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🗡️ 2025 Loser
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Everything posted by LiquidAK

  1. If it's not from the Northumberland region it's technically just sparkling wey-aye'n
  2. If it's possible to share somehow you're welcome to mine. Applied but in the time it took to confirm the parade my flight has doubled in price so won't be able to make it - should've booked it and chanced it really
  3. Ban whoever has had the gall to amend this thread title (and the Bruno one) away from "cup winning"
  4. Wild that it wasn't on the table originally if true, but at least they got to the right solution in the end
  5. Just watched the Match Cam, been putting it off because I don't want the content to be over Fucking hell, what a day.
  6. LiquidAK

    Anthony Gordon

    That's what I'm saying, he's banned so any pressure to play him against Brentford is no longer there
  7. LiquidAK

    Anthony Gordon

    Promising news. That ban is a blessing at this point, another few days recovery before he's even eligible to play sounds ideal, no pressure to play him against Brentford if he's not 100%
  8. There's an accessibility issue to consider here too. The FAQs say there's no seating and you can't even bring your own, which basically cuts any non able-bodied supporter out of attending without discomfort. There's time for them to address that and hopefully they will, but it's hardly ideal
  9. It's not that weird if you stop and think about it, and crying is a bit hyperbolic? I'm sure Sela and the club will put on a hell of a show, but there are going to be things a single event will find harder to achieve that an open top bus through the city could and one of those is proximity to the cup and players (though likewise I'm sure the event will do things that you obviously couldn't with a bus tour). Hopefully it's class, I'm sure it will be, but it's fair enough if people have been thinking about this day for decades and for whatever reason the celebration event is going in a direction that seems like it'll be tough to ensure everyone can get reasonably up close to the players and trophy. Maybe it's a lack of imagination on my part, but I don't see how you can do that to the same degree as you could a bus tour where you're a few metres away at the side of the road. Hopefully it is a lack of imagination from me and this time next week this thread will be full of posters reporting how much they loved it and how close they were able to get. This forum has absolutely got previous on your last point, I just don't think it's a fair stick to beat the people who are a bit disappointed in this case, at least until more details emerge.
  10. LiquidAK

    Dan Burn

    Something so heartwarming about seeing the likes of Sandro liking this. Got such a tight-knit and supportive group
  11. LiquidAK


    Big Fab somewhere in Dubai smiling proudly
  12. LiquidAK


    God if that had gone in
  13. LiquidAK


    Nice goal that
  14. LiquidAK


    Quite impressed with Tuchel's talk so far, seems a smart guy. Interesting to see how we play.
  15. LiquidAK

    Dan Burn

    If he scores today we need to be seriously considering if he made some kind of satanic pact
  16. Man that's absolutely mint focusing on one player and their reaction at fulltime. Hope there were 10 other cameras following the others around too
  17. Selfishly my disappointment comes from the fact that I'd have to travel the length of the country and spend a decent wedge to get to this - it's not worth doing that if I'm going to be miles away from the stage and won't see shit. If there was a parade through the city where I'd have at least a moment where the bus goes by and I see the trophy and the players reasonably up close then that'd be different. Genuinely hope locals and anyone who does make it has a blast though, even if it's not the parade through the city we'd hoped for it should still be a hell of a party after all the years of waiting.
  18. LiquidAK

    Dan Burn

    I love how much BDB is the hero, especially after some of the abuse he got last season when he was playing at LB. Feels so deserved that he gets this
  19. Disappointing there's looking like no parade, glad I didn't push the button on £450 flights and hotels for an event I might not even get into
  20. https://gofile.io/d/nF7uAv Not my upload but this is it
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