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Everything posted by Mikky

  1. I can't stand the bloke; utter prick
  2. This. It's that wow factor he has which is so spell bounding to watch. An absolute artist
  3. Madrid are riding their luck here Come on Celta
  4. Clear pen Celta This ref is a bottler
  5. I remember the old San Mames used to look huge
  6. Love watching his Rayo team; it's like watching the Keegan team from circa 93-95: play some lovely football
  7. Not biased at all from Sir Alex. Still smarting from when Messi raped his team in 2 CL finals
  8. Should have done better for the first two Swansea goals tbh... Him, Hatem and MYM were all at fault imo Fuck off that was Marvs fault and as for Santon....
  9. This; the hope for him is that after a full pre season he'll begin to recapture that form; it hasn't helped like you said that Dortmund have been dreadful this year largely due to a number of injuries; the style this year just hasn't suited him
  10. He's a proper character (world class player too)
  11. I sense roads leading to a certain Jurgen Klopp
  12. Mikky

    John Carver

    Nah, there were little ones where his tongue just pokes out, coupled with a few where he does two in quick succession. More than 16.5. 16.5 for me tbh: some didn't quite make it: therefore no score was awarded
  13. Mikky

    John Carver

    16.5 licks on the lickcount
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