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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. There have been no marches or public displays of opposition to the manager have there? There weren't marches or fan opposition to Hughton. Ashley generated ill-feeling by binning him off and bringing in Pardew. There weren't marches or fan opposition to Pardew. Ashley generated those by bringing in Kinnear. He likes to rock the boat when things are quiet. Generates press for his brand. People will always pipe down if the football team (the thing that most of us are interested in) are doing well. Can't believe I've had to explain that. You didn't. I had already made that point...and extended it to say Ashley doesn't want above average football, 7th place finishes and a supportive crowd. He clearly makes decisions with an eye on controversy.
  2. What was shady about how he got the job? He was lined up ahead of Hughton going. It happens all the time. I think how he handles the s*** sandwich the club feeds him is remarkable if I'm honest and while Ashley is here it's good to have someone willing to put the club & stability before his own pride. Protects his players and the club more than ANYONE else in the whole organisation bothers to. It must boil his p*ss every day when he goes in and some bell end has had another turd in his bait box and he has to go out with a smile on his face and do whatever damage limitation he can, fully aware that anyone who pays any attention can see the lies on top of lies exposing the lack of professionalism across the board. It's bad enough that he has to excuse his own crushing failures as a manger without having to cover the arses of those above him too. Agree with this entirely Why? It's utter bollocks. He shook the hand of the devil knowing full f***ing well what his remit would be. And he has lived up to it, it certainly wont "boil his p*ss" in the slightest. He's complicit in all of it. Given that Ashley is the owner. If you want a replacement for Pardew. It has to be someone who will cozy up to Ashley, lick his arse and tow the line in interviews. No? Isn't that why Hughton was replaced by a similarly average (worse?) manager while we sat mid-table? What has that got to do with the original point? I don't feel sorry for pardew as we willingly went along with it, and not only that he's fucking terrible at his job. Maybe the next person will actually be decent at managing a football team. However no sympathy should be directed towards pardew I don't give a fuck about Pardew. What I'm saying is, in his media activities, he's the best fit for Ashley. I wouldn't be surprised if the Goals on Sunday criticism was agreed with Ashley beforehand.
  3. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Nah he knew all that when he took it, indeed that's why he took it, so he could be the patsy that the previous manager refused to be. The goalposts haven't moved. Indeed. If he was really so hard pressed and had an ounce of integrity he's have walked as soon as Kinnear was appointed. But he knows he'll not get a job like this one again and he's clinging on for dear life. I'll bet most managers in England would give their right arm to work with the players he's got. I know Gus Poyet would. And Poyet has no integrity whatsoever so would be a perfect fit. What makes you think he has less integrity than Pardew btw? Not that it was the point I was making, I was talking more about working with quality players. He has a habit of beating Pards with far inferior squads...you know...similar to what happened on Sunday. I imagine he'd love to work with the players Pardew has. I was being sarky. Ashley didn't hire Pardew for his football management skills. He hired him to be a yes man. That will be the criteria for any replacement too. If they're a better manager, that's all well and good. But managers that don't tow the line don't last long. We had one season without disruption from the board. In the championship there wasn't any fuck ups whatsoever. The on-field performance was of paramount importance and everyone was on the same side. As long as we're in the Premier league though, Ashley's goal is to use the exposure available and make news related to his brand.
  4. What was shady about how he got the job? He was lined up ahead of Hughton going. It happens all the time. I think how he handles the s*** sandwich the club feeds him is remarkable if I'm honest and while Ashley is here it's good to have someone willing to put the club & stability before his own pride. Protects his players and the club more than ANYONE else in the whole organisation bothers to. It must boil his p*ss every day when he goes in and some bell end has had another turd in his bait box and he has to go out with a smile on his face and do whatever damage limitation he can, fully aware that anyone who pays any attention can see the lies on top of lies exposing the lack of professionalism across the board. It's bad enough that he has to excuse his own crushing failures as a manger without having to cover the arses of those above him too. Agree with this entirely Why? It's utter bollocks. He shook the hand of the devil knowing full fucking well what his remit would be. And he has lived up to it, it certainly wont "boil his piss" in the slightest. He's complicit in all of it. Given that Ashley is the owner. If you want a replacement for Pardew. It has to be someone who will cozy up to Ashley, lick his arse and tow the line in interviews. No? Isn't that why Hughton was replaced by a similarly average (worse?) manager while we sat mid-table?
  5. There have been no marches or public displays of opposition to the manager have there? There weren't marches or fan opposition to Hughton. Ashley generated ill-feeling by binning him off and bringing in Pardew. There weren't marches or fan opposition to Pardew. Ashley generated those by bringing in Kinnear. He likes to rock the boat when things are quiet. Generates press for his brand.
  6. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Nah he knew all that when he took it, indeed that's why he took it, so he could be the patsy that the previous manager refused to be. The goalposts haven't moved. Indeed. If he was really so hard pressed and had an ounce of integrity he's have walked as soon as Kinnear was appointed. But he knows he'll not get a job like this one again and he's clinging on for dear life. I'll bet most managers in England would give their right arm to work with the players he's got. I know Gus Poyet would. And Poyet has no integrity whatsoever so would be a perfect fit.
  7. Awful. He's always quick to agree with whatever he's told to so why have sympathy? What should he do? Join an internet forum and troll people. Obviously. So basically you haven't got an answer to what he should do, probably other than the same old 'he should just resign'. It's his boss, local press have been banned and Pardew can't do a single thing about it, totally out of his hands. Nah mate you're right, he should sit there, say nothing in reprobate, and just continue to do the job he's clearly not qualified to do whilst simultaneously having the piss taken out of him by his employers. It's certainly the most noble thing to do. Seems strange to argue for a manager to be replaced, but also that no manager with a spine should put up with the deal they would get at Newcastle. Are you saying Newcastle would be better off managerless? What the fuck are you talking about, man? Learn to read and actually understand whatever post you're replying to, and the vibe of the thread in general, because this is getting fucking boring now like. Just contrarian bollocks every fucking day. I said Alan Pardew shouldn't just sit there and say nothing, he has other options and he would take them if he wasn't such a slimy lick arse. I've never once said that NUFC would be better managerless, unless me subconscious stuck a bit of white text in that I'm not aware of. I have no idea how we'd cope without Pardew in charge, that is completely irrelevant to what I've said or my feeling towards him as a manager. If he does leave though it's one more bit of hastle that Mike probably could do without, especially if he has the balls to come out and actually say something. Fuck it though, lets just meander along with the cunt so you play about with your stats telling people why they should be fucking pleased to have the spineless tosser. You don't seem to have thought your argument through to it's logical conclusion on any level.
  8. Isn't that exactly what we need as long as Ashley is in charge? If you have a principled man he doesn't last very long.
  9. Awful. He's always quick to agree with whatever he's told to so why have sympathy? What should he do? Join an internet forum and troll people. Obviously. So basically you haven't got an answer to what he should do, probably other than the same old 'he should just resign'. It's his boss, local press have been banned and Pardew can't do a single thing about it, totally out of his hands. Nah mate you're right, he should sit there, say nothing in reprobate, and just continue to do the job he's clearly not qualified to do whilst simultaneously having the piss taken out of him by his employers. It's certainly the most noble thing to do. Seems strange to argue for a manager to be replaced, but also that no manager with a spine should put up with the deal they would get at Newcastle. Are you saying Newcastle would be better off managerless?
  10. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    I bit my tongue when we scored and others were saying it wass there for the taking because Pardew has never conceded the first goal and won at Newcastle.
  11. What was shady about how he got the job? He was lined up ahead of Hughton going. It happens all the time. I think how he handles the shit sandwich the club feeds him is remarkable if I'm honest and while Ashley is here it's good to have someone willing to put the club & stability before his own pride. Protects his players and the club more than ANYONE else in the whole organisation bothers to. It must boil his piss every day when he goes in and some bell end has had another turd in his bait box and he has to go out with a smile on his face and do whatever damage limitation he can, fully aware that anyone who pays any attention can see the lies on top of lies exposing the lack of professionalism across the board. It's bad enough that he has to excuse his own crushing failures as a manger without having to cover the arses of those above him too.
  12. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Me and all the lads I watched with all thought as much like. Once we scored there should only have been one winner because the Mackems were on the ropes. they were wrecked off their efforts up to that point, wounded that those efforts hadn't given them a bigger lead and psychologically it was ours for the taking. The fact we didn't win from there and never crafted anything but a long range effort is not a positive to be taken from the game Brett.
  13. If its not Pardew it will be someone else for whom being manager of NUFC is half a dozen steps up the managerial ladder than what they're qualified for. He's largely an irrelevance iyam. He's not. you think Ashley's about to sack him and appoint someone better? Who knows, wouldn't be difficult. Depends how much influence Carr has. I'm bored to death with people saying I shouldn't criticise the manager because the owner is a pleb tbh. Am not criticising anyone, your opinion of Pardew is spot on and one I share. I reserve my bile for the man with all the power though. You can't force Ashley out unless you can force a new buyer in. I don't know how many times this point has been made. You can put pressure on him to hire a proper manager though by campaigning against his toadying yes men like Pardew. It's a perfectly reasonable plan of action and one which has a clear end goal in sight, unlike the Ashley Out campaign. Like pressuring a mallard to woo a nice partner and settle down rather than gang rape.
  14. I can't imagine Pardew even read the letter. The hierarchy do loads of shit without consulting him. Heck, Llambias didn't even have a clue Kinnear was coming in until he was on Talksport.
  15. I would attend also, I think the biggest issue is getting the majority of our support out in protest or even a good 5-10k of them, doesn't need anywhere near the 50k mark but needs to be substantial to make any difference. 10k would make them think, that's over £250k per game, although with most having season tickets you would be looking to attack league cup games (No more this season after tomorrow) or targeting next season. A massive non-renewal of season tickets in feb would make them s*** themselves. I would be more than happy to turn up for a game and not go in. That would probably be best thing. People have to get over the "but don't want to hurt the team" thing because otherwise nothing will happen. Yep. Anyway, having a manager who can't teach this team how to score from a f***ing corner is much more damaging than a protest. We just don't look effective at attacking whatsoever never mind just corners, free kicks, crossing into box accurately and having someone there, knocking down headers, running at teams and trying to get behind. We play most our football about 50 yards from goal Remarkable that we have a better goal scoring record than everyone except the Manchester, Liverpool and the 2 big London clubs.
  16. Ashley loves having us in the news for any reason. "Sports Direct tycoon" in a write up gives him as much of a thrill as that sign on the roof. He would be delighted by protests. That's no reason tot to have them like.
  17. You would only get pockets of support sacrificing tickets that are already paid for. Televised game like this weekend would be perfect for everyone to leave their seats at half time though. Everyone cram in under the stands. non-violent, civil disobedience. Have the teams run out to empty stands for the second half.
  18. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Ridiculous to defend a performance even the manager himself is raging about.
  19. Watching MOTD2 last night I was surprised to see the final whistle go and Hatem head straight for the tunnel. i wouldn't blame the fucker. Would be embarrassing to go over to the fans after that, but.... If that was the most disappointing thing about your day you want to look at your priorities tbf.
  20. He could also have been talking about the last 20 minutes when we had abandoned the false 9. But it's only stats that demand so much mitigating context as to be useless
  21. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Think it's only down to results.
  22. Pardew? He's trollin hard now. Not Pardew. An anonymous source... http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/alan-pardew-tough-players-stadium-6250607
  23. I'd be interested to know how many readers here actually buy the chronicle normally. In my mind it's an ageing readership happy to get their news 24 hours after the rest of us that use forums and twitter. The more militant it gets the better, obviously.
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