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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Spot on. We will of course though see in this thread the vacuous argument that being a supporter means going to matches regardless of any circumstance and that it is even somehow admirable to actively enable those who take the p*ss out of you. Which is akin to some sort of retarded old military romanticism like charging at machine guns. I wouldn't claim that going makes me a better fan than anyone. But you have to consider a lot of people have been going to games since they were young. If you and your mates have an entire social life built around the act of going to the game, if you haven't missed a game in a decade, giving that up to go shopping with your lass is anathema. Your gas & electric company take the p*ss out of you, upping prices way above inflation year after year and roll around in the profits. You don't stop using gas and electricity. Our banks have been involved in bringing the globe to near complete financial collapse. yet they have not been jailed or lost any earnings even...we still use their banks!! People much prefer complaining to turning their world upside down Is this for real? You need gas and electricity to stay alive. Much like you need banks/some form of account. Other energy sources and banks outside of the 5 main UK ones are available.
  2. Spot on. We will of course though see in this thread the vacuous argument that being a supporter means going to matches regardless of any circumstance and that it is even somehow admirable to actively enable those who take the p*ss out of you. Which is akin to some sort of retarded old military romanticism like charging at machine guns. I wouldn't claim that going makes me a better fan than anyone. But you have to consider a lot of people have been going to games since they were young. If you and your mates have an entire social life built around the act of going to the game, if you haven't missed a game in a decade, giving that up to go shopping with your lass is anathema. Your gas & electric company take the piss out of you, upping prices way above inflation year after year and roll around in the profits. You don't stop using gas and electricity. Our banks have been involved in bringing the globe to near complete financial collapse. yet they have not been jailed or lost any earnings even...we still use their banks!! People much prefer complaining to turning their world upside down
  3. I think a strongly worded letter would send a message. Worked for Andy Dufresne.
  4. I reckon the 69th (44 years since we won owt) minute of every game should be the "shame on Ashley" minute. If there's people that have to go, the whole stadium should sing about him getting out of club for a minute, then get back to the game. It would become expected so as not to affect the players but every televised game we had would have to draw attention to it.
  5. That's a really pathetic attitude man. Every single human being that ever lived in an oppressed environment could have found hypothetical excuses why to not bother trying to upset or rebel against an authority. No doubt that if you were Vietnamese during the 60's you would be shouting from the rooftops about the military superiority of the USA and not to bother to fight as it's hopeless and will only result in death. No, I'm considering whether or not to renew myself, but I'm not expecting it to have any impact.
  6. Your point makes no sense to be honest. 25% lost revenue is still 25% lost revenue regardless of how much Sky/BT gives us. Those figures are based on the last accounts. The new TV deal will add another £20m and make it closer to 15% Realistically, the most succesful campaign imaginable would leave about 20,000 still going so it's only 7% of income lost. He'd still be earning more in 2013/2014 than he did in 12/13.
  7. http://i61.tinypic.com/6xulv8.jpg Short Passes Per game recently.
  8. In 1999 Matchday income was 46% of turnover. In the accounts that came out for 2013 it was 25%. IF every fan stopped going (which will never happen), Sky would still pay him 3 times as much as he's lost out on. He could give tickets away to fill the stadium. He'd sell tickets in a deal with Groupon and get the quiet family day out crowd in who know no better.
  9. Incredibly misleading stat if we did. Happy Face will be buzzing off his tits. Jesus wept. Just because I'm not a rabid Pardew hater that will spin owt to make him out to be a cunt? I give him credit where I think it's due and find it more interesting to make the case against received wisdom where I disagree. There's more than enough evidence for him being shite without making stuff up. We managed 6 shots from inside the box that weren't blocked. 2 of those on target. And we were shit.
  10. Lost 5 games in 7. 5 of which were against opponents in the bottom 7. Woeful.
  11. Take Ben with you, you old bollocks I couldn't put the lad through that Shite
  12. Yeah. They moved me down from the L7 corner and said they would honour what I was paying there. Lads who I sit with pay more than I do because they couldn't pay ahead 3 years though, so I don't think they'll make me that offer again.
  13. My bulk payment to cover 3 years meant i paid about £480 a season. If I stay in the same seat it's going to cost me at least £602 this years price) unless I get another loyalty offer from them. So that'll be a minimum 25% hike to watch a club who haven't bought a player in 18 months. Other option is to take my nephew and get us both a seat in the family section for about £480. No hike, but means embracing middle age. Decisions.
  14. Do you post your graphs and plots on their forum . Seems like they love it too I post my graphs. Plots need to be kept hidden from the NSA though There's a lot less anger about them over there. Probably because there's a general consensus with my view that Pardew isn't the problem at the club that should be sorted first.
  15. It was a financial/profile raising decision to come to the Premier League. Nothing to do with wanting to play in the CL. He left a club that was set to play CL football to come to us in the first place.
  16. http://captiongenerator.com/12545/Toontastic-Numero-Tres---The-Cabaye-Riot Posted by HMHM on TT but should give people on here a giggle too.
  17. According to the recent Delloitte figures turnover in 12/13 was £91.8m. That's down on the year before (£93.3m) despite a europa campaign because of our lower finish in the league. In 11/12 Ashley could afford to pull £11m out AND spend £11m (net) on transfers. Net transfer spend was almost £11m in 12/13 too but Ashley said he would not take out the money (£18m is in my head?) he had planned to...whether that turns out to be true or not remains to be seen but you would expect it to leave us with plenty money in the bank if so. What this means to me is that under the previous TV deal we had about £20m a year to play with given our turnover/outgoings. Given the new TV deal in place this year we should have at least double that to play with... http://www.sportingintelligence.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/PL-TV-income-11-12-split.jpg http://www.sportingintelligence.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/PL-TV-split-13-14-forecasts1.jpg ..and now with £20m from Cabaye our war chest should be sitting at £60m.
  18. According to the recent Delloitte figures turnover in 12/13 was £91.8m. That's down on the year before (£93.3m) despite a europa campaign because of our lower finish in the league. In 11/12 Ashley could afford to pull £11m out AND spend £11m (net) on transfers. Net transfer spend was almost £11m in 12/13 too but Ashley said he would not take out the money (£18m is in my head?) he had planned to...whether that turns out to be true or not remains to be seen but you would expect it to leave us with plenty money in the bank if so.
  19. He claimed he wanted to put in £20m a year on top of the purchase price and initial debt consolidation. works out it's cost him about £3.5m a year so he's doing better than he's supposed to have planned.
  20. You think he commits fraud? It was in the last set of accounts how much he had taken out and planned to take out.
  21. http://i43.tinypic.com/34i2q84.jpg
  22. I was going to include Chelsea (Wayne Bridge) as well.
  23. Pardew was begging them to make a bid early to leave time to buy a replacement so they wouldn't have to knock it back. He literally said that.
  24. Some people would argue that the reason is less money. I'm not saying we're spending enough, I don't really know how much is acceptable. We've shown that selling your biggest assets isn't necessarily avoidable or a bad thing if it can lead to buying better players to improve the team. It's a problem faced as much by Spurs (Bale), Arsenal (Henry, Van Persie, Fabregas), Man U (Ronaldo) and Man City (Tevez). You don't even necessarily have to replace the player you are losing, as long as you improve some positions in the first team. We've been able to do that in the past where we had weak links like Danny Simpson or Leon Best. Their replacements were funded off the back of other players being sold. The problem comes when the weak links are less obvious in terms of what you can afford to spend on a replacement. Mike Williamson, Steven Taylor and Shola Ameobi are the only championship quality players we have still getting games, we're also going to be losing Coloccini sooner rather than later. If the sale of Cabaye improves us at CB and up front and his replacement is reasonably adequate, then it could work out well. The opportunities for cut-price players to make that sort of impact on our team is reducing, which can only be a good sign, but long term it leaves us with nowhere to go.
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