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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I'm not the daftee that started the thread suggesting he should resign. Stating the obvious is the only option.
  2. Neither was being second choice after Kinnear, it's the way it is though. Let's not delude ourselves that Liverpool will be banging on Hughton's door once Benny goes the journey. I love the bloke, he's happy with the challenge of running a club on a shoestring. He's up for using team spirit to match big money. There's other journeymen managers like Allardyce who'd do well to admit that's how they thrive, scrapping against the rest of the also-rans.
  3. Yep, it's as if that line's been completely ignored. I think everybody knew this would be the case anyway. When Birmingham came up they spent £8.5m on Johnson & Dann (an area we don't have to spend imo), and the only other cash signing was Barry Ferguson for £1m. Hasn't done them any harm has it? Soccerbase says they spent £18m. Christian Benitez costing £8.5m.
  4. I don't see the logic in that at all, he has had one full time management job in which he won the league (with room to spare) and even on the last day was playing to get as many points as possible. If he wasn't interested in being a winner he would have secured the top 2 place then chucked on the kids for shits and giggles. Every time we reached one target he would move on to the next one. Every time there is a discussion on Hughton we get more cliched bollocks with absolutely no foundation being spouted, is there something in us as fans that won't allow us just to be happy with something. Do we have to pick faults with everything? It's very similar to the criticism Clark got when he was coach here, no-one really had a clue how good he actually was at his job but he often got slated. Now some are touting him as a prospective manager. I'm not picking fault at all. In the very post you quoted I said i was glad he is how he is.
  5. It's not a rumour, the club have confirmed it.... http://nufc-ashlies.blogspot.com/2010/01/ashley-trying-to-supress-newsagain.html That's in addition to Dave Kidd (link) and Alan Oliver (Link)
  6. There's one thing i know for sure about Ashley. I'll be going to St James' Park longer than he does.
  7. Categorically setting in stone a policy that you will not borrow £10m to avoid relegation and ensure a £20m return the following season is idiotic and if implemented fucks us over more than borrowing.
  8. :lol: I look forward to competing with Man U and Liverpool next season then.
  9. He's happy to do the job with his hands tied behind his back while being made to ride a pogo stick. That's to his credit as far a we're concerned. No manager that wants to make a fist of it would work under Ashley. The same could be said of Benitez (and Ferguson to an extent), who has been hamstrung by his club. I wouldn't say he wasn't a winner. Again, you might want to offer some evidence to the contrary... Benitez has been screwed by his board and most pundits and fans would say that no sane man would work under Gillet and whathisface. The similarities are there for all to see. Valencia £16,000,000 Berbatov £31,000,000 Johnson £18,000,000 Aquilani £20,000,000 Simpson, Routledge & Williamson £3,200,000
  10. He's happy to do the job with his hands tied behind his back while being made to ride a pogo stick. That's to his credit as far a we're concerned. No manager that wants to make a fist of it would work under Ashley. The same could be said of Benitez (and Ferguson to an extent), who has been hamstrung by his club. I wouldn't say he wasn't a winner.
  11. He's happy to do the job with his hands tied behind his back while being made to ride a pogo stick. That's to his credit as far a we're concerned. No manager that wants to make a fist of it would work under Ashley.
  12. Some people like winning, others just like to take part. Hughton's the latter. Glad he's happy to use us for experience or it might be Nicky Butt in charge.
  13. Have we had loads of kids that were good enough that we've let go like? Of course we'd all prefer academy kids to make the grade, Like every club would. We're all over the moon with Taylor, Carroll and Ameobi. That's the sum total of what's come out of the academy in a decade though. Not enough to keep us in the top flight.
  14. I wonder if we'll buy anyone if the plane back from the Norwich pre-season friendly goes down due to volcanic ash killing everyone on board.
  15. The common sense you mention reads more like clutching at straws. Where does the statement categorically rule out the purchase of any new plaers what so ever? If anything there are more indications suggesting we will buy players than we won't. Anyway, time will tell. Irrespective of whether we're buying anyone or not. Do you think it's a well written statement that benefits the club overall? Does it bring clarity? Does it put an end to negative press? Does it improve relations with the fans? A 'no' on all counts then. Oh I agree it's a very poorly written statement. I just don't think there are grounds for panic yet. I was panicking before the statement. I've been holding my tongue on here for a few months since the consensus seemed to be "at least they're getting it right now, let's give them a chance". The statement only re-confirms what we all knew though, they're incompetent boobs.
  16. The common sense you mention reads more like clutching at straws. Where does the statement categorically rule out the purchase of any new plaers what so ever? If anything there are more indications suggesting we will buy players than we won't. Anyway, time will tell. Irrespective of whether we're buying anyone or not. Do you think it's a well written statement that benefits the club overall? Does it bring clarity? Does it put an end to negative press? Does it improve relations with the fans? A 'no' on all counts then.
  17. The common sense you mention reads more like clutching at straws. Where does the statement categorically rule out the purchase of any new plaers what so ever? If anything there are more indications suggesting we will buy players than we won't. Anyway, time will tell. Irrespective of whether we're buying anyone or not. Do you think it's a well written statement that benefits the club overall? Does it bring clarity? Does it put an end to negative press? Does it improve relations with the fans?
  18. I wasn't overusing the F5 button in the last couple of windows to be honest.
  19. There is. We've got Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne running the club.
  20. http://www.themaclawyer.com/uploads/image/clouds.jpg http://www.cuckooclocks.us/cuckoo-clock-636.jpg http://www.knoxtrader.com/images/land.jpg
  21. People NUFC fixated enough to post on an NUFC forum in their spare time are the least likely to stop going....but this will undoubtedly put a lot of people off.
  22. If that's the 'plan' it's the stupidest plan since Dennis Wise was appointed above Keegan. Hardly an approach likely to sell lots of new strips and season tickets and get turnover back to what it was.
  23. I'm sure Ashley has put in £25.5 million during this financial year, he might have to put in more before it comes to a close but I doubt it. I think it says in the accounts that he put in a further £25.5m before yearend (Dec 31 2009). Since then he has according to Llambias put in a further £5.5m for running costs, and £5.5m for transfers during January. But if that's true, who knows? Not sure that's the case. The accounts include stuff past that date, for example £3.2m spent in Jan 2010.
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