'll be interesting to see how this pans out.



  5. Strange he never took his accountant to Monaco to open the Rosie 47 account. I wonder who filled those forms out for him? The fucking dog...................


    If he gets found guilty all of this isn't gonna do him any favours with the Judge when he passes sentence

  6. :snod:Bl

    Girl I know works there, said they were all canny p*ssed... Her mate apparently got jiggy jiggy with Santon.


    Her FB Status: K***** D*******

    newcastle united last night in linekers bar was amazin!! davide santon plays for the 1st team nicest guy eva!!xxx


    weird name she's got


    Blanked the name out


  7. Girl I know works there, said they were all canny pissed... Her mate apparently got jiggy jiggy with Santon. Had a brief chat with her to get up on the gossip!


    Her FB Status: K***** D*******

    newcastle united last night in linekers bar was amazin!! davide santon plays for the 1st team nicest guy eva!!xxx

  8. If he's found guilty of fraud...he will serve time. The law seems to point to this. Unless a custodial sentence can be served suspended? I'm no legal eagle so can only read the law literally.


    It would be hard to mitigate towards a suspended sentence, especially as he's went not guilty. There are certainly more aggravating factors than mitigating ones. The other thing that would need to be decided I guess is was it Saggy Face or Mandaric who put the whole thing in to practice.... Would have a huge bearing on whether either (or both) get sent down

  9. It is nice to see him squirm. :)


    There are parallel's here with what happened with George Graham, at Arsenal back in the mid 90's. However if found guilty, I bet Spurs won't sack him and he won't resign. Should put paid to him getting the England job and will the media also stop brown nosing him?


    George Graham also got a 12 month ban from Football.


    The total paid in to this account was close to 200k, menaing tax liabilities would stand at around 90k.


    If found guilty and because of the sheer arrogance and planning that has went in to this, can't see any other outcome except Jail to be honest...........

  10. Another interesting thing is that Peter Storrie was charged at the same time. There has been no reports of the charges against him being dropped. Highly probable he has already pleaded guilty and a reporting blackout was put in place as this would potentially influence the outcome of the trial.


  11. They wouldn't sack him if he was found guilty but given a non-custodial sentence.


    Thing is, if he was to get a suspended sentence, it's effectively one step from Jail.... If the offence hadn't been in relation to footballing matters, I'd agree with you but it's bringing the game in to disprepute.


    For the media chug-a-thon that has gone on over Redknapp recently, the vultures would almost certainly start to circle in the event of a guilty verdict. If he was an honourable man he would walk away anyway, but he's a greedy bastard if what has been reported so far is true.........

  12. It'll be interesting to see on what grounds his defence is, bearing in mind he has to try and prove he didn't get this money paid in to an offshore account to avoid the taxman.


    Given the media attention that will be attracted to this case, and the cost of bringing it to court, the CPS must be fairly confident of a result here.


    I don't think he'd get locked up if he is found guilty, perhaps a suspended sentence as has been mentioned, but his integrity will come under close scrutiny.  There's no way he could really continue in charge of Spurs and the FA will not touch him with a bargepole. Wouldn't surprise me if there are a few super injunctions hanging on the outcome of this trial around brown paper envelopes and the like.

  13. There was an article online (can't find the link now), which basically included copies of documents supplied by police in the States. On the basis of those it was quite damning.


    If he does get found guilty, this may bring out examples of his wheeling and dealing in brown paper envelopes with a bit of luck.

  14. Given Lambs Arse's connections in the gambling industry wouldn't be at all surprised to see us end up with an online casino site sponsoring the shirts/ground


    Bwin Arena anyone?

  15. Btw Carrol is wasted at pool, everything here was set up for him to thrive. Him leaving made his development suffer as no one at liverpool will play for him like nolan and barton did,


    He was on the bench at the weekend. Cheeky loan bid would be funny!!

  16. He has a great hairline:




    He'll join wor tiote with his great headline...!





    For heed's a jolly good fellow




    Barney Big Bonce....................

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