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Everything posted by Munkey

  1. http://www.football365.com/story/0,17033,8652_2452830,00.html the bulk of the article's about Rozenthal. but here's a section from the bottom; However, he is looking closer to home for another addition to his squad after setting his sights on Chelsea utility man Geremi. The 28-year-old Cameroon international is available on a free transfer and would provide cover at both right-back and in midfield. It is understood the Magpies are one of a series of club's to be talking to the player, who signed for Chelsea in a £7million switch from Real Madrid during the summer of 2003.
  2. aye, you're gonna have to be more inventive than that...then again, mine wasn't the best
  3. on Footy365 as well: http://www.football365.com/story/0,17033,8652_2452508,00.html
  4. Munkey


    Looks like I am off to buy a new calender tomorrow because mine seems to be stuck on 23rd of June! How far into August are we again just so I know? aye, i appreciate the sarky comment, but the most pressing need for Newcastle is defenders. everyone and his dog has pointed this out.....so far all that's been signed are/ is strikers....or midfielders......
  5. Munkey


    fuck me...anyone else getting worried that Newcastle hasn't signed bloody defenders yet? (Rozenthal hasn't signed so doesn't count)... we need full-backs and centre-backs...what happened to the report that Baines was going to sign after the U-21's had finished? that gone down the pan along with the other bollocks?
  6. Milner...excellent pelanty
  7. for the love of god , chris....stop saying pelanty..... 8-8...christ
  8. they're gonna make Taylor take it
  9. he must be doing it for a laugh...on a bet or bloody something.
  10. another good pelanty...
  11. yeah, was wondering if anyone else noticed that. the bloke canna say the damn word right...." a good pelanty".....
  12. half of the fuckers signed up....tight bunch of bastards...chelsea don't come across well...
  13. some of the footballers come across as a bunch of tight twats
  14. documentary about a lass trying to get premiership footballers to give up 1 days wages to go towards the nurses
  15. aye, i spat me beer across the room when i heard that....
  16. don't need peanut sellers. we need Buttscratchers: courtesy of Family Guy..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieBNWlRcpsE
  17. left the club as in they released him? mutual termination of contract? or just fucked off on holiday?
  18. aye, same here. thought it was all going to go ahead on the 1st July. 1 season loan with an option for PSV to buy him then. seem to remember reading it somewhere.
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