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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    He played for years, so he must know that an attacking player has to move into space when his team is in possession but he isn't....preferably space ahead of the man with the ball. That said, I think the very best manager he EVER played under was Lenny Lawrence. I don't think he ever experienced any great coaching that would have told him how to direct 11 men to balance this aspect with safety at the back too.
  2. To be fair I think we are only 1 CB, 1 winger, and 1 forward away from a pretty strong and complete 11. The weakest link is Pardew and possibly the medical staff. To have a complete squad for next season double up in the positions I mentioned and get someone who can play at LB/RB and we are there. Saying we have 80% of a team isn't far off. It's the coaching and medical staff that aren't up to the job. We only need a CB if Colo leaves i suspect Pardew plan is two forwards and a winger and the rest will be based on sales. Have I misread this? you don't think we need a striker?
  3. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    You would think that but I'm starting to wonder if being on here distorts our sense of reality. We seem to see something totally different to the majority elsewhere if Happy Face is anything to go by. That was why I went on a little posting spree in here last week. The anti-Pardew bile on this board does exceed the strength of feeling elsewhere. I don't think the feeling is "totally different" though. Everyone agrees that Pardew is an incompetent manager with an inability to get teams playing good football, poor man management skills, bizarre team selections and even weirder substitutions. What most people can also see is that we knew all of that when he was appointed too People have posted quotes from fans of other clubs and players that played under him going back years as evidence he's shit. Well no shit Sherlock, the same quotes were available in 2010. Why didn't Ashley heed them then? What reason is there to think he'll have any clue about the reputation/ability of the next man he appoints? People suggesting Graeme carr will have input....but he was at the club when we gave the job to Pardew.
  4. What a stupid thing to say And entirely serious too.
  5. Tiote interview just up at the Ronnie.... In a candid end-of-season interview, Tiote told the Chronicle: “I look at myself in the mirror and know it hasn’t been good enough. “As a player, you want the club to go forward. “And I think it’s important to think about yourself when you finish the season and reflect on whether you’ve done well or not – we haven’t unfortunately.”
  6. Pardews tactics haven't changed. The likes of Cabaye, tiote, ba, and cisse all still increased their values with excellent performances through last season though. They haven't just looked awful because of tactics, they have been awful as individuals and would take a chunk of the blame. If they will not buck their ideas up for him he's better off selling.
  7. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    And to be fair to the bloke if he suggested for one second that Colo was staying we'd hammer him for talking utter shite. You can't fault his honesty.
  8. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew was 100% certain of keeping Carroll 2 weeks before we flogged him. This is a virtual guarantee that Arsenal Will be his last game.
  9. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    You've taken the lead Mick http://i42.tinypic.com/apfzi8.jpg
  10. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Clearly displays Pardew's diminishing bouncebackability. There's 3 distinct peaks where he has put a run of results together in response to falling below 40%, but each one has offered a lower return, the first peak saw him hit 80%, the next one just over 70%, the most recent, just 50%.
  11. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Hmmm....gimme a sec ...... Take your time. You probably see things in binary code considering how much you love your numbers. Just make sure they make sense, are relevant and open to scrutiny. Here you are.... http://i44.tinypic.com/jrxt3t.jpg Christ, I'm welling up, that's such a thing of beauty.
  12. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Hmmm....gimme a sec ......
  13. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Would you sack Pardew if we won our first game of next season and didn't drop out of the top 5 all year....assuming the style of football remains....workmanlike. No. Would you? No. Just that the football was shit last season and you included that in what you''ve seen over 2 years that suggests he should be sacked. So I wasn't clear. When we were up in 4th I complained that the football was shite and we would drop like a lead balloon...but the season went on...and on...and on...and we didn't drop. So like most people I had to shut up and accept, it's not pretty, but it worked. I don't see any reason it shouldn't work again next year, if we get in another striker and start converting some of the wealth of opportunities we make. It still won't be pretty though.
  14. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Would you sack Pardew if we won our first game of next season and didn't drop out of the top 5 all year....assuming the style of football remains....workmanlike. We would be playing better or we wouldn't be 5th, unfortunately being 5th the style wouldn't bother too many i wouldn't think. But as we've seen this season Pardew's direct style is not sustainable long term. Fat Sam maybe, well if you want to just exist in the league anyhoo. The football was arsejuice when we finished 5th. With Carroll up top the arse juice football could be as effective again.
  15. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Would you sack Pardew if we won our first game of next season and didn't drop out of the top 5 all year....assuming the style of football remains....workmanlike.
  16. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Is it unfair to include the seasons Keegan had us challenging for the title a few times? Obscures how effective he was The length of time in the job doesn't alter a percentage Bimpy mate. If anything it just means he's been better for longer.
  17. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Just realised I haven't put my patented Premier league only points won stats in this thread. These are interesting because they dismiss all other outside factors. Champions League, Europa, FA & League cups as well as championship games. They don't care about losses or draws or wins, just points on the board. Everyone is measured only on their top flight games. The best like for like comparison of our Premier League managers available on the web. Here goes Pardew lovers.....stand by your beds.....prepare for the backlash.... PL Points % Kevin Keegan 61.54% Sir Bobby Robson 53.19% Glenn Roeder 47.44% Alan Pardew 45.70% Kenny Dalglish 45.24% Sam Allardyce 41.27% Chris Hughton 39.58% Graeme Souness 39.39% Kevin Keegan 2 36.84% Ruud Gullit 36.59% Joe Kinnear 34.72% Alan Shearer 20.83% Our 4th best manager in over 20 years.
  18. I'll be shocked if all 8 of them play for us next season. Take your negative vibes out of this thread and stuff them up your arse
  19. 1. Pardew will be gone by Christmas 2. Krul, Debuchy, Santon, Ben Arfa, Cabaye, Tiote, Sissoko and Cisse are good enough...when playing to potential 3. We have no financial necessity to sell any of them. 4. With another bumper pay packet from the Premier league, we can afford 2 top centre backs and a striker. 5. We're guaranteed 18 points off the mackems, Hull and cardydd. 6. Parquet Courts just came on my ipod....."Forget about it!"
  20. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Aye. The flaws have been pointed out. I've noticed people like my anti Pardew bullshit much more than my pro Pardew bullshit.
  21. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    The Admins should do some coding jiggery pokery so that whatever anyone types, when they click "post" it just comes out as... There'd be complete unanimity... A board united in complete agreement.
  22. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    We're 12-8 down on goals in the last 10 minutes this season. But how many in average per game, our last minute goals are 1 a game I would expect, a la Cisse whereas I would expect a few of ours might be attributed to 2 or 3 as we trail off and get mauled. A lot of them took points off us. 86th minute at the mackems. 81st and 85th minutes at Stoke. 90th minute at Man U 85th minute at Swansea 90th minute at Wigan 8th place if the table didn't "gloss over" those HF = slayer of urban myths He doesn't take any nonsense. To be fair, we're losing in almost EVERY 10 minute period of the game. The only time we come out on top is just before half time.... http://www.soccerstats.com/timing.asp?league=england
  23. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    It's much worse. Worse than what? losing 4 games in 6 is worse than the season average of 18/37. 66% rather than 49% We lost 77% of games between 11/11 and 19/01 though. That was THE worst. See new post. It's pretty astounding Pardew survived that run of losing more than three quarters of games. If Ashley never sacked him then, I don't think he ever will.
  24. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    It's much worse. Worse than what? losing 4 games in 6 is worse than the season average of 18/37. 66% rather than 49% We lost 77% of games between 11/11 and 19/01 though. That was THE worst.
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