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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I'm just bored of every utterance being criticised no matter what. No matter how happy or forlorn he is. No matter how honest or deceiving. No matter how factual or misleading. You've got to get over this mate, it's how it is. Everyone hates everything about the regime too much for it to ever change. I think thats a bit unfair Ian. When he took over and all the talk was of 'root and branch reviews', of 'new ways ahead' of 'sensible investment and quality improvement' a lot of us, me included were dancing jigs of joy. I have no and had no blinkered view of FS. But when you have been lied to, time and time again, when all actions speak of someone who has utter contempt for you, the club you love, your fellow supporters and the city and area in general...surely enough is enough at some point? Do I hate everything about this regime now? too fucking right. From its crony, fake manager, to its inept and utterly ridiculous DOf and obviously to the cheap, tacky, slimeball hierarchy we have infesting us. That is not borne out of desperatley wanting to despise the regime, its a consquence of their actions and lies. He's also had more chances than he's deserved to redeem himself imo....they all have. I find it staggering that anyone can put any store or have any faith in anything they say now...they are completely barren,rotten,slimy,bankrupt of morals and utterly corrupt. Agree 99% I despise it. My own waste of time spleen venting blog has a description that just about matches exactly what you say... And that was started 5 years back! ...but I don't lose all my critical faculties and just pour bile on any & every comment the manager ever makes. There's a balance to strike where you criticise what deserves criticism, and not indiscriminately, if you want to be taken seriously as a critic.
  2. And the best way to combat this is definitely to say "SBR [was a] front for an owner draining resources out of the club and [was] actively taking the p*ss out of us." Do you know how Much Freddy Shepherd put into Newcastle United and how much he took out? Did you EVER see Bobby Robson criticise him while he was here? He didn't go as far as dedicating wins to the bloke, but he certainly played the game.
  3. I hope he refuses the "mutual consent" line to secure his pay off and associated gagging agreement. I'd like him to lift the lid once he's gone. ...that said, he'll be more likely to follow the Hughton example. Someone who wants to keep working in the game so keeps his head down and doesn't criticise. That's attractive to owners.
  4. I'm just bored of every utterance being criticised no matter what. No matter how happy or forlorn he is. No matter how honest or deceiving. No matter how factual or misleading.
  5. Yes So he was a willing patsy? Is that what your trying to suggest? Fucking hell man What are you on about. Willing Patsy? If Pardewsaid on the loss of Cabaye... 'I'm not interested in profit. But it's a huge offer, which we have to consider. I don't want to lose him but it's a huge sum of money. 'It's also a huge opportunity for him. Do we deny him that opportunity? There's a moral issue here.' He'd get a helluva lot of stick because of who he is, but that's what Robson said when we sold Woodgate. It doesn't make either of them a willing patsy it makes them professional managers.
  6. Eh? £50? for L7? To fellow fans? There's only the platinum club that charges that. I'd remove a post like that if I was an admin tbh.
  7. Yeah, like .com do to other fans on that page I linked to. Kinda making my point for me again. What? Attendance through bad times is a badge of honour and a stick to beat you with, regardless of context. Our attendances have increased year on year for the past 4 years by the way.
  8. It's not completely redundant. It doesn't strike me as being a slimy approach. Especially given the vocal stick Keegan has had around here for rocking the boat.
  9. Yeah, like .com do to other fans on that page I linked to. Kinda making my point for me again.
  10. Not sure who said he doesn't care about attendance. My view is that the income received on a matchday is not a priority for him. Having a the camera's pointed at a full stand covered in Sports Direct signage is very important to him I think...hence the reason he'll be glad to give tickets away if people stop buying tickets, to at least fill the lower tiers.
  11. Isnt that the point though? the reason he comes across as a slimy bottler I mean? If faced with that sort of humiliation / undermining of your job on a weekly basis anyone with an ounce of professional integrity would front it &, if need be, negotiate a way out if they weren't prepared to make your job tenable. He`s a shite tactician, out of his depth desperate to cling on to the most high profile job he`s ever / will ever had. With this bloke as manager, we will never win anything (Long balls up to Shola was his master plan Saturday remember) Bobby Robson was constantly undermined, overruled and mistreated too. Barcelona were canny rude to him as well. His professionalism and refusal to walk out on an agreement is lauded as gentlemanly rather than making him a slimy bottler. No, that's not suggesting for one second that Pardew is one fraction of the manager that Robson is, but getting on with the job despite your gaffer is something the vast majority can surely relate to.
  12. If Ashley dropped the ticket price to £5 do you think the stadium would remain empty long? Or if he gave tickets away free with any purchase over £30 at Sports Direct? People have been cancelling season tickets left right and centre, demand has dropped off considerably, and every time, the club simply reduce the prices further and there's other people happy to take a bargain.
  13. Never met anyone that this applies to. That applies to just about everyone, except the people that invade the pitch or set up a mock funeral and get laughed at for it by other fans.
  14. Eh? Everyone's opinion is valid, just think it's incredibly arrogant for people who have stopped going/never been to decree that not attending is the 'right' thing to do. think people are suggesting solutions that might break us out of the artificially-induced football coma we're in tbh, don't see the point in getting precious about it if you think the best solution is to keep giving your money to the club with no sign of disapproval whatsoever Again, apart from the full throated, stadium-wide "get out of our club..." the booing the Kinnear lacerating and the pitch invasions. That was a sign of disapproval.
  15. Whether or not you see value in fans staying away is irrelevant. Outside influences provide no excuses whatsoever as to why a clubs crowds drop off. If our crowds dropped to 20,000 off the back of being 8th it would be a stick that was used to beat us for decades to come. See this section of NUFC.com for example... http://www.nufc.com/html/where-were-we.html There's no context given to excuse ANY clubs poor attendances. Man City got 3000 people to a game in 1998. That's it. Inexcusable... "Where were you when you were shit?" Fans wear their attendance records like a badge of honour. If circumstances dictate that you don't have that badge in the first place, it doesn't make you a lesser person, but it does make it easier to argue that others should sacrifice their's. Strange breed football fans. In 20 years when we win the title five years running the proudest people won't be those that stopped going and forced Ashley out, it will be those who regale the new fans about "You don't know you're born you lot, I was there when we lost to the Mackems 3 nil at home 2 years running, 6 nil off Liverpool etc." You still see it now, 20 years since, from people who went to Derby, Leicester, Wolves and that in 92.
  16. Regal King Size Amsterdam this weekend though
  17. Popped over to TT to gauge the reaction to the derby loss and found this gem from HappyFace: The fact you laugh at that illustrates my point perfectly. Thanks. Not sure what age you are or how many years you've gone without missing a game or if you have a kid whose starting to take an interest in Man City because he can watch them on the telly as easily as Newcastle and they're good. But like those fans who mythically booed Robson for finishing 5th or the real life fans who walked out and left the team to do a lap of honour to a half empty stadium, to vent 5 minutes of anger 10 years ago, you'll be stigmatised in the football world for a long time to come if you choose to walk away now. For better or worse, football support is not a pursuit founded on the same principals as grocery shopping.
  18. See, I read that interview and I just don't get how it leads people to their spineless, slimy, outraged conclusions. He just seems to be completely sick of trying to remain professional and present a united front after his boss has dropped him in the shit again. It's the face he was presenting before the derby too. He could do a Malcky Mackay but then he'd be out of a job within the week. It says more about the strained relations within the club than any flaws Pardew has.
  19. I think Martinez (or anyone worth considering) would not take the job with Kinnear as DOF so that question is not really answerable . Also I cannot believe anyone would disagree with your final sentence. Fair enough - I suppose the question isn't all that great. On the basis that there are lots of better managers out there than Pardew, it is reasonable to assume they would be doing better than him. I just can't work out by how much he is underperforming and where we should reasonably expect to be (caveated of course by the fact that we should be aiming to win stuff and shouldn't limit ourselves..). Taking the results in isolation on a spreadsheet, he's not doing a bad job this season. As a supporter, this result coupled with the cup performances/results have been a disgusting slap in the face. Personally I could never ever forgive him for last season's derby, now that he's doubled it up though I don't know how anybody could. Gullitt walked after dropping Shearer and losing a derby match 2-1 at home, and the press called his team sheet the equivalent of a suicide note. Yet Pardew loses two successive home derbies 3-0 on the bounce and yet the fans are still sympathetic. I'm flabbergasted tbh. We just seem to accept derby defeats with a shrug of the shoulders these days. Horse punching, pitch invading, season ticket hoying, full throated, stadium wide booing and negatory chanting aside like.
  20. I think Martinez (or anyone worth considering) would not take the job with Kinnear as DOF so that question is not really answerable . Also I cannot believe anyone would disagree with your final sentence. Fair enough - I suppose the question isn't all that great. On the basis that there are lots of better managers out there than Pardew, it is reasonable to assume they would be doing better than him. I just can't work out by how much he is underperforming and where we should reasonably expect to be (caveated of course by the fact that we should be aiming to win stuff and shouldn't limit ourselves..). Taking the results in isolation on a spreadsheet, he's not doing a bad job this season. As a supporter, this result coupled with the cup performances/results have been a disgusting slap in the face. Personally I could never ever forgive him for last season's derby, now that he's doubled it up though I don't know how anybody could. Only Sunderland and Fulham have lost more games against bottom half opponents.
  21. It's as if you have a split personality, the you on here defends him with the odd protest when called out while on Toontastic you're against him. You probably confuse yourself about what you said and where. Quote me then. I said he improved or style of play from last year. I said our start and finish wasn't too bad last year and the Europa made it hard for him with or lack of depth. When people claimed almost ANY other manager in the league would be better I argued otherwise. I said I have no faith whatsoever in a replacement made by Ashley. I also said I hate the cunt. Always have.
  22. Its the best decision youve made to be fair. Brett Ian & happy would club together to put a hit out on you if you touched Pardew lol What you on about? Have you even read any of my posts. Just because my default view of everything Pardew says and does is not dribbling rage you've assumed I want him here? I've opposed his appointment since the day it was announced.
  23. http://i61.tinypic.com/6xulv8.jpg Short Passes Per game recently. Did you forget someone? ?
  24. He's running a loss on his investment.
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