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Everything posted by Munkey

  1. Clowns....evil clowns (not that there's any other sort) to scare the kids... or failing that a lot of investment in getting more kids from the North East into the youth acadamy so that Newcastle can get quality players coming through.
  2. woooo...and indeed ...hooo..
  3. bloody hell. Owen's scored.
  4. what's the odds that the ginger tosser uses this game as proof that this midfield works? christ, Jenas is warming up....
  5. did Lampard come out of the changing room at half-time?
  6. he was mentioned once...something about mis-heading a ball
  7. 1-0. Joe Cole. fucking terrible game.
  8. ahhh, got ya. old age is buggering up me eyesight and reading skills.
  9. he'a getting a bit old....12 days older than me. and only 5ft 4"...the blokes a midget. plus for 13million Euros, which is a bit steep for someone who's going to be 31 soon.
  10. Munkey

    England v Brazil

    thought it was a 4-4-2? caragher - Terry - King - Shorey Beckham - Fat Frank - Gerrard - Cole Owen - Smith
  11. Munkey

    England v Brazil

    same midfield that did crap in the WC last year...what an inspired selection by maclaren
  12. Hope so. Allardyce-Anelka-Ashley. All 3 must be in place. could be Allardyce-Ameobi-Ashley. that's a winning trio if ever i saw one.......
  13. said this morning (think on Footy365), that Allardyce's is back on Monday.
  14. if they do get him then (baring any major injury crisis) Man U are going to be scarily good next season.
  15. on paper Parker's a quality player, but it's evident that his hearts not in it when he plays for Newcastle. if he wants to return to London (though christ knows why, i live there and it's shite) then let him. Newcastle pockets £7-8.5 mill and the reconstruction of the side continues. just wish they start buying bloody defenders
  16. £72,000 for Lucas Neill ffs, "considerably more" for Parker. At those rates, I could get a couple of grand a week down there myself. and then Neill had the balls to come out and say he chose West Ham over Liverpool purely for football reason and not financial. load of sweaty elephants bollox.
  17. anyone got any idea if this signing is going to be finalised soon? (if infact it is happening). or is everything hinging on Allaydyce coming back from his holidays and Fat Fred eating his way out of hospital.
  18. i can't see it hindering any signings (unless they're for a really large transfer fee). i could see that it would delay them for a bit as players would be unsure of signing into a club that's in a transition period.
  19. in all fairness, he wasn't given a long run in the side (sounds like people justifying Luque's existence) or a run in 1 position. but still, shouldn't buy the bugger.
  20. nah, he said he couldn't stand the English weather when he lived in London, how would he cope with the weather in Newcastle?!
  21. because he's shagging Maclaren's dog?
  22. i canna see him being sold for £5mill, but i wouldn't have thought he'd cost £10mill like Bale. That figure would have been inflated as there were more clubs (ManU) sniffing around so Spurs would have put a large bid in just to clinch things. If more clubs go in for Baines the same would happen.
  23. Didn't Allardyce say that all the transfers would be done within a few weeks? or am i imagining that? although i'm guessing all the talk of a takeopver would throw SA's plans somewhat.
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