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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I'll bet you could on FM2008 by resetting without saving. weak mate, really really weak Not quite as weak as saying you could personally turn around 3 years of mis-management in 14 days.
  2. Seems to me people want to whine about the situation for the sake of whining. Since Keegan arrived there's been a drastic improvement in tactics, performances and passion. People whining have no suggestions who we should have signed . The people we approached goes to show how loathe players are to come. If you blame Keegan and the fortnight he had with an open window when he arrived for our current position rather than Allardyce and the 8 months he took to build the most tepid team I've seen at St James', you're a moron.
  3. what financial stability like? he owns the club, has paid the debt off and spent little of the oodles of cash every club gets by virtue of being in the PL these days lets say we spent 20m in jan and went down, i doubt it'd make ashley walk away therefore all we'd have done would be to give it a shot...as it is we've left oourselves open to accusations of inactivity in the face of the inevitable, which is far worse the fact is 20m on the right players would have virtually guaranteed us staying up christs sake Your damn right "christs sake". Did you not see Keegan chasing players? Did you not read about Woodgate rejecting us? f****** hell, maybe you think he should have paid £10M apiece for Bernard and Srnicek just so he could say he spent something on someone. f****** spoilt brats man. Again with extreme scenario's, pathetic really. Aye. With Barnes in the team we'd have got some points out of Man U, Arsenal and Villa though. Jesus Wept. We'll do a Leeds. We'd put the club in financial jeopardy. It would be like FS. We can only sign panic buys. Were spoilt for wanting new players to avoid relegation or the battle. You must want to sign £10m Bernard just so we have someone Ever decreasing time for KK to sign players. Actually half a window, but it gets smaller in Happy's world. Honestly, its all just bullshit really. As for Barnes, why not say he could have made a difference in the Bolton, Boro or Blackburn games? Why? Coz happy's on a mission to pick out the worst case scenarios to back up his point of view. Because we played well in those games numb-nuts. You're saying we needed to sign people to lift the squad in the games where they're s***. Who else was screaming come and get me apart from Barnes then? jesus no-one screams come and get me do they? there's such a thing as making a deal happen...if we'd signed a similar manager to ramos or mourinho they'd have had a list of players as long as your arm who we could sign that would improve our team immediately, of that i have no doubt we signed keegan, our inactivity in the market speaks for itself Mourinho? Are you for fuckin real? Or do you spend your days outside the club shop waiting for SSN to come along? Ramos did well to win the cup. Done nowt in the league.
  4. what financial stability like? he owns the club, has paid the debt off and spent little of the oodles of cash every club gets by virtue of being in the PL these days lets say we spent 20m in jan and went down, i doubt it'd make ashley walk away therefore all we'd have done would be to give it a shot...as it is we've left oourselves open to accusations of inactivity in the face of the inevitable, which is far worse the fact is 20m on the right players would have virtually guaranteed us staying up christs sake Your damn right "christs sake". Did you not see Keegan chasing players? Did you not read about Woodgate rejecting us? f****** hell, maybe you think he should have paid £10M apiece for Bernard and Srnicek just so he could say he spent something on someone. f****** spoilt brats man. aye righto...the fact our manager can't identify players WE NEED makes me a spoilt brat does it? you're about the only one here who doesn't accept we desperately, desperately needed new players in...haven't results bourne that out? he's been in narnia (as someone amusingly said earlier) for so long how was he gonna identify good players or the weaknesses in our squad? he wasn't was he so he went for woodgate who was still good 4 years ago when keegan was in touch, fucknose who told him about barnes, probably found a copy of shoot at the train station or something when keegan was appointed the only thing that went through my head was "well at least he'll sign some players"...there were simply no other reason we'd appoint him i could think of...we didn't sign anyone and now we are where we are he was appointed 14 days or something before the end of the window....give me funds and 14 days i guaran-fucking-tee you i'd have found 3-4 players that would have had a positive effect on our performances I'll bet you could on FM2008 by resetting without saving.
  5. what financial stability like? he owns the club, has paid the debt off and spent little of the oodles of cash every club gets by virtue of being in the PL these days lets say we spent 20m in jan and went down, i doubt it'd make ashley walk away therefore all we'd have done would be to give it a shot...as it is we've left oourselves open to accusations of inactivity in the face of the inevitable, which is far worse the fact is 20m on the right players would have virtually guaranteed us staying up christs sake Your damn right "christs sake". Did you not see Keegan chasing players? Did you not read about Woodgate rejecting us? Fucking hell, maybe you think he should have paid £10M apiece for Bernard and Srnicek just so he could say he spent something on someone. Fucking spoilt brats man. Again with extreme scenario's, pathetic really. Aye. With Barnes in the team we'd have got some points out of Man U, Arsenal and Villa though. Jesus Wept. We'll do a Leeds. We'd put the club in financial jeopardy. It would be like FS. We can only sign panic buys. Were spoilt for wanting new players to avoid relegation or the battle. You must want to sign £10m Bernard just so we have someone Ever decreasing time for KK to sign players. Actually half a window, but it gets smaller in Happy's world. Honestly, its all just bullshit really. As for Barnes, why not say he could have made a difference in the Bolton, Boro or Blackburn games? Why? Coz happy's on a mission to pick out the worst case scenarios to back up his point of view. Because we played well in those games numb-nuts. You're saying we needed to sign people to lift the squad in the games where they're shit. Who else was screaming come and get me apart from Barnes then?
  6. what financial stability like? he owns the club, has paid the debt off and spent little of the oodles of cash every club gets by virtue of being in the PL these days lets say we spent 20m in jan and went down, i doubt it'd make ashley walk away therefore all we'd have done would be to give it a shot...as it is we've left oourselves open to accusations of inactivity in the face of the inevitable, which is far worse the fact is 20m on the right players would have virtually guaranteed us staying up christs sake Your damn right "christs sake". Did you not see Keegan chasing players? Did you not read about Woodgate rejecting us? Fucking hell, maybe you think he should have paid £10M apiece for Bernard and Srnicek just so he could say he spent something on someone. Fucking spoilt brats man. Again with extreme scenario's, pathetic really. Aye. With Barnes in the team we'd have got some points out of Man U, Arsenal and Villa though. Jesus Wept.
  7. Nicely phrased, in a way that sounds like we have this great sqaud because they play internationally and some of them cost a bit of cash. The problem the fans have had all season is they think this means they are decent players and are therefore underperforming due to bad management. They arent. They are. Better than Blackburn and Boro anyway. 2 points from 12 under 2 different managers says not. But playing them both off the park in the last few weeks says so. Boro could easily have won and Blackburn had the same amount of chances as we did, so absolutely nothing says they are at all. I tell you what though, if you think those players are good enough then you've got a shit eye for a decent player. We need to buy some quality for next season. We didn't need to throw £20M at agents in the hope that ANYONE would sign on the dotted line in the 10 day window Keegan had. If we get relegated I'll accept some panic buys might have worked out, but it would have ensured nothing whatsoever...and we won't be relegated.
  8. what financial stability like? he owns the club, has paid the debt off and spent little of the oodles of cash every club gets by virtue of being in the PL these days lets say we spent 20m in jan and went down, i doubt it'd make ashley walk away therefore all we'd have done would be to give it a shot...as it is we've left oourselves open to accusations of inactivity in the face of the inevitable, which is far worse the fact is 20m on the right players would have virtually guaranteed us staying up christs sake Your damn right "christs sake". Did you not see Keegan chasing players? Did you not read about Woodgate rejecting us? Fucking hell, maybe you think he should have paid £10M apiece for Bernard and Srnicek just so he could say he spent something on someone. Fucking spoilt brats man.
  9. Nicely phrased, in a way that sounds like we have this great sqaud because they play internationally and some of them cost a bit of cash. The problem the fans have had all season is they think this means they are decent players and are therefore underperforming due to bad management. They arent. They are. Better than Blackburn and Boro anyway. 2 points from 12 under 2 different managers says not. But playing them both off the park in the last few weeks says so.
  10. Nicely phrased, in a way that sounds like we have this great sqaud because they play internationally and some of them cost a bit of cash. The problem the fans have had all season is they think this means they are decent players and are therefore underperforming due to bad management. They arent. They are. Better than Blackburn and Boro anyway.
  11. its better to pay off the debt and go down then to invest in players and go down. No quality players wanted to come. Are you lot blind?
  12. Aye, he's put the money where it makes business sense. Drastic missing of point. If we go down, he wasted all of that money as the value of the club will drop enormously. Not as much as it would have with £70M of debt secured on season ticket sales that aren't taken up. Requiring further borrowing to finance the debt.
  13. A club that was in the relegation places all season changed the squad to fight for survival, but didn't jeopardise financial stability, by doing so on the cheap....they remained in net credit. Newcastle have spent half the season in the top half, but started to slide when the expensive set of international players they already have lost faith in the (then) manager. Completely different scenarios.
  14. What did Pompey Spend in 05/06 like? They spent £4M....and sold players for £8M http://www.soccerbase.com/transfers_by_team.sd?teamid=2049 Hardly throwing money at the problem. They spent big AFTER securing their safety. ...if you think £13M in 06/07 can be considered a huge amount, given we spend that year in year out.
  15. Aye, he's put the money where it makes business sense. So it doesn't make business sense to spend money on football players at a football club, especially one that is struggling? Ask a Leeds fan.
  16. Aye, he's put the money where it makes business sense.
  17. allardyce, like dalgleish, was a good decision that unfortunately didn't work out. roeder and souness aye,but i wasn't all too dissapointed with sam at the time so i'm not going to criticise his appointment now, and i think we'd have more points now if he wasn't sacked. I agree. Which games would we have got more points from? We can speculate all we want but I think it is hard to say, however the issue is due to the timing of the sacking, and the disruption it caused. I feel we could have strengthened in the window, and without the disruption we could have been in a slightly better position. I am not blaming keegan for 90% of our current situation, my main problem is with the timing, or even if Sam's sacking was necessary at that point in time (and a sacking at the end of the season wasn't more realistic). Sure we played terrible football, but I think Sam had enough in him to keep us up and about 10th. So that's none then.
  18. He is a bit tight like, to only spend £200M on sorting out the clubs finances when there's players he could have thrown that money at. Did he learn nothing from his chats with the previous lot? Cook the books, beg, borrow and steal, but placate the fans with a big money signing at all costs. Anyone would think Shepherd had ran things badly at the club.
  19. allardyce, like dalgleish, was a good decision that unfortunately didn't work out. roeder and souness aye,but i wasn't all too dissapointed with sam at the time so i'm not going to criticise his appointment now, and i think we'd have more points now if he wasn't sacked. I agree. Which games would we have got more points from?
  20. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Just about get what you are saying, surprisingly, and even more surprisingly i agree. He couldn't prevent what happened, he wasn't here, but he could have fixed it, still can, but the job would have been made easier with new bodies surely? What it means is just because we're in a relegation fight after buying no-one, doesn't mean we're in a relegation fight for buying no-one. I'm sure we could have brought people in, but they wouldn't have necessarily improved the squad. We made moves on players Keegan thought would improve us, but none of them wanted to come (obviously saw our performances under Allardyce). I 100% back the manager in not throwing money at bad players for the sake of bringing anyone whatsoever in.
  21. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
  22. Eight to one on to avoid relegation at Paddy Power. Sounds about right to me. We'll be fine. If you do fancy us for the drop you can get five to one for it so fill your boots. Money where your mouth is and all that.
  23. http://gickr.com/results3/anim_856a4275-1427-1054-31df-dc7289665dfc.gif
  24. But doesn't extend as far as a club hovering above relegation spending £150M? I haven't got a clue what your point is. I think this phrase "trophy player" is f****** stupid and only dreamed up by people aiming to shoot the last chairman for the hideous crime of trying to back his manager to buy quality players. Which leads on of course to the current situation, and the fact that alll these superior "team" players have left us with a better team. Of course. In my opinion, if the club has spent 150m quid [over what time period] then they obviously haven't bought enough of these despicable "trophy" players, because if they did, we would be doing a lot better, like the big 4 who buy these despicable "trophy" players all the time Ashley, Mort and average players are obviously better though mackems.gif Clearly drunk.
  25. I never take a brolly because I'm not a ponce. I've got faith in Keegan's investment nouse, and cut-throat approach to his players (see Andy Cole). Have you told him you don't want him spending much yet? [ahaahahaaha/] Judging by the transfer window, he's already on my wavelength. Have you told him he has to spend £100M in the next window irrespective of the quality of player he can sell the club to? Reckon he can get us into the top 4 on less? Nope. I don't think we'll be in the top 4 next season either though.
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